Why are we cruel? (Page 2)

Blackshoes: Interesting ,Odd that I'm interested in what you have say .....
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Heaven is the Kingdom of God; you will know it when you live in it. Hell is distance from God - that is, when you live a Self-centered life instead of a God-centered Life, you're living in hell.

Is there an in-between place? No, I don't think so because you can't serve two masters. You might be sinless to day but not tomorrow - that makes you a waffler, not true to God or Self.

Last but not least, you can't enter the Kingdom of God without God's permission to you as an individual - forget that crap about saying you believe and it will be yours - that's not enough.
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Thank You ..I'd love to know more .But; I'm sure I've already wore out my welcome
Interesting judgement ( Wafer ) as if you have any idea what am..Not that it matters what you think..
/..forget that crap about saying you believe and it will be yours - that's not enough/

I've never said that ?
(Edited by Blackshoes)
10 years ago Report
chayim: The only reason of to be cruel is because of missing God, you are automatically cruel even if you don't want
10 years ago Report
Zanjan: Blackshoes, I wasn't quoting you. The context is a general address. I always use quotation marks when using somebody else's words plus reference to whose words they are.
10 years ago Report
DrDrifter: Why??? For what??? For God,s sake we are children!!!!
9 years ago Report
harlett anathema
harlett anathema: this ???? has been on a back burner in my mind....why are we cruel....i think folks are mistaking those who are violent no matter how that violence acts out...and all acts of spite,for being CRUEL.....i think for anyone who so ever ta have earned the medal, tag,label of BEING CRUEL..that they behave as they have & do KNOWING THAT THEY FACE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES for those ACTS...

i'd find it hard ta nearly impossible ta believe that there is anyone on this planet who doesn't believe in "all will be forgiven no harm no foul...which in able's folks ta take risks in acts of spite and violence's against and at others...
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Some things are unforgivable - even with God, Who has said that many times, contrary to what fools believe. We know this is true for human beings as well.

The first test of justice is in WHAT one can't forgive. Of course, this judgement could be reversed when the unforgiven does something to rectify their wrong. The measure of justice is in what it takes to win a pardon.

Don't confuse a pardon with re-instated trust. The latter requires a lot of hard work to win back.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
DrDrifter: Zanjan what is your view on punishment? Who should deliver it? Why are they worthy?? ( Also why should "they" be in such a privileged role?? : )
(Edited by DrDrifter)
9 years ago Report
DrDrifter: Only the loved can enter Heaven. The kingdom of God is TRULY in our reach. LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AND THYSELF.. and that is it (:
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Drifter, my view on punishment is "Yes".

Life on earth is very punishing for most of its inhabitants. Those who've lived a cushy life for awhile do make up punishment before they die. It all works out fairly.

You see, no one gets through life without punishment because that's the one thing we do to ourselves so very well, usually unintentionally. The wrongful things we do will boomerang and the right things we do often go unappreciated. Doesn't matter whether you do wrong or right, there will always be people who despise you for it.

The innocent are punished, the guilty are punished - the difference between the two is that God compensates the innocent for their suffering. He decides how much compensation each one gets.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: The truth is, the Kingdom of God is at hand BUT it's out of reach for most people because they haven't endured enough suffering yet. Just telling it like it is, man - there's no free ticket, ok.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: We are apes. What more do you need to know?
9 years ago Report
Blackshoes: That' s Just one opinion ',Ghost .(Based in assumption n' nothing more )!The other is that we're not just Animals ..We're children of God ..
(Edited by Blackshoes)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: We do share an awful lot of DNA with the apes, Blackshoes, and our internal structure follows a similar plan to theirs. All rather suggestive in my book. Other than the fact that some of us are a little less hairy than apes, and occasionally show a little more intelligence, I see no marked difference between them and us. Well, other than being able to write on toilet walls, that is.
9 years ago Report
Blackshoes: We've discussed this subject in length before Ghost .. You still don't have any evidence that we're apes
(Edited by Blackshoes)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: According to the dictionary an ape is one of a number of tailless Old World primates of the superfamily Hominoidea, including the gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and, it seems, us humans. Now, the last time I checked, my tail wasn't showing so I'm going to carry on aping around. Blackshoes, what I know about zoology can be written on the back of a fag packet so I'm relying upon the opinion of others here. Hopefully, at least some of them know what they're talking about.
9 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Ghost you can only hope ? ( Hopefully, at least some of them know what they're talking about. )
I've meet a number of the human that say and claim they" know " what they're talking about ?
I think I'll hide underground for the next 2 thousand years
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: The world is large and we are small, so really there's no alternative but to trust people. Sadly, some experts are more expert on bullshitting than anything else, so finally it's a case of choosing who to believe. My rule is simple. If they're all charm, run for the hills.
9 years ago Report
Blackshoes: Please explain ?(My rule is simple. If they're all charm, run for the hills. )
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: It's simple Blackshoes. Don't trust anyone who oozes charm. The smooth talking bastard with the smile on his face is likely the one who'll knife you in the back when you aren't looking.
9 years ago Report
Blackshoes: That's what I thought ? ..Like my favorite, Trust God ",everyone else pays cash !
9 years ago Report