Believe It or Not: You were Born Muslim! (Page 2)

Malobear: Talent_M in your words "our life is all about teaching, nobody is educated in born" This is true and your words answers Rena claim to all people being Muslim at birth. Anyones mind is "conditioned" to the enviroment that it grows up in and religion,if any.
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: colorthepunctuation says:
"I didn't find Rena's post to be arrogant ... I thought Rena was just sharing some religious knowledge on a religion forum."

Rena's post, and the premise of this thread, are, of course, extremely arrogant. She didn't say, "The teachings of Islam say ..." which would be sharing religious knowledge. She stated, as if it were fact:

"The baby is born in true surrender, submission, obedience and peace with his Creator. And this is the desirable position of the Muslim, to be in peace and submission to the Will of Allah."

Were she applying these words to Christianity, or Hinduism, or any other religion, she would be no less full of shit.

colorthepunctuation says:
"Personally i like that kind of 'propaganda', it beats the other kind which constantly makes Muslims all out to be inbred terrorist vermin - which of course really is propaganda."

We would be in agreement that there is a great deal of unfair rhetoric pertaining to Muslims. I have repeatedly criticized one of those posting on this thread about this myself. But arrogance is arrogance. Unfair rhetoric against Islam doesn't make bullshit for Islam any less shitty.
12 years ago Report
Point5andahalf: I think I get it...
Islam literally means submission to God.
All of existence is dependant on the Creator/God. Even atheists are dependant on the forces of nature, if not God.
So everyone is naturally in submission to the Creator (or creative forces) at birth in a literal sense - not in a religious sense.
Recognizing the higher power (ie God/Allah), or denying it for that matter, only comes with a growing awareness through life.

True Islam (submission to God), and the Islamic religion are not necessarily the same thing.

I think the concepts of infinity and eternity are similar to the concept of God.
- unexplainable questions in our finite minds.
Theoretically, God is timeless.
12 years ago Report
Geoff: I don't believe all Muslims to be inbred, or terrorists. Those who rely on violence and fear to sway the opinions of others are, IMO, a tiny minority. And inbreeding isn't something confined to any faith.

I do take issue with anyone who takes their religion too seriously, regardless of which religion it actually is.

And I do find that Muslims, even the most moderate, expect those of us who are not of their faith to accept their holy book above and beyond all argument, logic or evidence. And it is the assumption that anything is 'divinely inspired' and that it trumps everything else which I find repugnant.
12 years ago Report
Animal Lover
Animal Lover: No way was I. What a load of rubbish.
What religion were babies born into in Jesus' time, then? Long before Mohammed, that is.
12 years ago Report
hope_joy80: The point is all humans are born with the ability in believing the existence of the Creator..
this is my understanding
12 years ago Report
Malobear: My ancestors believed in a creator,but they were neither Muslim or Christian and knew nothing of those religions. "The point is All humans are born with ability in believing the existence of the Creator" this hope is a statement to the obvious,as the brain has the ability to do this and many things known and unknown.
12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 12 years ago)
hope_joy80: Malobear,

And for every Ummah (a community or a nation), there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged. (Qur'ân 10:47)

That means all nations have messengers even american indians and even China and India...

I think I'm right with this thought. do american indians have a messenger?
12 years ago Report
Malobear: Here you go Hope and this is really more a overview.
You can read and see more in a thread I started months ago,feel free to post to it as well.
12 years ago Report
harlett: actually the moment i was born was the moment i was doomed to face death .....don't think religion in any way form fashion can save me from ....or has anything too do with i will face my own demise ....
12 years ago Report
Albert_Fishsticks: Children have a tendency to "believe, without question, whatever your grown-ups tell you"
12 years ago Report
hard_candy: *facepalm* all born muslim, now I really have heard it all - you sure about that?
12 years ago Report
Albert_Fishsticks: Herp! Derp!
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: PBUY, Candy.

12 years ago Report
Albert_Fishsticks: PBUY? Penetration Behind Ur Yak?
12 years ago Report
Albert_Fishsticks: Believe it or not: We were all born with tails!

Evolution is sooooo cool!
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: I made a mistake. I'll try again ...

PBWY, Candy!
12 years ago Report
hard_candy: PBWY? Is that how you spell bukkake?

I prefer 'mnuh'

*slaps back of wrists together*
12 years ago Report
Comrade_: ...and those who were born before Islam developed, what were they born as?
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Hahaha!

That's a very good question!
12 years ago Report
hope_joy80: ...and those who were born before Islam developed, what were they born as? good question really,,,

I used to ask this question to the teacher of Tawhid>
when I was in high school..
she told me that they were born in the religion of Abraham>

just for info
12 years ago Report
StuckInTheSixties: Um ... what if they were Eskimos? Or Australian Aboriginals? Or Incans? Or Chinese?

Those people, and most of the rest of the world, never heard of Abraham.

How could they be born into a religion that they weren't aware of?
12 years ago Report
CoIin: what about aliens? I was abducted again last night and used as the subject of unspeakable experiments? They are so.... inhumane! However they tell me they only choose the finest specimens . Hands up who else has been abducted?
12 years ago Report