Near Death and Out of Body Experiences (Page 35)

10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: It must be true, with all that damning undeniable evidence, which was just him talking about stuff, it must be true.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: The guy is right. On death, all the bad drops away because those are just shadows - nothing of substance - cast by the spark of life within us. The more one develops their character, the greater and brighter is the mirror of their soul.

I like the banana analogy. Perfect.
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I think he might have had some magic mushrooms before all of it 'happened'. There is no soul, he might have gone Bananas. No on is an expert on this near death fantasy Zanjan, especially not you. There really is no need for all of those hyphens that you use.
10 months ago Report
SoulSister2023: Unless you've ever had a NDE you will never understand it. It happened to me during childbirth. I won't bother posting my experience because those who have never had one seem to know everything about it.
8 months ago Report
Blackshoes: Soul sister, I've never had one: and I'm more than willing to take your word on it .

Throughout history there has been more than a few examples of NDEs
8 months ago Report
SoulSister2023: Blackshoes, It is something I will never forget. 23 years later it still feels like it happened yesterday. Thank you for keeping an open mind shoes. A side effect of a NDE is you no longer fear death, and that was worth it.
8 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: A trick to the mind is all it is.
8 months ago Report
(Post deleted by SoulSister2023 8 months ago)
bonzono: "Unless you've ever had a NDE you will never understand it. "
the problem of having an NDE is that you're unable to distinguish between a far more likely brain malfunction and an actual NDE.

people who claim NDE's are unhappy with the idea that while dying, their brain is malfunctioning. They prefer to overlook the fact that .. on the way to death, your brain is in a state of panic, it's starved for oxygen, nutrition, flooded with hormones and chemicals.

This is very difficult for a supercomputer that is built to construct familiar patterns out of pretty much anything. In its dying, confused, desperate state, a brain will make anything out of nothing - this is the reason we 'see' things when we're tired or impaired, this is the reason behind auditory hallucinations.

If someone wants to claim they had an NDE, they would be dishonest in the extreme to ignore these simple, demonstrated facts.

'oh i had an NDE' - more likely, your dying brain was thrashing to make sense of inputs where it was just.. unequipped to make sense of them..

it's not magic, it's not even hard. it's just basic physiology.
7 months ago Report
bonzono: physological facts like these are hard for people to process and acknowledge. they get upset when ideas supported by reason and data are shown to them.

This kind of behaviour is a mental impairment - cognitive dissonance. It's to do with mental health.
7 months ago Report
Zanjan: If the brain isn't functioning properly, that doesn't mean the mind is likewise affected. The mind isnt a physical object - its the reflections of the soul.

A malfunctioning, confused brain couldn't remember the details of an NDE, especially not years later - that takes focus and precision!
7 months ago Report
bonzono: "If the brain isn't functioning properly, that doesn't mean the mind is likewise affected. "
kinda does actually. since the mind is an emergent property of the brain.

"The mind isnt a physical object - its the reflections of the soul."
noone knows what you think a soul is.
you sure dont.
7 months ago Report
Zanjan: The brain strictly governs its physical body, nothing else because it's a machine, a complex organic machine with an expiry date.

Since the mind isn't a physical substance, it can't be a property of the brain. The only emergent property of the brain is electromagentic waves, a physical substance.

The soul is associated with the physical body in order to steer the brain. The soul and mind have no expiry dates.

I don't expect you to care........just saying my statement is absolutely valid. You think yours is too. The difference is I explained my information plus I've had the experience.

Some may be undecided right now but everyone will eventually discover which is true. They'll remember that a lot of people knew which was true long before they did, understanding that couldn't have happened without concrete evidence.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 months ago Report
bonzono: "Since the mind isn't a physical substance, it can't be a property of the brain. "
suggest you go and find out what 'emergent property' means, and understand it's often used to refer to ethereal notions such as 'behaviour' which are descriptors, rather than baryonic.

