Is Atheism At Risk Of Becoming A Religion? (Page 2)

OCD_OCD: I am sure that statement makes sense in some galaxy far, far away.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: great, can i have google universe directions? here i thought it was supposed to be senseless,meaningless fun. but second choice,, go where it's gospel. wouldn't you rather live there? but ty for being... positive?
10 years ago Report
edricleeboneham: If Atheism becomes a religion Richard Dawkins is Jesus and "God Delusion" is the bible. BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER, Buddhism is an atheist religion so its TO LATE, after all Buddha saids "there is no soul, creator god, and strangely enough "no such thing as enlightenment"... (P.S. I know they believe in after life based on "dependent-origination", that your body and mind reform after death based on imprints created during life, which is not the same body nor the same mind and is not a soul or ever will be, but even if this is true being reborn in a world with the same laws and physics and same old SHYT is hardly mystical or fun sounding.)
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: i'm not into do-overs either.. sounds like my idea of hell. or insanity.i'm not sure i like the idea of singing in the angelic choir for eternity either. much as i love singing.
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: The older a religion is, the more corrupted it becomes - people tampered with the Buddhist scriptures, and that's a known, historical fact.Theirs isnt the only Book that was meddled with.

As it stands, a religion that isn't founded on authenticated scriptures will fall apart - how much more so any organization invented by men that doesn't have scripture.

Even with authentic scripture, it's meaning and intent will still become clouded and misunderstood over time - TIME is one problem, human weakness is another, and failure to update to cultural change is the third problem. What you have left, after a few thousand years, is confusing words on paper and little else.
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
Geoff: "It is better to have an idea than a belief, you can change an idea." - Kevin Smith
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: amen zanjan!! but who has the job and the wisdom to correctly and with God's intent shown to them change and authenticate scripture? can't speak for others, but christianity has really had some revisions on record of the bible.. i went back to the scrolls that authored the bible. i found myself actually liking it again. know what i mean?
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: and geoff? of all the people to quote? a comedian? well it was true anyway
10 years ago Report
Geoff: Some of the best quotes come from comedians.

George Carlin for instance (who funnily enough starred in the movie from which my quote was taken, but didn't utter that particular line). He came up with some classic insights into the human condition that are funny and very very true.

//Edit - Suddenly reawakened the old philosophical chesnut of whether truth is an absolute or not in my own head.
(Edited by Geoff)
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: love carlin. he really taps into his own brand of crazy. have you heard his play on barbie and ken? it's old but so fab!! i don't think i'd go to him for insight on religion though. no way i'd buy his edition of the bible. not ever
(Edited by near50ohoh)
10 years ago Report
Geoff: Why should one wise man's take on the eternal mysteries be any more or less valuable than any other man's?

Carlin's version of the bible (with a couple hundred years of enlightenment and a deep sarcastic streak) would probably be better than the one millions of people live their lives by without thinking for themselves.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: you may have a point. i'd give it a read for it's gut busting view of the world (oh yeah the bible has that too), but i doubt he'd ever consider himself a poet, like found in psalms for example.prayers that are turned into very beautiful inspirational songs worth listening too. and still some of my fave poetry ever (no matter how many years i spent in school or studying other religions)

and dogma is what you call something people buy without self evaluation and thought, not faith. as an example only, anabaptists believe in adult baptism for just this reason. kids can't make such conscious decisions for themselves. just a thought
10 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 10 years ago)
Mz Demeanor
Mz Demeanor: Rituals like child baptisms are very illogical and to me seem to be done more for superstitious reasons and superstition and fear play a big part in religion - always has and always will. It's one of the ways they lure you in and keep you in. When I stopped going to church I spent many years speaking very quietly against religion for fear of lightning bolts striking me.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: so you acted out of fear and superstition too? or didn't more to the point. things have changed some in recent years.. with the advent of science and historical perspectives being at least tolerated by the different temples without herectism(?) and excommunication moves that include torture and death
10 years ago Report
DawnGurl: The rite of baptism is exceedingly ancient, but seems to always have had a similar meaning: the cleansing of one's self with water as a symbol for an inward cleansing. The Sumeriamn god Ea had his temple surrounded by a moat so that worshippers had to cleanse themselves before entering his sanctuary.
Ea's name became Oaness in Greek which became Johannes in German and John in English. Hence John the Baptist was carrying on an ancient rite in accordance with his name's sake.
The efficacy of baptism lies with the believer.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: many cultures see water as a way of cleansing beyond the surface needs of the body and fire as well
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: guess we could always burn 'em then.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: what, the books? many armies have tried
the worshipers? i think that was the inquisition, certainly the witch trials included burning at the stake
faith? don't think that's possible
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: The people, actually.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: heroshima ww 11
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: Can you say ?
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: yeah bomb go boom bring down hellfire on people
10 years ago Report
OCD_OCD: No chit, Sherlock.
10 years ago Report
near50ohoh: so hellfire tried on people,, people no like that!! have spoken
10 years ago Report