Baha'u'llah was NOT a Prophet of Allah (God). The Bahi Faith is a deviant sect. (Page 4)

chay chayi
chay chayi: No, Faith is belief in the one true God, but religion is God's ways and rules, and this is the Torah

If religion to be given a name, its Israel, not Judaism, the word Judaism is based on one tribe of Israel, the true name is Israel, the Torah was not given only to Judah, it was given to all 12 tribes, the 12 children of Israel

Baha'i has its own and man made concepts of evil and good, but God gave his words and way, and its the Torah, this is the total way of God, anything out of it, is far from God
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Chay, to love God you must also love all His creatures for His sake. These two loves are inseparable.
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: I'll be gone for 3 days, because of 2 days of holiday and the third day shabbat

9 years ago Report
R E B E C C A: are you going into the desert?
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: Israel is a garden, come and join
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: I wonder what plants you're tending, Chay. Whether they bloom or not, each has their place in the great diversity of God's creation.

Our writings say the Prophets of God are the gardeners of the world of humanity. It's not hard for an amateur to recognize a Master - compare the results.

9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: God chose Isaac and not Ismael. Arabs are the descendants of Ismael, Jews are the children of Israel the son of Isaac

Arabs don't have God's rules and commands and God's holy spirit, only Jews
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I seriously think you worship an Egyptian god Chayiii, the Aten. You just don't know it.

9 years ago Report
Zanjan: God is ONE, the Sun of Reality is ONE, the Cause of God is ONE, the earth is ONE, Nature is ONE, mankind is ONE and the Faith of God is ONE.

Whoever holds this oneness in their heart is not against God; whoever strives to uphold and promote this oneness has stood humbly in the presence of God and recognized His divine Unity. Such a person God, Himself, has named.

9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: God is one ??? yes, all other things you said is Pagan
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: "Hear O Israel............" Oh, how soon they forget!

Baha'is are not amongst those who think God's hand has been chained up, powerless to return and make Himself known to others. His Revelations are progressive and will continue, like many chapters in the same Book of the Covenant.

When God speaks to a given people, it's because they weren't listening. If He has to speak a second time to those given people and they still don't listen, what do you think happens?
9 years ago Report
chay chayi
chay chayi: You are talking out of your stomach, you contradict all the prophecy books and the Torah, Jews were chosen because they are special, God spoke to Abraham because he was special, God did not speak to Eso or Ham
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: There are no chosen people Chayiii, just people.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well, so much for another question Chay doesn't think about. That's ok, we can always find somebody special who does..

The ancient Biblical Patriarchs were special but you cant ride on their coat tails, Chay, as you're far too removed from them. I have yet to see how modern Jews are special. Perhaps you can present us with a list?

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Grammatical errors were made on this forum, maybe the Baha man formed a sect, maybe he made a religion out on it's own in an attempt to mix together every religion around at the time, either way I don't care. He is believed to be a divine prophet, to me he was just another Polytheist who believed like those before him and after him, including Muslims, were for gods and goddesses that are made up. Allah and God are just names that came from different names for an imaginary god, one of which no one has the original name for, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Baha'i and so on are all based on Polytheistic beliefs that came before those religions. Even the one who started up Zanjan's religion never referred to the main god as God, it is a Medieval name after all, one that even in the nineteenth century wasn't used by those of her religion at first.

I just notice that I haven't been on here for years, quite literally mind you. I don't consider Zanjan's religion a deviant sect though. Here's a group of Baha Men for everyone.

(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I disagree with Zanjan about religion and about her own religion. But just referring to it as a deviant sect is wrong and unfair. The false sense of religious superiority by anyone of any religion about any religion is wrong and it is unfair. It should no longer be been by anyone at all.
1 year ago Report
shadowline: What did Baha'ullah say that differs from Islam? He taught that Muhammad was a true prophet. He considered the Qur'an to be divine revelation. Apart from his pesky belief in the equality of women he doesn't seem to have held any beliefs about morality that a Muslim could object to. What's the problem?
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: The guy was so arrogant that he referred to himself as ‘The glory of God’ if you translate it into English, his name was really Merza and to Muslims they have it that their prophet was the last prophet. I still don’t agree with the way you use question marks, but so be it, each to their own. It’s just another religion where worshippers consider it to be about one god.
1 year ago Report
Zanjan: Shadow, it's an old pattern. Wherever there's a long-standing established religion, there's bound to be corruption among its leaders. When a new Messenger appears, the corrupt see Him as competition - that is, someone who will steal members of their congregations away from them and that's a threat to their power.

