"All atheists are angry and unhappy!" (Page 10)

vanguard: No, it was just sarcastically claimed about atheists.
11 years ago Report
orkanen: Zanjan: If your behaviour here reflects your life, I'd deduct your social life to be rather limited. In my opinion, social interaction would depend on need and capability, related to work, hobbies and other interests. I wouldn't count them.

If you want to know how a Muslim thinks about certain issues concerning his faith, would you ask a Buddhist or an Atheist? A Christian perhaps? No, you ask a Muslim. Please think before posting. Might do you good.

I'm concerned about those you hurt on your merry way in the name of your imaginary god, so in that sense, I'm concerned about you. Trusting a figment of your imagination might feel good, short term. They way you express it is certainly not good for your surroundings. It's also lazy and dishonest.
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Social life?! This is it, isn't it?
11 years ago Report
Zanjan: Orkanen " If your behaviour here reflects your life, I'd deduct your social life to be rather limited"

You must use some system of measurement and comparison to claim something is limited, yes? If you're talking fat, you'll need a new pair of calipers.

I work with people one-on-one and in groups, averaging 40 hours per week; the past two weeks, I logged 97 hours with them at work. At home (not counting wireclub), there's my family, lots of emails, 1 weekly community meeting/event and a few telephone solicitors - you'd think I'd be sick of people by now!

If, instead, you're talking social quality, well......this is why I have dogs, Orkanen.....plus two cats and a spiteful, stupid parrot who tries to feed his mirror.

11 years ago Report
Zanjan: Orkanen: "If you want to know how a Muslim thinks about certain issues concerning his faith, would you ask a Buddhist or an Atheist? A Christian perhaps? No, you ask a Muslim."

You realize you stole my line, except mine used plumbers and prophets. Professional atheists - good one. Are you one of those? If you're representing the thoughts and perspectives of atheists, what sect/group are you from?

I've talked to atheists from all backgrounds - they don't seem to agree on much, other than the existence of oblivion, quality beer, and **the golden rule*** (No, I'm not going to badmouth and insult you and your denials)

What else do you think atheists unite on? That's a serious question, by the way. Perhaps one reason people perceive them as angry and unhappy is because they disagree on substantially way more than they can unite on. Disunity doesn't cause happiness, although it may be fun for some.

"I'm concerned about those you hurt on your merry way in the name of your imaginary god"

Then shouldn't you be tending to their wounds, Doctor Ork? Let me know when one of them dies and if they were an atheist; you see, when an atheist dies, I'd want to respect their wishes and not pray for them.

I don't think I've mentioned a *name* of God here.....scholars say He has 500 names, not that anyone's going to contest even one of them.

(Edited by Zanjan)
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Hey!!! She's using the dastardly trick of leaving blank space at the bottom of her posts again
11 years ago Report
vanguard: How do you do that trick?

(Edited by vanguard)
11 years ago Report
vanguard: OK, so you just edit and press enter ten times? Cool!
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Nature abhors a vacuum.

I can't see why an angry and unhappy atheist should have any objection though
11 years ago Report
Djinnaya: Everybody has a vacuum. While atheists - angry or otherwise - acknowledge that it's there, theists try to disguise it by filling it with all kinds of nonsense.
11 years ago Report
LilMissAlexandria: people like Zanjan refuse to except despite evidence that what their preacher tells them is true they can also be hypocritical aswell for instance to bash trans people they use DNA to their advantage in Evolution they dismiss DNA
11 years ago Report
Zanjan: Princess, there aint no preachers in my religion - people don't need clergy anymore. Guess why. We can all read now! We don't need monks either - we can make our own cheese if we want.

However, we still need scholars - aside from their familiarity with ancient cultures, they come in handy when search engines fail. I use scholars frequently.

Please give people credit for being able to think for themselves - they're not robots and you are not their brains.

11 years ago Report
orkanen: Zanjan: I deducted on your social life from what you've said in your posts here on Wireclub. I've even included the posts where you accept, retract and apologize for being wrong.

If I stole your line, why didn't you write it the first time? Was the desire to twist my words so great you had to make up stuff instead? This is a good example of a type of dishonesty I abhor.

Atheists don't unite, the same way Aphilatelists don't unite. It's pointless. Why should we, on the mere basis that we don't accept some supernatural claim? By definition, you'd be a part of that group too, not accepting a multitude of god claims. What is a "Professional Atheist" anyway? I unite with others on different grounds, like defending human rights, or scientific boundaries. Neither have anything whatsoever to do with "atheism", which itself is a dishonest word. It's the null-hypothesis, named for sake of practicality, where all opposing hypotheses have individual names.

Oh, claiming I "deny" your god is also so very dishonest. I reject your claim just as easily as you present it. Should I ask why you deny Thor? Many of his actions are well known and written down. He even has his own day named after him. That's more than you can say for your god, whatever its name is.

You may be a wonderful person elsewhere, but as far as I can tell, you just haven't displayed your qualities here. You've instead been arrogant, judgmental and dishonest. Not the best of qualities, but perhaps that's just my opinion.
11 years ago Report
orkanen: Zanjan: In my opinion, atheism relates to Atheists in exactly the same way pianism relates to Pianists.
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Everything Zanjan says is a lie - even "a" and "the"

11 years ago Report
CoIin: Talking of vacuums.... can anyone think of another word with 2 "u"s side by side? (No Mongolian, please)

I've got one
11 years ago Report
Zanjan: Orkanen: "atheism relates to Atheists in exactly the same way pianism relates to Pianists."

Well, I'd agree both are performance related. So, on a scale of....doh to DOH , how do atheists rate themselves?

Personally, I think all 'isms' are fascist.

Colin, we're playing scrabble? Ok.

'continuum' Does that count, or does it reek of too much Latin?

11 years ago Report
CoIin: @ continuum - Ah, well done Zanjan. No flies on you

LMAO @ "scale of doh to DOH"

I've never been so mellifluously insulted in all my life
11 years ago Report
CoIin: Personally, I think we've hit a high note
11 years ago Report
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