The way things are.

GeraldtheGnome: Now if I can please get a response from those of the left and the right that aren't of the extremist right and left about how things are now then it will be greatly appreciated. If anyone of the far left and far right appear on here then I will delete your messages. Mainly because those of the far left and the far right attack People. I don't want anything irrational, ignorant, arrogant and self righteous on here, so only rational People on here.

We can disagree on things without being unfair to each other after all. We can also agree to disagree about things too.

So what is everyone and everything like now ?
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 2 years ago)
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 9 months ago)
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 9 months ago)
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 9 months ago)
(Post deleted by GeraldtheGnome 9 months ago)
GeraldtheGnome: The United States :

Random stuff :

Then there is the odd Haas Industries company machines are still most likely are being indirectly supplied over in Russia by the way of a Chinese company. The result is that military equipment in the way of spare parts in Russia is most likely still being used in Russia. It's not a special operation, it's a Vladimir Putin started war because he wanted it invaded because he wants it at any cost.

Russia :

I like the way the Russian media have it that a female Ukrainian soldier was killed and blown to pieces recently even though in reality she's lying in a hospital recovering with every bit of her still intact and securely connected to the rest of her. Also there was the claim that all of the Ukrainian sea drones in the Black Sea were wiped out and yet after that claim a Ukrainian sea drown blue up a Russian ship. I bet that never got any coverage and I bet it wasn't talked about in Russia. Then Alexei Navalny was given another 19 years on trumped up charges all because he opposes Dictator Vladimir Putin. The dictator needs a bullet between the eyes.
8 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I really hate the term 'social media influencer', it just means that you talk about crap in a video and gullible people are supposed to be 'influenced by that when they are not crawling to you, being a white knight to females in regards to males or fighting for the ridiculous 'social justice' and 'the message'. There is no such thing as non-binary. Hermaphrodites are rare, intersex is a stupid term, they are the only ones who truly have both sex organs making them male and female. Some people are born with too many male or female hormones, those ones though are still male or female due to them having more male or female hormones. All of these things do get overlooked by most people.

What does all the gender terms by the politically correct far left mean anyway and what is cisgender or whatever the hell it is ? A hetero-normative just means the average straight person. I actually went for that video because it includes all of the words and terms that I hate. I am all for better suited words than them after all. So it went on about the 'reverse-racist' white racist myth with the term aggressor. You know, the type that is white who is thought to be racist because they don't go along with the black lives matter racist ideology (otherwise known as reverse racism where white people must feel guilty for 'being white and priviledged because they are white) and other far left/politically correct ideology. Anglo-normativity just means the average white person basically in a stereotyped fashion that white people are supposed to feel ashamed of due to a minority of whites who were and in some cases are rotten. Troublesome rather than problematic is a better suited word for example.

On here I have shown things from The Northern Hemisphere, some of it has been about Eurasia, in particular about Russia, the other country including is in The Americas or in America, to be more specific I mean The United States of America. My north and east examples are that of Russia, I haven't really shown my south example in regards to a country yet or that of my true 'west' country yet or my 'central' example or 'Capital' example yet.

My 'south' example includes Kiribati. It's an odd country since it's maritime boundary and maritime area is far greater than the land and surface rock areas that make up the islands and sea rocks of the country. The north west part of it is just above the equator, none of it actually even joins on to the zero degrees north and zero degrees south location at 180 degrees east and west. The south west part of it also does not reach that point but it does go up to The Equator, the south east part has a similar story, both are joined by 180 degrees east and west. Most people live west of the 180 degrees east side of the country. The parts of the country that are in the 'east' are really east of 180 degrees west so technically they are west even though they are in the east of the county. The only other example of that in the way of countries is Russia. Anyway the myth is that global sea levels are rising and since the highest elevation of Kirabati is extremely low the global warming alarmists have brainwashed the locals.

It is in the central part of The Pacific Ocean. If you want to know what is really happening at the moment in Kirabati right now then please ask me. Even if you asked me in a year about it then there will be most likely little change to what is truly an environmental impact in Kiribati.

My 'west' example is The United Kingdom. My ‘central’ example is ‘Null Island’ and what lies below it and in the centre of it, it is an island in name only. You are most likely confused by that. The one after that is ‘The capital’, I don’t mean that as the capital city of any country or whatever, I mean it in this case by what country is currently the most populated country in the world. That has now become India due to a rapid population increase which means that China is now the second most populated country in the world.

I hopefully will be able to mention all of that in more detail next time. Bye for now.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
7 months ago Report