Do you guys believe in spirits, or ghosts?

Live_By_Common_Sense: I want to know from other peoples perspective and knowledge about ghost entities. Are they real? Or is it just a bogus superstition?
5 years ago Report
Crash: No demonstrable evidence for either ....hence , no I don't believe they are real.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Do you believe that demons exist?
5 years ago Report
Crash: Nope....same reason as I mentioned above.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Do you believe that evil exist?
5 years ago Report
Crash: Yes....but "Evil" is subjective well as "Good"
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Where is the source to evil?
5 years ago Report
Crash: There is no apparent "source" to evil.... since it is subjective.....
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Than why do evil exist?
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Why is there pain, suffering, hunger, chaos, wars, hate, murder, mental illness, physical illness, poor, homeless? Why do human beings are out there suffering from many categories of illness and setbacks? Why can't we all live in a world where there is no turmoil in our differences and come together as one and bring human society to a state of blissful utopian society? Everyone should know from the right and wrong through our senses. But seems like not that many people do care what others do to this world.
5 years ago Report
Crash: Good questions all buddy. I couldn't even begin to give you the answers. It's a fucked up world at times bro....what can I say?
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Yea it is a fucked up world. All we can do is try to bring humanity in to peoples lives and change for the better through each individual one by one. Good things will spread and people will notice the selfless acts and be encourage to change themselves and others around them.
5 years ago Report
Crash: That's all we can hope for !!!
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Yes.. we can change!
5 years ago Report
chronology: I think it was in a Sherlock Holmes book where a character said 'when you rule out the impossible, whatever answers are left, however improbable can be true' .

The subject of ghosts can never be answered to anyone's satisfaction unless they insist on ignoring counter arguments for their view. While mental illness, practical jokes, anomalies in architecture and a host of other causes can explain most 'ghost reports' there none the less some very puzzling cases of ghosts throughout history.

Even at totally secure, no nonsense establishments like The Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland hauntings have been reported. The sound of 1st Nation Americans can be heard at times chanting some kind of rituals. Officially NASA says nothing about these reports, but they are out there.
Eastern Airlines became so frustrated at the disruption caused by reports of sightings of dead crew members that they threatened all staff reporting such stories with suspension. U.S. Park Service staff report many unexplained experiences when patrolling American historic sites at night. An airline Pilot reported talking to a friend one day, only to be told he had died a month before. He insisted he was not 'mixed up' he definitely spoke to the man, ghost, whatever you want. British Intelligence raided a Spiritualist meeting after discovering information being given by 'ghosts' at the meeting was correct, and secret information.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Ghosts and spirits aren't the same thing.

Ghosts are those fuzzy, somewhat transparent outlines one sees with their physical eyes. A ghost is said to be the embodiment of the dead so, are sometimes blamed for having moved things or causing strange sounds.

The usual recommendation is to see an eye doctor; if your eyes are experiencing difficulty, that can usually be remedied. If they're healthy, then the "ghosts" are traces of memory or figments of imagination, playing through your mind.

Spirits are things sensed but not seen with the physical eyes. The "sensations" are described as a chill/shiver, or tickle, hairs standing up, an invisible caress, unusual breeze, or turn of the gut.

Spirits are believed to be either "forces" or "humans", depending on the situation.

5 years ago Report
Zanjan: What I personally believe:

There's really no such thing as external *physical* ghosts. I'm not talking about swamp mist or illusions; I'm referring to *physical* embodiments of the dead. That's impossible.

Spirits do exist; firstly, as an expression issuing from a mind. The words "spirit" and "soul" were traditionally used interchangeably; but, in modern times, we've detected a difference. The soul is the ID of a person - it's who you are. The spirit is the way one is thinking.

Since souls exist, be they on earth or in the afterlife, they continue to think. Receptive souls can pick up a thought, occasionally. That thought can be sent and received as a visual. It's called either telepathy or inspiration. The way you can tell whether or not the thought is real or imagined, is in its fruition.

Those who call themselves Mediums are practicing fakery - there's no direct line to individual souls in the Afterlife.
If a soul who has passed away wishes to "visit" you, it has to possess the power; that power can't be used without God's permission. Most reports of this occurring have taken place soon after the loved one's death, during the survivor's grieving period.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Crash: "The subject of ghosts can never be answered to anyone's satisfaction unless they insist on ignoring counter arguments for their view. While mental illness, practical jokes, anomalies in architecture and a host of other causes can explain most 'ghost reports'...."

Take out the word "ghost" and put in the word "god" there and your statement is ABSOLUTELY JUST AS ACCURATE!!! HAHahahahah

I was going to challenge you on the other stuff you wrote....however you prefaced it with "What I personally believe".....good for you're learning NOT to make truth claims you cannot back up. Good job cupcake.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Crash, you're right that the subject of ghosts can never be answered to anyone's satisfaction among the people. There's a way to mediate that if you respect the mediator.