Think back to Moses and Jesus. The clergy were educated - they KNEW Who this Personage was because they tested Him. So, it always sounded crazy to me why they'd think persecuting or killing a Holy man would be rewarded by God. Why would they do that?

Well, they didn't actually believe in God, just pretended. Morality is just an appearance; we're defined by what we value. When those values aren't the same, there's a natural separation.

The clergy imagined they were in control, ruling by intimidation, and they didn't like change.
When the Light appeared, its radiance exposed their hypocrisy, making them look even worse. Of course, they had to do something. The first thing was to rally the congregations to get behind them by inflaming their passions. You know the rest of the story.

We don't expect serious persecution in Western countries since our Constitutions forbid it but we do expect bias. That's ok, we can work with ignorance. There's no such protection in other countries; where that's the case, no one is safe.

1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: That was so wrong in certain ways. Moses and Jesus did not exist. Another thing, a god named God is made up, Allah is too. I don't know why there is such a concern about anyone's religion since they are all made up anyway.
1 year ago Report
Zanjan: As for beliefs Muslims would object to, it was actually about what Baha'is *didn't* do that made them stand out. While they obeyed State law, they could be identified by their behaviour:

They didn't smoke or fight, lie, backbite or gossip. They didn't attend Mosque or contribute money to Muslim coffers; neither would they accept donations from non-Baha'is. They didn't have clergy and wouldn't participate in partisan politics.

Naturally, Muslims in Iran ramped up their efforts to dispirit Baha'is but all their efforts only served to spread the new Faith elsewhere. Today, the Baha'is are the largest religious minority in Iran and they're still being severely persecuted in their homeland despite the fact that they won't accept new members in that country.

I recall an Iranian Muslim official addressing the Baha'i International Community, complaining "Why do you go to the United Nations and say all these bad things about us? " Well......
1 year ago Report
shadowline: Did he say what bad things he had in mind?
1 year ago Report
Zanjan: Idk, I guess it depends on what you consider bad and where you're standing when it happens.

Baha'u'llah said:
"And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake. Then, and only then, will the Divine Standard be unfurled, and the Nightingale of Paradise warble its melody. We have fixed a time for you, O peoples."

Seems, whatever this is, it's unprecedented. We've seen two world wars; that was pretty scary but some good came out of that - our active vow not to let it happen again. The peoples of the world consulted on the best ways to achieve this and came to unanimous agreement.

Hmm............would you say that Global Warming was a sudden thing? Or that our realization of this truth was sudden and surprisingly late? There's no doubt anymore this is the result of human neglect and greed. Why should God punish us when we're doing a great job of that ourselves?

What we want is peace, friendship and co-operation. Baha'u'llah assures us this will happen.

(Edited by Zanjan)
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Do you both have faulty computers or whatever you both are using.

To Zanjan. Merman’s was an odd one, I’m going by his real name, not by his arrogant title. This is a forum about religion, it’s not about your global warming myth. Leave that doomsday science, dodgy science, in a science forum or better yet on no forum at all. There is no such thing as peace, only things being calm and tranquil is for real. It’s just cooperation, there is no hyphen there. Your prophet doesn’t assume anything because he is dead. Stop the collective ‘we, bit also. The word and should never be at the front of a sentence. The name God was not even first used in that of your own very recent religion on Earth. Using heaps of full stops for dramatic effect is not impressive, it’s usually what only Zeffur does.

Each religious god by every name is made up.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report
Zanjan: " It’s just cooperation, there is no hyphen there"

I'm Canadian. We use British English -> co-operation is correct. You should know that if you're really from Brisbane.
1 year ago Report