The Spiritual Dynamics of Coincidences...

Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: The topic has been set up, I will remove any comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

This forum is created to discover our connectivity and interdependence from one another, you, reading or responding to it, it's the causation from an Upper Force uniting us in our similarities and differences. I'm a Jew who studies Kabbalah, Kabbalah is the soul of Judaism, those videos represent our perception of creation. We want to hear from you, how you perceive the spiritual dynamics of coincidences or why you don't perceive it. May you connect with the videos, and may we focus in what really matters which is us as a whole. Shelah!

5 years ago Report
Zanjan: .co·in·ci·dence


1. a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.

synonyms: accident, chance, serendipity, fortuity, providence, happenstance, fate; a fluke

2. correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.

In short, a coincidence is merely a situation where two separate events occur at the same time but are clearly linked by a common denominator. The event is history, whether we understand it or not; therefore, it's silly to suddenly negate it as a coincidence once we understand the link. Likewise, one shouldn't brush it off as meaningless because they don't understand - one day, they might.

For example, the bullet in the body happens to match the gun owned by Constable Ralph. Oh look, what a coincidence Ralph has gunpowder residue on his hands! While both situations occurred simultaneously, one discovery has lead to another.

Actual event: A Canadian guy has a dream one night and suddenly wakes up, grabs a pen, and writes down the numbers he saw in the dream. He buys a lotto ticket that day; it's the winning ticket and he's instantly a rich man. The common denominator is the exact sequence of a long series of numbers. Do we really need to know HOW it technically works to recognize the validity of the coincidence?

In both cases, the situations were immediately revelatory but there are other instances where its not. No solution is required but that doesn't make it any less significant - coincidences often act as nothing other than confirmations.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: True story (not based on superstition): On the 15th of January, a black cat came wandering into a home-owner's yard, looking for female cats. There was a fast scrap with the home owner's cat, some hissing and screaming, and the black cat ran off, never to be seen again.

A few weeks later, the home-owner received a letter from a pen pal overseas. Her friend said she'd had a bike accident on her way to work where a black cat ran out right in front of her bike, made her swerve, crash, and land in the bushes. She was nursing some scrapes and a sprained ankle. The incident date coincided with January 15th.

On that same date, another event occurred - the home-owner received a call from a friend to inform her that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. Proof was provided. She and the boyfriend had it out; in the end, despite his pleas for forgiveness, she told him goodbye and never saw him again.

Can you see the common denominator? It's not the time or the people, it's the astounding message. When one is distracted or blithely unaware, God has a way to get your attention.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: Zan, thank you for responding.
If I have no clue what is a coincidence I go and search for it, or if I need examples from others to have a depth of the concept. I am not looking to be educated in the matter, but in sharing direct experiences of coincidences, how did affect your perception of connectivity with the universe and humanity, and so on.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I posted the definition only so that we know we're on the same page, talking about which different type. It's not intended strictly for you; otherwise, I'd have sent you a PM.

You posted "We want to hear from you, how you perceive the spiritual dynamics of coincidences or why you don't perceive it."

I didn't post to educate you. *I* decide how to put my words together when I convey what my own and collective experience is. You say you don't want to discuss the matter; ok, however, sales pitches have no place in a forum.

(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: I said I'm interested in your perception. There's no need to copy paste experiences from others and the meaning of Coincidence.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I don't think you're interested in my perception. I personally observed each scenario I wrote about. YOU didn't.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: I'm interested in it. I'm not interested in copy paste information and experiences that are unrelated. I understand if you don't have them, but don't assume in what I am interested in and aren't.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I call your bullshit and up you one proof.
5 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: Hahaha. I call yours, I'm not interested in your copy and paste. I understand that you have the need to take charge. I am NOT curious in a lecture only in your perception.
The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
An educational talk to an audience, deliver an educational lecture or lectures.
Huge difference between those.
(Edited by Jaguar Essence)
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Apparently, you think someone might be interested in your repetition. Since that's the best you've got, you might as well fold.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Since you used the word "WE, I'll speak to your alternate multiple personalities. I didn't finish the story of the guy with the lotto ticket. He won it in spring; after buying each of his children a new house, he bought himself a brand new car.

Around the same time, I'd organized a summer camp school for kids. I'd ordered all the craft materials to go with the programs, which I'd have to pay for out of my own pocket because the tally was way over budget. Unfortunately, something happened I didn't have the money when it came time to pick up the materials. That was embarrassing so I didn't tell anyone. I had no choice but to try to re-adapt the programs inside of two days.

The day before the school began, this lotto-winner, who lived 3000 miles away, surprised us with an unexpected visit. He'd been a long time friend of my husband and was driving across Canada to see it for the first time in his life.

I put out refreshments then had to slip out for a bit to attend an appointment. When I got back, the fellow was gone but not forgotten - he'd left my husband with a sizable gift of cash for the both of us. What a co-incidence! I was able to buy the materials and take them to camp next day. The link is a selfless act of kindness.

Therefore, I conclude the same thing in my previous post where I wrote>>>
"When one is distracted or blithely unaware, God has a way to get your attention."

BJE, return your cards to the dealer, eh.

(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
cloudygrey33: I'm highly interested in coincidences/synchronicity, and have been for quite some time. Jung had a ton of fascinating research on the topic. Just do a search on Carl Jung Synchronicity. Cool topic... I think there are signs right under our nose, and we're just too busy or conditioned to notice.
5 years ago Report
briansmythe: Coinciident ,No 1 black Qubes
No I don't think so ,Stay away from the
5 years ago Report
briansmythe: Hee is that a picture of you and Zanjjan talking. Oh sorry went off topic
5 years ago Report
briansmythe: There is no black Cube on venis or Jupiter or the moon for that matter
Has everyone lost there minds
5 years ago Report
briansmythe: There is one In Saudi Arabia tho and other places on No dont acciociate your self with Black cubes
5 years ago Report