Near Death and Out of Body Experiences (Page 5)

ghostgeek: There is also scientific evidence of a relationship between schizophrenia and out-of-body experiences according to a study performed by Dr. Sohee Park, a neuroscientist from Vanderbilt University who works on schizophrenia. The test subject, known only as RM, had his first OBE at the age of 16. By the time he was 55, he has had more OBEs than he can remember. They usually happen just before falling asleep - for 10 minutes - then he views himself floating above his body and looking down on himself (called "autoscopy".) If the same thing happens while he is awake, his sense of displacement is stronger and his real body feels like a marionette while his out-of-body self feels like a puppeteer. Then his OBE soon changes into religious delusions in which he communicates with angels and demons; and psychotic episodes follow. After four or five days of this, RM is then hospitalized.

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7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Such experiences with the planets of our solar system is not unique to Redfield. In the 1970s, Ingo Swann (1933-2013), one of the most gifted OBE travellers ever to work under laboratory conditions in the U.S., carried through with a number of OBE journeys to various planets in our solar system while under laboratory conditions. Swann is considered "the father of remote viewing" and participated in the CIA's secret psychic program called the Stagate Project. Swann was involved in a study by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), the second largest "think tank" in the world, to see if his remote viewing powers could extend to the planet Saturn. On the evening April 27, 1973, SRI researchers recorded Swann's remote viewing session of the planet Jupiter and Jupiter's moons, prior to the Voyager probe's visit there in 1979. The results of this study were published in the book entitled Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities. Swann asked for 30 minutes of silence while it took Swann about three and a half minutes to remotely view Jupiter. In the session he gave accurate reports on the physical features of Jupiter, such as its surface, atmosphere and weather. Swann's statement of Jupiter having planetary rings, like Saturn, was controversial at the time. The 1979 Voyager probe later confirmed the existence of the rings. In a later setting, he visited the planet Mercury (and later Jupiter, under the same circumstances). Much to the gaping amazement of NASA scientists, all of his observations were later proved to be correct by probes sent to these planets (see Dr. Janet Lee Mitchell's "A Psychic Probe of the Planet Mercury," Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 6, No. 4 (June 1975): pp. 17-21; and Mitchell, 1981.)

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7 years ago Report
lori100: good one here...but one debater said the afterlife should be obvious...why?...much of our existence isn't obvious....
7 years ago Report
chronology: Well Lori, there is still only one known possible way to live after death, and that is cryogenics, no other way is known People still have religions and rituals they think will let them live again. But sceptics insist these ideas are pure fantasy.
7 years ago Report
lori100: we are more than a brain and body...cryogenics is a joke...skeptics have a lot to learn....
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Only the dead get to be cryogenically frozen, so death is still death. Hoping that someone will thaw out your corpse and reanimate it at some distant point in the future seems a long shot at best. I've wondered more than once what happens if the cryogenics company goes bust and the electricity is cut off.
7 years ago Report
chronology: No need to wonder ghost, in the U.S. one cryogenic company just buried a bunch of people after going bust or something. Another had a power cut and lost 20 people thawed out.
7 years ago Report
calybonos: After meat thaws out, it's not healthy to refreeze it.

I think you're suppose to eat it right away.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I'm putting my trust in technology. I aim to be uploaded into a cyborg body.
7 years ago Report
calybonos: I'm a tad too lazy for that.

Think I'll shoot for being uploaded to a Nintendo 64.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: OK, suit yourself. Just remember though, somebody else will be playing with your nuts.
7 years ago Report
calybonos:'s a win win situation!
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: I guess you're easy to please.
7 years ago Report
calybonos: I am but a simple soul, with infinite wants but few requirements.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: You are a sublime being of orgiastic contradictions.
7 years ago Report
lori100: Tony Woody served in the Navy as a flight engineer for 22 years. While in service he had countless life-changing experiences which he shares including a Near-death experience, a spiritually transformative experience being in the presence of God as well as encounters with U.F.O's.--------------------He found out every word, thought , and action of each person ripples out into the universe and affects all of humanity...we are responsible for all we send out...
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: The intro - "this program is for *entertainment purposes* only", as if the purpose of the mind was for the same thing.

During the hippy years, young people took mind-expansion drugs to get that same experience. The after-effect was that those individuals became changed by what they saw, realizing the mind had far more power to do things than they formerly imagined.

