Don't be afraid to ask questions... (Page 2)

AretoNyx: One can ask questions , but careful to whom. Some places on this planet people get jailed , ostracized, or killed questioning.

Though that does not mean to stop asking. Just have to be clever really.
(Edited by AretoNyx)
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I remember a time in my country when Christians threatened believers and non-believers alike with hell and brimstone if they so much as thought about looking at other scriptures. I even heard this in public school.

They'd say that was evil, it would cause doubts, and God would destroy them if they did. So, these little ones grew up in fear of looking at that which they were told was blasphemous. Eventually, they learned that no good has ever come from that - it drove people away from the church in droves.

They don't do that outwardly anymore, yet that fear persists like an old superstition, keeping them ignorant of the very thing that could make their faith stronger. Deep down inside, they know there will be flack if there's separation; they just don't want to make waves.

In the Eastern hemisphere, the old threat continues in numerous countries; however, it's usually fanatical Muslims applying the duress through arrest and execution. They haven't yet noticed the above dynamic is likewise operating - no matter what, some will still assume different values. Oil doesn't mix with water.

Yet change is inevitable, even among the worst, and it's always the brave young who make it.
5 years ago Report