Since you obviously dont know the meaning of that phrase, the rest of your post is rubbish and doesn't need any commenting on.
(Edited by bonzono)
7 months ago Report
Zanjan: "Behaviour" is encoded in the genes as applicable to the spirit of the species; no brain can go beyond the confines of this chemical & hormonal limitation.

The brain responds to environmental stimulus received via the 5 senses so when an animal "decides" to do anything, its brain is operating via its natural inheritance triggers and simply can't rise above that nature.

Adult wild animals aren't trainable but domesticated animals are. This is because we've selectively bred them for specific traits that make them more receptive to human engagement. We haven't bred them to be more intelligent; we've bred them to change their focus.

An animal also has a rudimentary 6th sense, whereby it can receive a temporary unnatural impulse. We don't know how that operates, we only have enough evidence of that to rule out a chemical connection. Too much to go into here.

Humans have all those senses plus. Some of them are dormant powers and in a few, they activate occasionally and temporarily. Therefore, the brain must have the facility to receive and transmit at a level beyond that which an animal is capable. The very structure of the human brain is proof of that - it's unique on earth.

Perhaps you could try to figure out why you haven't yet had an NDE or OBE when others have. It's not for me to say. Or maybe you can just forget about it.

Suffice to say, whether or not you're prepared, you WILL have an Out of Body experience eventually. Then you'll know of your own accord.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 months ago Report
bonzono: ""Behaviour" is encoded in the genes as applicable to the spirit of the species; no brain can go beyond the confines of this chemical & hormonal limitation.

obviously you didn't look up the meaning of the expression 'emergent behaviour'. It's a much more fundamental thing than you're talking about.

don't bother ranting at me with your substandard highschool level biology and psychology, you simply have no idea what you're talking about. you're a bit like a 5 year old trying to lecture particle physics and you've totally misunderstood the topic here.

zan, im talking about emergent properties, emergent behaviour, and you're babblilng about issues that simply have nothing to do with it.

Literally anyone can say they've had an NDE, there are no functional definitions beyond 'stuff happened that I dont understand'. It's yet another excuse by the mentally inept and intellectually corrupt to give their otherwise small and insignificant lives some clout in a universe that they're realising is vast and completely oblivious to their existence.

An NDE occurs when your brain is simply struggling to make sense of inputs, and failing - because it is quite literally - dying. You can't cope with that because, as I said, it's a defensible, reasonable and logical description that.. oh no!.. means you're just a biological system and not some ethereal whimsical being

zan, the universe does not care about you. The arrogance inherent in pretending you're anything more than a fleeting, chance and momentary assembly of atoms is truly staggering.

Zan, process fact and reality - accept a little honesty and sanity, deal with what you are and stop being a child pretending you're some fairy or ghost 'inside'. you're a biological machine, it's that simple. Deal with it.
(Edited by bonzono)
7 months ago Report
lori100: scientists have had ndes and said they were real
7 months ago Report
lori100: An NDE occurs when your brain is simply struggling to make sense of inputs, and failing - because it is quite literally - dying.----------no evidence , just babble
7 months ago Report
bonzono: plenty of evidence lori, it's just not evidence you want to hear about, because, as I said, it contradicts your need to be more significant in this vast, huge universe.

Humans hallucinate.

Humans hallucinate because our brains are wired to make patterns out of inputs - it's how we operate.

Humans hallucinate because our brains are wired to make patterns out of inputs - and when deprived of inputs, they STILL try to make patterns.

Humans hallucinate because our brains are wired to make patterns out of inputs - and where deprived of inputs, they STILL try to make patterns - and when our brains are disfunctional - i.e. dying - they fail to reject incorrect pattern matching.

lori, when you brain is dying... it's simply not working properly.
this is what 'dying' does.

It's beyond absurd you think a dying brain is functioning with any level of accuracy.
7 months ago Report
lori100: show it
7 months ago Report
lori100: show a hallucination
7 months ago Report
bonzono: here's a good place for you to start.
7 months ago Report
lori100: you show it
7 months ago Report
bonzono: I just did.
7 months ago Report