What the Religion Room Should Be !

Cenababy: what the religion room should be!

Ok Emmet, here, this is for you

Religion Room = to discuss and share ones faith with others!

On wire, the intent was to create a room called "Religion Room" so that people could come together and chat, to share and discuss their faith and the why's and what's of such faith!

What it IS today, is a room for "the lonley and bored" to come in and disrupt and act like hethens and be against those of faith!

We have an athiest room here, other rooms here for agnostics etc., so why do they come into a room entitled Religion Room?

Here's why.......humans typically bash and/or make fun of anything they do not understand and/or are against furthermore; people who have no faith, no God, are they not lonley and wanting others to join them so they don't feel "so alone" in this world?

Example: in school, people form cliques, and they only allow like minded people into those cliques, there are druggies, and all they do is try to gain supporters of their behavior so they don't feel so alone, look.....if I am doing this and it is wrong, let's get others so we are all wrong so it is right!

It is interesting to me how we can in one instance be having a great conversation in the religion room and in the next few minutes , perhaps just 1 person will come in and totally ruin it...why is that?

My thoughts, they come in to get the attention off of the purpose of the room to only get the attention on themselves. iF NOT, why ruin it for others, why not simply sit quietly to see what we are discussing as the lurkers do.

Lurkers: they sit and watch what we say and what our beliefs are, perhaps to gain knowledge, or to fill a void in their lives, they don't want to interrupt, they don't believe as we do, BUT, the room might be popular and it fills a void in watching us.

9 years ago Report
Cenababy: I think what people of faith must do is, TAKE the room back....perhaps we can announce (CLICK, you are now blocked from our conversation so that we can carry on)...I don't think it is "us" who need to leave, stop talking or let "them" ruin our good conversation!!! j/s I THINK THAT IS THEIR INTENT, so why give them the end result that they desire? They are winning everytime one of us has a ruined conversation or when "we" leave, they have won....Their WHOLE PURPOSE is to get the attention of of God and on to "the world"....

So, from now on, I will block those who want to act childish and ruin a great conversation......so that we can carry on leaving the intruders to show off in front of the other show offs. GOD needs to win!

Just my thoughts
9 years ago Report
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin: "Example: in school, people form cliques, and they only allow like minded people into those cliques..."

"What it IS today, is a room for "the lonley and bored" to come in and disrupt and act like hethens and be against those of faith! We have an athiest room here, other rooms here for agnostics etc., so why do they come into a room entitled Religion Room?"

"I think what people of faith must do is, TAKE the room back....perhaps we can announce (CLICK, you are now blocked from our conversation so that we can carry on)..."

C'mon, there's some irony there....Ya gotta admit it.

I agree that some people hijack conversations and that's a little rude of them to do regardless of whether they're religious or not...and it doesn't matter if the topic is atheism vs theism, abortion, the weather, etc.

But yeah, if I want to discuss atheism, I'll go in the atheism room....If I want to discuss science, I'll go in the science room....and if I want to discuss religion, I'll go in the religion room. The administrator of the website came into the room a while back and confirmed that this is how the rooms worked and told atheists they were welcome to stay and discuss things as long as it remained respectful.

The real problem with the religion room lately is that it seems to be for discussing anything BUT religion. That's why user created rooms on the topic can quickly wind up having more people in them than the official religion room.
9 years ago Report
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin: "people who have no faith, no God, are they not lonley and wanting others to join them so they don't feel "so alone" in this world?"

I can't speak for everybody, but atheists seem no more lonely than Christians, Hindus or Muslims. I'm not in rooms discussing religion because I feel lonely. These aren't the kind of topics that make enemies (even if you're respectful), not friends.

This is the key thing to remember, I think....You have Christians who are very enthusiastic for their faith and they may also encourage other people to have faith. You also have anti-theists (that doesn't mean they're against theists, it means they're against theism) that are just as passionate, but about something totally opposite. They're passionate about science, reason and logic...and these sorts of things don't work well with faith. So, like theists do with faith, anti-theists attempt to share what they're passionate about with others. This is why I think it may be a little hypocritical when an anti-theist is in a room debating about religion, complaining that religious people are always trying to shove it down their throats. I actually encourage religious people to do so if they think they're correct.

The key is to learn to put up with one another...To be respectful, regardless of what side you're on. Only associating with people that agree with you isn't a good thing, if you ask me. Challenging your ideas, your information, your faith, etc. is a positive thing because it leads you closer to the truth, whatever that is. Maybe you're currently closer to it with your theism...Maybe I'm closer to it with my atheism.
9 years ago Report
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: and do you think the admin makes a difference, no, they wait til he is gone, then continue on as usual... but my room rocks!!!!!!
9 years ago Report
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin: I brought up the admin thing because the owner of the site would know better than anybody what the rooms were for. The description of the room does make it sound like it may be for religious people to get together and talk...but the owner of the site said nonreligious people are welcome to discuss there also.
9 years ago Report
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin: I'm all for better moderation of that room, though......Lots of disrespect people, trolls, etc, etc.
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: right, but in a respectful way, and not make it all about anything but religion, is my point
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Asking whether God exists and coming to the conclusion that He doesn't is surely a valid position to hold in a religious discussion room.
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: Shalom and greetings, Cena, Darwin and Ghost.

