WHAT is SIN ? (Page 3)

ghostgeek: Yes, we know what we shouldn't do. No killing, no steailing, and no peeing in the swimming pool. And we all know what happens if we get caught doing them. We get hauled up before the beak. It's called breaking the law, and has nothing to do with religion.
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: And if there is a God, we atheists know who will be cast into hell. All those smug believers, who somehow think they are more deserving than the person who honestly states that he, or she, has no religion.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: " No killing.........and no peeing in the swimming pool."

I didn't have to be told not to do that. There was never any temptation either. Some things are simply understood from the get go.

Religious laws are for those who have difficulty intuiting the right thing to do; they exist because believers *want* to follow them, not because they have to.

Many people don't join a religion because they don't *like* the laws. Some already know they aren't able to follow them and they have no will to try either. . Good......why would we want them to spoil it for the rest of us?

Yeah,right - like humans know who is the most deserving!

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: You've just reminded me of when I first became a Baha'i. I'd discovered the law about requiring parental permission to marry and was shocked. I didn't like that.

Since one can't cover everything in the beginning, it was quite the surprise. How would 50 year olds need such permission?? Undoubtedly there had been others who'd discovered similar laws and thought to themselves 'Oh my, what have I got myself into?'

Well, not me. I felt there had to be some conditions, some special situations, some exclusions. Nope. This was kind of amusing, seeing as I was already married. You know, any Baha'i could have easily told me the reasons why it was a law but they didn't; nope, not one answered my question! WOW. Imagine how hard it would be for Wireclubbers to resist that nugget?

Instead, they simply told me that understanding would come as I studied the scriptures and deepened in the Faith. They were right. I was young then. In hindsight, I can see why they took a back seat - my demanding, spitfire attitude wasn't conducive to absorbing their answer.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: By gum, you are a goody two shoes, Zanjan. Knowing you weren't supposed to pee in the swimming pool without anyone having to tell you. Me, I grew up in the shadow of the smokestack belching yellow smoke, so I had to be schooled in the finer points of swimming bath etiquette.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well, maybe its because I didn't go to a swimming pool until I was 8 years old. Sorry to hear the only time you got a bath was at the swimming pool. Much sympathy for the other swimmers and the pool cleaners. Yuck.
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Lol
6 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Nice to see you haven't lost your powers of invention, Zanjan.
6 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I wish human trafficking was seen as a sin.
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: I think smug believers have more depression, control freak lack of confidence, worry , guilt, hate, hypocrites, superiority complex , feel like a victim when not, and ignorance with especially those being harmed in churches. Most come up with no true Scotsman fallacy among fallacies, throwing others under the bus, conspiracies not based in reality, repeats things like a broken record in excuse, and pretend to care more than make actual effort in good works.
Though I wish theist verses theist was more instead helping others regardless if religious or not. Wishful desires maybe.
5 years ago Report
Cenababy: Areto have you lost your mind? Who has taught you all thus verbal garbage????? Geesh
5 years ago Report
Crash: LOL @ "Verbal garbage" Leave it to Cena to say something is "Verbal Garbage" when what is being said disagrees with her presuppositions and unverifiable beliefs. hahahaha sigh. Sad and Obvious .....
5 years ago Report
Cenababy: Crash oh put a sock in it!
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Areto, you're describing people who *don't* believe in God, some of them religious, some not. They usually take to drinking to dull their pain and procure a few moments of joy in an effort to combat stress.

That's not an effective remedy - it actually kills brain cells and destroys the soul, causing most of those problems you listed.
5 years ago Report
Crash: LOL ....no can do Cena....lol See what I mean Areto....

When cena sees someone that disagrees with her fundy BS....she goes off the rails and tries to silence them. Simply because she knows that she has absolutely no cogent rebuttal to anything they have to say, and she wants to avoid embarrassment.

5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I don't think so.
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: To tell others what they believe or don't...including how many gods exist is not how belief works. Just saying.
5 years ago Report
AretoNyx: Just because some one is mentally ill does not mean they do not have beliefs. Just because a theist may have physical or mental health issues does not automatically make them a non theist. Facepalm.

It is that theists are the majority so of course that would make them majority of many things in general.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: In my opinion, the majority of citizens have deep psychological issues due to spiritual illness, which is often mistaken for mental illness.

Where I live, there's a help phone line in the city for people having mental health issues: they get 10,000 calls per day......all of them from different individuals. That's not the mark of a society that's resolving its problems.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
David Nathaniel
David Nathaniel: The fleshly mind of man is the mind of the serpent with its *"Lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and the pride of life."* When you see these 3 in man that is *sin*
5 years ago Report
Cenababy: Ty david
5 years ago Report
Crash: "Because the bible says so" is NOT a valid argument.
5 years ago Report
tularcitas: If G-d gave us sexual organs and the ability to orgasm, why do we have to suppress that?
5 years ago Report
Crash: LOL Exactly Tula....haha....... it's simply the weirdness of "christians" ......and their
"god" that seems to care a WHOLE LOT about what we do in our bedrooms. LOL

You would think a "god" would have better things to worry about other than what position ppl have sex in.
(Edited by Crash)
5 years ago Report
tularcitas: I was married to a man for 14 years and found out he had been cheating...so much for the sanctity of marriage. My present husband and I have both cheated on each other BUT we have elected to stay together and raise a child. But we are both aware that this whole "live happily ever after" marriage fairy tale is just that..a fairytale.
5 years ago Report