We've Been Lied To

prairwarur: Everything you thought you knew is a lie. Everything you've been told is a lie.
Everything they do is to hide the evil they practice daily, so they have to lie. It was all for profits and power, too. Power, position and control. One truth only and His name is Jesus. Read what He said about this day. Matthew 24

Who are "they"? They are many, in many places, and they have to keep the power they have, they must stay in office, and in other various positions of power they hold, and they must control the narrative, or else they will face indictments and arrests. Medias are controlled by them, movies, education and politics all fall under their grasp. This ideology and evil infiltrated all aspects of society, even the church. No one was spared. Only divine wisdom saves us.

Many will face jail time, and they know this, so they must take down Trump any way they can. They know he knows it all and he's coming after "them". Since they are running scared, we're seeing the results of that panic throughout the news reports and society. Do your own research. How is it that companies like Monsanto have gotten away with killing people? How is it that politicians have looked away from the proven, harmful, prescription drugs, foods, and household supplies that the common people trusted were safe for use? Like the times China sent poisoned products throughout the world and USA. Look up that record. They knew it was poison, but profits trumped harming and killing the average American citizen. Politics have also played a major roll and it is recorded which politicians took donations from "big pharma".
How is it that even baby powder containing cancer causing ingredients, like asbestos, was never recalled, nor so much as a warning label included? Baby powder??? I don't know about you, but I'm angry! Blaming Trump means you're not paying attention, and you have not been paying attention, because this is what has been happening for decades. It all stops now. TRUMP2020
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: Trust The Plan

3 years ago Report
SassyJedi: I try to be patient but waiting for The Criminals to be arrested is excruciating. My heart hurts for those hurt or killed by these monsters. So I God help!
3 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Thats tight the media is in their pocket just so George Soros can make money to keep getting them reelected. One thing that needs to happen is term limits. If each person in office was limited to only three terms and I say three terms because they may not be able to get some good things for the public done under one presidency. If they knew their time in control was limited they nigh actually do something for those who elect them and not only try to gain power and control us.
3 years ago Report
Account Closed
(Post deleted by Account Closed 3 years ago)
MJ59: Q
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: I think the number is SIX - 6 giants, billionaires own all major media. Incredible! I saw a chart but I did not save it. Big shots like Soros, Disney, Time Warner, all owned by a few rich folks and all parroting the very same narrative.
Thank God for Citizen Journalists today! They can't keep hiding the truth!
#ClintonBodyCount is trending on Twitter. People are awake now and won't take the lame excuses any more. Who has 60 personal friends and acquaintances who commit suicide? Occupational hazard?
Benghazi ain't going away is another topic trending, and Haiti. What did happen to all those Haitian children, Killery? What's the number? TEN THOUSAND???? just vanished via the Clinton Foundation?

China is taking over Hong Kong, which was a free nation for decades, but now under that Red hammer opposition will not be tolerated. Thank liberals for that, globalists who are against individual freedoms and push for a one world order.
For now there are those fighting and trying to expose this corruption, but as we witness, they are also silenced rapidly.

I'm all for term limits, but maybe that's the least of our concerns today?
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Yeah I remember the pizza shop the liberal media shouted how ridiculous an accusation it was that democrats peddled out teens for sex out of the pizza shop. Turns out that was an Epstein hot spot perhaps they should have let that ex special forces guy they called crazy carry through with his attack on that shop.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Don't forget tho Prair . Satain has free Rain
Over the World all governments are Corrupted . Trump goes to Saudi Arabia . Changes Who is King
Even Covered up for that Kosogie Murder
Evil won't be eliminated to the Second comming .

Don't get me Wrong Tho Trump has done a lot of good like trying to get America our of these Rediculas wars . The only plan we Should trust is Repent . Its nice to think someone is going to come along and stop all the evil world wide . But Im Afraid Trump Isnt Jesus Christ
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale:
I hope Trump Wins Again
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: They Really Hate Trump for Trying to get America out of these Wars . Like Syria
They Keep Attacking him for it . Oh hes a Russian Stooge its
They just love destruction like pulling statues down
3 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Yeah and not only that the democrats are trying to expand the virus and extend it so Biden doesn't have to campaign and people dont find out he is losing it mentally. Just look at Miami alone completely run by democrats and 4 days in a row over 10,900 cases of covid there. The entire rest of the state that is predominantly Republicans not even 1000 cases of it or positive test. Miami,Palm Beach has 92% of the cases. However they aren't considering the inevitable. The entire place is Democrat votes and they are the ones that are getting the virus and the ones dying from it so less votes from democrats is more support for Trump. So I guess those democrats down there in those two counties didn't think that part through,only that the news would report the cases in Florida on the news and not that it only in two Democrat counties in Florida that has the massive outbreak. All the liberal news only reports ohh record breaking cases of covid in Florida its the new epicenter. However the red of the state only has a 3% positive rate and the two biggest Democrat counties have a 60% positive rate that brings the state overall positive rate up to like 16% positive overall for the state.
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Yeah I think theres a lot of Truth too that .
There Hiding that biden Useing the Pandemic as a excuse. Totally predictable isnt it .
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: Hes got no Principles that Bloke hes weak
What does he Stand for Nothing whatever Lobby Group is going to pay him the Most
Then he will promote whatever the Cause is . Gee Just be going backwards he he gets the Top spot
3 years ago Report
refurbwoodart: Yeah him and Obama framed a well decorated general to try and frame Trump just so him and his sone could keep making money from the Ukraine and China on energy companies in those countries. And now the democrats are trying to claim Trump is in cahoots with Putin paying the Taliban to kill Americans. Now tell me what idiot is going to believe Trump is using our tax money to pay people to kill Americans overseas. You have to be a complete idiot to think that. But the press is all in on it. They wont report that Epstein's recruiter had an affair with Bill Clinton and she set up teens as young as 14 to have sex with Democrat politicians on his island but they will report that lie to the public. They also aren't reporting that Peter Stryoks notes that the FBI found proof that Obama and Biden tried to set up impeachment for Trump but they will report once again that he is working with Putin and this time even saying he is paying him. With taxpayers money no less. They actually think people are stupid enough to think he can swing that much money passed the treasury dept without getting congress approval first. Thats completely impossible for a president to do. Its idiocracy.
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
motalove1968: The Lies Go Even Deeper Than You Know. Stay Encouraged #WakeUp
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
MJ59: Q Anon, funny shit! lol
3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: What That Bloke says Is True , Try working with the general Public There Irrational, In every type of way
Unfortunally Its Not only the Wall Marts that try inforcment , Its Face book Viguanties too , That havent got a clue
3 years ago Report
motalove1968: https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/04/over-35000-malnourished-caged-children.html
3 years ago Report
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: #GodWins Jesus won at Calvary. He said, "It is finished." #DarkToLight
3 years ago Report
prairwarur: Jesus also told us that when we saw "these things happening, Look Up!" He's about to return, be ready!
3 years ago Report
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