That was such a mind-opener, the hippies were the first to truly understand and accept that our thoughts are NOT contained in our skulls. Nevertheless, to this day, there are still people who insist on believing their mental workings are trapped and can't leak out past the brain, be the brain alive or dead.
7 years ago Report
ghostgeek: So tell us, where do you keep your thoughts, Zanjan?
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: In the great memory bank in the ethers, which I access from time to time with God's permission. Sometimes, it takes awhile to get there to retrieve certain things so, I ask my son - he usually has better luck. He never writes things down but I can depend on him to tell me the day, month & year we bought our first microwave, where we bought it, for how much, and what brand and model it was.

Other times, I find someone else is accessing the banks at the exact same time as me - my locker appears to be dribbling. However, there are occasions when they seem to get there before I do, before I even think of it myself. Maybe I'm sometimes giving the wrong person credit for the brilliant ideas I've possessed.
(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report
chronology: 'sneeze' sorry am allergic to BS.
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: Then we can take it that a 'communal' mind, veiled from your purview, is too shocking for you to digest?
7 years ago Report
lori100: nde 'ers say---- "During an NDE, you can't tell if you were in that light for a minute of a day or a hundred years." (Jayne Smith)

"Earthly time has no meaning in the spirit realm. There is no concept of before or after. Everything - past, present, future - exists simultaneously." (Kimberly Clark Sharp)

"From the onset of this rather superconscious state of the darkness of the tunnel, there was something that was totally missing, and that was what we call time. There's no such thing as time in heaven! As I thought of and formulated a desire or a question, it would already have been recognized, acknowledged, and therefore answered. And the dialogue that took place, took place in no time. It didn't require a fifteen-minute duration in time; it simply happened." (Thomas Sawyer)
--------------------------- "Everything in this experience merged together, so it is difficult for me to put an exact sequence to events. Time as I had known it came to a halt; past, present, and future were somehow fused together for me in the timeless unity of life ... I could be anywhere instantly, really there ... I felt it necessary to learn about the Bible and philosophy. You want, you receive. Think and it comes to you. So I participated, I went back and lived in the minds of Jesus and his disciples. I heard their conversations, experienced eating, passing wine, smells, tastes - yet I had no body. I was pure consciousness. If I didn't understand what was happening, an explanation would come. But no teacher spoke. I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of Noah and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there." (Dr. George Rodonaia)

The light replied, "Let us go back in time, as far back as possible, and tell me how far back we should go". I was thinking for some time. Eventually I blurted out, "Stone Age?" I did not have much time to think about all this, because, all of a sudden, I saw human beings back on Earth. I was looking down on a group of people, men and women, who were dressed in furs, sitting around campfire. (Guenter Wagner)

. "The box opened to reveal what appeared to be a tiny television picture of a world event that was yet to happen. As I watched, I felt myself drawn right into the picture, where I was able to live the event. This happened twelve times, and twelve times I stood in the midst of many events that would shake the world in the future." (Dannion Brinkley)
7 years ago Report
chronology: Lori dear, I dealt with time on my Trivia blog some while back. Time during sleep is proven to be very different from time while awake.

Welcome back by the way. Thought you had left wire.
7 years ago Report
lori100: ty, no , just haven't been posting much
7 years ago Report
Zanjan: As an NDE survivor, I can only speak of this experience as being my own. There's no instructor there, telling you what everybody else sees. Undoubtedly, there were other people on earth dying at that same moment, yet I was unaware of them or their journey.

A real NDE experience is unforgettable in detail, even decades later. It's a very dramatic event. Some people who've clinically died told me they saw nothing, experienced nothing and were absolutely convinced of that.

Death isn't mere unconsciousness. I find it hard to believe that a traumatized brain doesn't start acting weird immediately before it stops functioning.

If they really believe they didn't experience a single thing, we need to look for a reason. What makes the difference? Many people who've suffered a trauma also experience amnesia. Perhaps that's the problem.

I've noticed that every one of those people shared something in common - they weren't particularly honorable in character or smooth of temperament.

Perhaps their intellect was too slow or crippled to have made this transition quickly. Maybe they did experience it but had a grim experience; perhaps they saw such an unpleasant future awaiting them, that God saw fit to wipe it from their memory. Either way, they'd get another chance.

What I saw was beyond my own control - a surprise - I didn't have a clue what was going to happen next. As such, I feel certain it must be like that to others as well.

(Edited by Zanjan)
7 years ago Report