Peace be with you all, and perfect, inner peace which remains during the storm is the peace I mean. Peace that does not allow one to become unsettled whatever transpires in our lives. Strong, internal, lasting, enduring peace in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior is the peace that passes all understanding. This is the peace, and knowing I pray one day we all achieve, or are gifted .... whatever way it comes. Amen - "so be it".

Since I have this peace when I am in various chat-rooms, it protects me when I have encountered that which is mentioned and this topic hits home. Although there might have been the sting of insult that I felt, and the rejection freely tossed my way that hurt, I survived and actually became better at who I am meant to be.
I was crushed in spirit immediately when I met with far superior minds than my own, but I hold my own. I am sorry people can be so intolerant, but I will not let it change who I am, nor cause me to shy away from these difficult topics.

I will tell you my thoughts .......

My first impression was to realize that few "religious" people conversed in there, the (Religion room) and atheists seem to dominate, as they do other religious chat rooms, and rooms where they have not aleady been banned. It was within my first 15 minutes of chat, I fully understood why more timid, religious and peaceful people don't even bother to go to this room to chat. I understood if they also avoided discussion with non-believers, or those different in belief, when much of the time it will end up in insults being thrown.

I have also visited many atheist, as well as other Christian rooms, and have noticed a site wide prejudice that I still do not fully understand. For me, this extreme bias and prejudice has made civil discourse a little hard to attain. I grew tired of being told I am "delusional" among other bold insults and it is a waste of time to have to argue with atheist and end up in circular arguments which are so totally useless. Nothing of benefit was really exchanged, only dodging prejudice and disdain, which is just not "my thing".

In case some don't get it, this is the main reason for being banned.... not having enough sense that this worn out rhetoric isn't welcomed in "religious" settings.

I have discussed much of this issue privately with a few. No one has an answer, so it seems. The consensus is that we are a mirror image of what goes on in our whole, wide world today. Basically, it boils down to ego, the "I know I am right," syndrome and we are all guilty. What defines us is the intentional lack of respect, the judging, the generalizing, and everyone is so busy talking they cannot stop to really listen to what the other has to say, or to ask questions, show respect, and at the very least, try to just pretend that you really care, even if you don'!

Why bother to come have "respectful discussion" when you have preconceived notions and have no interest at all in understanding your opponent's heartfelt belief? What, tell me, is the point in bullying others who do believe? This is such a problem when someone of any belief, or lack of, cannot respect the right of others to also believe, or not, as they have chosen. It is not "debate" as some want to claim, it is bullying! Your attitude is that I MUST believe as you do, or .... *fill in the blank* The "religious" and non, act much the same; self-righteous indignation, superior, egoistical self-interest are the basis for their true belief system. The attitudes and feelings of others matter little. The need to prove "rightness" prevails! You MUST think as I do!

I have heard it all. It is complete and utter disrespect, total disdain, for anyone of belief, or anyone different, different sexuality, color, race and/or creed. What sad days we are seeing - both in society, the world, macro and mini, just for people all over the world in general.

Believe what you will, but as for me and my house ... we shall serve the LORD!
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Hosanna in the Highest! Hallelujah! Amen

Anyone not like this ... well, get over it! You believe as you do, and so will I. As I said earlier, and I will repeat, I choose to show respect and give love. I find that far more effective and it is also lacking in our world today, but maybe we all should give it a try?

This is not to say at all that I am perfect, or have not made many, many mistakes! My thoughts are usually out of my mouth before I have taken a moment to analyze how the words I say, or type, may sound. Often, what I mean does not come across in the manner it was intended. This type of media makes it nearly impossible to be completely understood. I hope you can keep these things in mind and perspective before any respond with judgment.

My mission is to seek truth and peace.... for us all ...

Sincerely, Prair
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: ghostcreek, but that's not what they do! They are there to take over the "religious" rooms!
9 years ago Report
Cenababy: Prair, I totally get that!
My room however; is different. I made the alternative to the religion room, long ago. My room suffered due to one person, now I have re-opened it and all are welcome. I do have room rules, and try to enforce them. You are welcome anytime you see any of us there! I will not put up with the such as in the religion room, and will ban anyone that shows disrespect!
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I don't much go to the religion room because I find too little there to interest me. Gossip seems to be the order of the day in that place. All rather boring.
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: By the way, did I mention that I think God is an extinct volcano? Does that make me an atheist?
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: An antagonist? Maybe? But atheist, who knows?