GOD, the highest authority, has said that ghosts (as previously defined) don't exist. That's a confirmation. Personally, I didn't need the confirmation since it was just plain logical to me; I was able to explain it without assistance. It's nice to have though.

Of course, that doesn't apply to the cyber world and its relentless trains of hack software.

Note that I mentioned traditional and current use of words. Yes, you're correct on one word - in the Bible, the word "ghost" is used by translators to separate differences in spirit. That is G-host from D-host ( those who host God and those who host demons).

The meaning of "demons" hasn't changed - although archaic, we still use it to represent the negatives that bug you (guilt, resentment, fear of exposure of the wrong-doings you've committed - they follow you everywhere you go with no escape because you haven't changed your spirit.

5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Secret Asian - it's true that good and bad is subjective. However, that's only when people are looking at the beginning of things. The shock and horror of a nasty event can knock one senseless for a time. The thrill and glory of a victorious hour can do the same.

On this earthly plane, our vision is limited but not necessarily our understanding. Only when we look to the end of things does it make sense. There's a purpose in all things.

As it's written, 'without cowardice, there's no need for valour'.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: In fewer words, whether you're looking at something bad or something good, you've got to know it ain't gonna stay that way.
5 years ago Report
chronology: Zan, Demons are not just 'moods' or bad habits, they are living psychic beings. Demons are the souls of the Nephilim. When the the 'Sons of God' copulated with human females they made them pregnant. The souls of those babies were not human souls, or Angelic souls, they were like their human bodies, hybrids.
When the Nephilim died their souls were, and are trapped here on earth. Over the ages they have learned how to gain access to human bodies. This happens when people get involved with witchcraft, or use Ouja Boards or sit at seances. I explained this once to a person by giving the example of downloading a Trojan onto your computer. You click on to a file or programme and in slips the Trojan. The modern Trojan is invisible to your computer system, but it can influence how the computer runs, even wreck the computer.
The most common way Demons gain entry to people is through sexual contact. Like I used to say to people 'Demons are the worst STD you will ever contract' . And condoms are no protection at all.
One theory why so many people are going crazy smoking Pot is that witchcraft herbs have been mixed in with the Pot, this gives spirits access to people.

Sceptics insist all this is the biggest pile of nonsense they have ever heard.
5 years ago Report
chronology: On the subject of ghosts Zan, not all sightings of curious scenes may be spiritual in origin. I posted a while back on my Trivia thread how American scientists had 'played back' snippets of sounds recorded on clay items from thousands of years ago. When the clay was wet a person must have been close to the clay and said something. The minute sound waves made a pattern on the clay. This was decoded by the Americans and replayed, a sound from 3000 years ago was recreated.
Who knows if there is not some way in which scenes from the past can be somehow recorded in some places by some means. Abe Lincoln has been seen so often in the White House you wonder if the White House has such a place that records event from the past. America seems to be filled with such 'Time Slip' places. In England Roman Soldiers are still seen at times in some places. A Roman Centurion is seen at times walking across a town square, there could be just something there that has recorded the original Roman Officer walking across the Square.

5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I've never seen anyone capture a demon and put it on display at a museum. However, I've sliced up a bunch and sent them into the abyss. They are no more.

You do your own demons. Nobody's gonna do them for you. You can pray to God for the strength to swing that sword but that wont help if you don't get your lazy butt off the couch and make a move.

"This was decoded by the Americans and replayed, a sound from 3000 years ago was recreated."

Curious thing. I bet it was an expletive. I've heard of natural "light" captures of scenes but can't vouch for the kind they say travels around space then comes back to earth in one spot, much later, to be momentarily viewed by some observer before it dissolves.

The only incident I know of that's an actual fact are the snapshots left on objects of people being vaporized during the Hiroshima explosion. Someone compared that fleeting moment (of what happened to the bodies) to a passage in the Bible - Revelations. Gruesome.

5 years ago Report
chronology: As ever Zan, your knowledge on the subjects here is vast.
5 years ago Report
chronology: 'There be more things in heaven and earth than are dreampt of in our philosophy Zan' .

All data on Demons is empirical. I have read numerous accounts of people observing Demons. all I can say is I am inclined to believe such beings are real. The Fox sisters case up there in Hydesville was genuine, not fake as most historians say. And the best documented case was the 'Bell Witch' in 'Old Mississip' . Both of those cases were Demonic escapades.

America was almost taken over by Demons in the 19th century just before the Civil War. Few people know how Spiritualism exploded onto the American scene, almost half the country was visiting seances and Mediums. The reason America came close to being taken over by Demon religion was the curious mix of 'Carney Showmanship' in America, and the Fox Sisters ideas about spirits. Americas Eastern Establishment eventually became alarmed at the explosion of fraud and trickery and moved to ban the movement, or at least try and stop it rolling over American cities.
5 years ago Report
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