The Mystery of Jesus Christ. (Page 3)

chayim: All blablings about jesus is unholy, its a terrible sin even to talk about him
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: He saw the future Chayim and made it happen.
9 years ago Report
chayim: Not true, all those prophecies says in the Midrash, his Rabbis thought all those prophecies
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Maybe so Chayim but His name's the one on the biggest religion in history.
9 years ago Report
chayim: Truth is not measured by population, there were times that the whole world were pagans, and only one Abraham knew the truth
(Edited by chayim)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Happy days Chayim, happy days. The Pagans might have been a little dodgy on theological issues but they at least knew how to have fun.
9 years ago Report
chayim: Look, how can God be born in Human by physical sex, this is the worst blasphemy existing, God is not changeable, and not to be set apart in a body, God is nut under a change, he is not under time, he is not under his creation, from a holy spirit does not evolve a body, God created Adam, his spirit from God's spirit, but his body from the physical creation, from earth

The whole jesus thing is a terrible blasphemy and sin, and lies, jesus really was a terrible unholy demonic guy
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost: “who could you be referring to when you say the golden age is for one religious dispensation only?”

Every religion has had its own golden age – look it up.

Would you deny every nation and empire has had their golden days too? How about Corporate golden days, like independent department stores, automakers, utility companies? Maybe the golden years of groups, like the Samurai, Mouskateers and the Beatles? How about individuals?

Yet you object to any religious organization reaching its apex of grandeur and popularity?? You must be amongst the rare few who thinks nothing ages, like the word “blasphemy”.

(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Zanjan, may I remind you of what you wrote earlier: "the golden age is for one religious dispensation only." Now you could have been referring to the Muslims or the Christians or some other religion, I concede, but it seemed natural to me to think you were talking about the Baha'i faith. I was responding to your words, as you wrote them, Zanjan. Now, concerning your point that every nation and empire has had its golden days, that is a reasonable point to make. Yes, with hindsight, one can often pinpoint the moment when the fortunes of a religion, country, firm, band or individual change for the worse. All that tells us is that everything dies, even belief. I must confess though, I missed the point you were trying to make about the word "blasphemy".
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Chayim, I wasn't around two thousand years ago so I have no first hand knowledge of what Jesus was like. All I have is what has been written about him. From what I have read he may not have been perfect but I have no reason to think he was demonic, a teller of lies or unholy. Where I would agree with you is in denying he was God incarnated in the body of a man. I don't think people believed that when he was alive and nor do I.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: Fair enough, Ghost; just understand that no two religions will have a golden age at the same time. Everyone should do their own research.

Yes, to everything a season - I'm glad we have winter because it gets rid of the ugly moth-eaten, diseased leaves; spring brings fresh new shiny ones and life is beautiful once again.

As for gossip, it's ugly and God doesn't approve of that. He bids us to speak either well of others or neutrally; otherwise, one should remain silent. The virtuous tongue isn't poisonous.

9 years ago Report
The13th: I haven't read too much into history of those era, but I heard the Roman introduce tap water, library, a political system which many countries' are based on, and many other things. Despite the fact that Roman is portraited as the bad guy who nailed Jesus on the cross, I believe I owe the roman more and will buy them beer if they are in town. I can imagine as an administrator of people, the roman would find all these teachers and gurus a disturbing influence of the society. You never know when some frenzy crowd is going to run around town and tell people end of world is next week and ask them to burn all their useless money and prepare to go to heaven. Happen in my home towns couple of time. I would arrest these people and lock them up if I could.
9 years ago Report
The13th: And oh Mr.Chayim believe me I have high school frens like u and we still have coffee if we run into each other in my small home town to catch up on good old days. But we respectfully avoid discussing religion with each other.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: What a shame. I guess you're restricted to discussing the weather, cars and beer.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If this site's anything to go by, keeping off the topic of religion is probably a good idea.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: The same people who say they refuse to discuss religion also say they refuse to discuss politics; they reason that it's not proper etiquette because it causes upsets. They discuss politics anyway.

I figure the real reason they don't discuss religion is because they don't know much about it - it's never on TV news.

It's time to stop the media manipulation - I think it would be fun to have a regular 15 minute religious discussion on Piers Morgan Live. Better than Swamp People.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
The13th: Sorry for my biasing. I just felt Mr.chayim is too much of a heavy weight for me to be in his league. My own mate is also out of bound because they irritatingly keep wanting to convert me. I just don't know why a PhD from university of Chicago can be so.......whatever. But yes I imagine weather made great discussion. I hope to see a database where one day we will store movement of every air particles and use it to predict tornado. That would be endless hours of high school chat.
9 years ago Report
The13th: And apart from those two fellow, I love religious discussion. Well sort of.
9 years ago Report
Zanjan: I assure you, Chayim isn't in a league; he'll tell you he makes no alliance with anyone and that's well demonstrated at Wireclub.

You can predict a tornado in the daytime by looking at the sky. If you see a strange greenish yellow tinge in the clouds, take a good book down to your basement for an hour. If it's night time, you'll hear it - wind, then sudden silence, then loud wind and smattering. Run to the basement; no need for a book, you'll be entertained in less than 2 minutes. There's not much use in knowing about it sooner than that.

I'd rather see chat on building better shelters which are quickly accessible. Remember, a piece of flying straw will go through you like a fine steel sword.
(Edited by Zanjan)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Sounds like it can get a little breezy where you live Zanjan. As for not talking about politics or religion, it makes good sense if you don't want to end up in constant fights. I knew a Palestinian once who was OK with me but loathed Israel. Given the chance, he would have utterly destroyed it. I never pushed him on the subject so we got on fine.
9 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 9 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 9 years ago)
The13th: My mind kind of uneasy for a few days. Then I realized why. You meant a guy who get crucify by roman, has virtually no record? I myself have DVD of at least a couple of couple of Jesus and those vivid scene are almost as good as documentary and now suddenly you guys are telling me there is no record? Its not like the roman with their legal system would have missed this. Shocking revelation I have to say. Any chance we can find record of other crucification during the same era? Also, when was the first time there is writing that Jesus rose from death 3 days later.
I just don't like the feeling of being fooled for all these years.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: According to Matthew the tomb in which Jesus was buried was guarded by soldiers. During the night there was an earthquake and an angel came and rolled the stone away, which fact was reported to the chief priests by the guards. The priests decide to pay the guards to say that the disciples came and stole the body while they were sleeping and promise them they won't be punished for the disappearance of the body. It's a nice story but there's one problem with it. If there was such a plot, who told the writer of Matthews' Gospel what transpired between the guards and the priests, given that the aim was to keep things secret? If one was of a skeptical frame of mind one might conclude that the story told publicly by the guards was the true one, that somebody stole Jesus' body while they slept. As they were asleep, they wouldn't have known who'd done it, therefore it may not have been the disciples. Perhaps Jesus' family spirited him away instead.
(Edited by ghostgeek)
9 years ago Report
The13th: Yes. And after all these years, can I finally guess that there is no official record of the crucification. And no official record guarding the tomb. And Matthew gospel is written may be couple of hundred years after the unrecorded event?
Jesus Christ!
9 years ago Report