I have seriously heard many theories and I choose to stick to the Living God one, Who created the entire universe and all within.

It is an awesome thought that "somebody bigger than you and I..." is in control. God is sovereign and beyond our comprehension. We are finite beings trying to understand the infinite. I do not see how denying His existence will help discover truth. IMHO


9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: As I say only that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, I think a better word for my position would be "skeptic." It is other people who use the word "atheist."

I fail to see how claiming God exists will help discover the truth either. As things stand, it is impossible to say if there is a deity or not.
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: Well, for instance .... if you go from a place of intelligent design being a possibility, at least we have learned a possible catalyst, where none exists with other theories.

I have stated my major roadblock to other theories; other than ID - is that they beg for a catalyst. As I said previously, where was that "spark in the dark"? What was the "thing" that caused, or began the process? Or ... sudden creation?

Shalom, Prair
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Even accepting "intelligent design" doesn't, of itself, necessarily involve a deity. But, if a deity is supposed, this supernatural being has itself to be fully explained. Until that can be done there is still no full and final explaination of existence. So why not stick to what can be known for sure, however limited that might be.
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: Shalom, ghostgeek .... as for me, personally I am "sticking" with what I know and have proof needed for me to fully believe.

A life long attempt to know God and fully understand Him has been exhausting and exhilarating at the least, and I am probably no closer to understanding today than I was when I first began.
It is as exasperating; this search for the unknown, as it has been trying to explain to non-believers what God's voice sounds like, and what manner He speaks to me. All I can say is there are no human words capable of describing Him.
Just the other day, He put upon my heart, ( for the lack of better wording,) that one day soon I will know Him as I have been known. That was indeed an awesome "thought", wherever the "thought" originated. But, the thought was not my own and it brought me to my knees in love and humility .... that the Divine Creator would even know my name let alone make Himself known to me ... how awesome!

1 Corinthians 13:8
Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.

9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part;

10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

13 But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Just a totally awesome promise! Thank You, Jesus!

Sincerely, PrairWarur
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Well, we will know the truth in the end, or maybe not. For me, God does not exist, a conclusion I came to after reading the Book of Exodus. Others read the self same text and come to the opposite understanding. After all the arguing is done, only time will tell.
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: Spoken exactly as a non-believer expressing the typical "Eh, we'll see ... but I doubt it!" attitude. Almost an attitude of, "Who cares...?" in a way. An attitude, ( I am judging here but only in generalities) .... that asks what is the point?... so one just gives up the search? This doubtful attitude I see in many atheist has tainted any search for truth, because so many seem to already have the answer. More time is spent by this type of scholar debating one another than actually learning. Although, I will not argue that debate can be educational .... for some, not all.
Seekers of truth must begin with a "clean slate" and leave all preconceived notions behind. For many, this is an impossible task - because they already know God is dead.

IMHO - Sincerely,
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: On one thing I can agree with you Prair. Seekers of truth must begin with a "clean slate" and leave all preconceived notions behind. Are you prepared to do that? On the assumption that you can, I will proceed to ask you to get your Bible and turn to the Book of Exodus. Now imagine that a real live volcano lies at the heart of what you see written there. Try it. Imagine what a volcano would look like from a distance as it threw up a huge plume of ash and rock into the atmosphere. Would it not resemble a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night? Go to YouTube and start watching some videos of real volcanoes. After you've done that return to Exodus and check out other passages that purport to describe God descending on His mountain. See if these also cannot be reconciled with a volcanic eruption. In truth, it's easy enough. Then, when you have finished this task, return to the beginning of Exodus and see if the Plagues of Egypt cannot also be explained by a combination of volcanic activity and recurrent natural events. If you need a little help with this just ask.

Only when you have done all of the above will you be in any position to comment on my attitude towards God. Are you willing to do as I ask?
(Edited by ghostgeek)
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: My case is simple. God did not present Himself to Moses, therefore all that you read in the Bible is based on a false premise. The Bible is not proof of God.
9 years ago Report
PrairWarur7: You assume I have not done study, or questioned ... analyzed ... doubted .... studied harder and prayed. Your premise is ignorant at best. Volcanoes do not have the power of intelligence. Nor do they create. I have never spoken to, nor heard a volcano speak. Try a different approach ... one that actually makes sense.

Peace, PW
9 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Prair, did I say that a volcano has the power of intelligence, able to create, or speak? Perhaps you should open your mind to possibilities that stretch beyond the bounds of your faith. Try taking your own advice. Begin with a "clean slate" and leave all preconceived notions behind. Yes, I know it's a hard task for theists, but you can surely try. After all, you are a seeker after truth, aren't you?
9 years ago Report
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