Is Jesus in the House of David?

Cenababy: Is Jesus in/through the House of David? Let's look at the below to see.

Mary was the wife of Joseph and the mother of Jesus Christ, who was conceived within her by the Holy Spirit when she was a virgin. She is often called the “Virgin Mary,” though never in Scripture are those two words put together as a proper name (Matthew 2:11; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:27; Acts 1:14).

Little is known of her personal history. Her genealogy is given in Luke 3 (see below). She was of the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David (Psalm 132:11; Luke 1:32). She was connected by marriage with Elisabeth, who was of the lineage of Aaron (Luke 1:36).

Mary was of the house of David, and she was of the royal lineage through David's son Solomon, which gave Jesus based on his descend "according to the flesh" the full rights to the throne of his father David (Mat 1:6). Joseph, the husband of Mary, was also of the house of David, but of a different line through David's son Nathan (Luk 3:31).

The point that Elizabeth, the wife of Zacharias and mother of John the Baptist, was a relative of Mary even though she was of the house of Aaron (Luke 1:36) means simply that one of the ancestors of Mary on her mother's side (!) were of the tribe of Levi. Mary's ancestors on her father's side are of the royal line of the house of David, as the record in Mat 1 shows.

Once again we can see how accurate the revelation in the Scripture is. Jesus Christ is the son of Abraham and also the son of David, and when he returns he will reign on the throne of his father David, as the angel Gabriel already had proclaimed to his mother Mary even before he was conceived (Luke 1:31-33).
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Also note that Joseph is from the house of David, although lineage comes from the Mother as in the tradition of the Jews. If we look closely both are discussed.
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
HydroMan: Jesus’ stepfather, Joseph, is descended from King David. This allows Jesus to have legal entitlement to David's throne.
6 years ago Report
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Zanjan: Cena: "which gave Jesus based on his descend "according to the flesh" the full rights to the throne of his father David "

No it didn't. Mary wasn't a princess and Jesus wasn't a crown prince so wasn't in line for a temporal throne. Note: Israel didn't exist at the time of Jesus - it was a Roman province called Judaea, which was several territories merged together by the Romans.

The destruction of the Kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. brought an end to the rule of the royal House of David. The Hasmonean dynasty took over soon as they had the chance.

This really messed people up due to an earlier prophecy by Jeremiah 32: 4-5 " 'David will never fail to have a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel..."

We know how that turned out. No wonder the Jews doubted. What they wanted in the Messiah was a temporal king who would restore Israel to its rightful place as an independent country, governed by the Jews. Nobody got that because it was the wrong time, the wrong era, and the wrong dispensation.

I suppose you can't blame them for being disappointed. Fortunately, that didn't send them flying out of their religion, becoming atheists, like what happens now.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: The House of Israel is not the same thing as the country of Israel.

If "The House" means the stock, it's actual blood as far as race goes. Who, today, can trace their lineage to David? I'd say nobody. The stock is not the barn - the stock is IN the barn.

Poetry, the mutual forbearer of the parents was King David; Jesus was another mutual via His mother and cousin John. It doesn't matter who brought up Jesus - nothing would change. Scientifically (since Mary was a virgin), Jesus's Davidic inheritance would have been more dominant than either parent because of the doubling copies of recessive genes. Maybe Jesus had red hair, eh.

If "The House" means the House of Worship, then it's the religion known by David. There can be no throne for this descendant except IN the Jewish religion. Who will change laws in the Jewish religion?

The lineage just shows how Jesus was descended from Abraham, through which branch. All the Prophets of God would also have to show their family tree, having descended also from Abraham and through different branches. (Since Jesus had no offspring, there are no branches from Him).
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: I think Jews and Christians really ought to get it together. After all, the Jews await a Messiah and the Christians await the return of Christ. They both think their Promised One will show up in Israel.

They could all stand together in a circle, holding hands while waiting. Ok, maybe they would need chairs.........
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
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Zanjan: "When it is time and we are worthy this person will assume the role, not until then".

What will make you worthy? Do you know when the time is? God always warns His people - He sends a messenger to tell them when the time is at hand.

Moses was a Messiah, the spiritual king for the Hebrews - He worked with people who weren't worthy. He MADE them ready through His teachings. Mind you, it was the second generation of Israelites who became worthy to live in the Promised Land. How long was it before they had a temporal king? Was that temporal king a Messiah? Nope. Were any temporal kings anywhere in human history Messiahs? Nope, never.

Stands to reason the Messiah can only be a spiritual king, come to revivify the souls.

"The true test will be the rebuilding of the Holy Temple and gathering of the Jews to Israel."

I think, by then, it's too late for you since He'd be doing all that without you. Seriously, who do you think re-builds the Holy Temples - robots?

God gave the Jews their own country and gathered them to Israel, which they now govern as promised. They got their wish. So much for the tests. Where do *you* live - in the USA, right?

You don't test the King. He asserts His authority and you bow before Him. If you don't, you know what happens to you.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
Zanjan: Hey, I wasn't disagreeing with you about what you'd said, except for the "test" bit. Those aren't tests, they're proofs of the fulfillment of prophesy that the Messiah has returned.

A test, on the other hand, is a lesson for your own soul - you pass or fail. That's none of my business. Of course, some failures are pretty obvious to all. I have no idea what "davka" means - that's not an English word. Did you mean "Diva"? Notice I didn't call *you* any names.

I'm just wondering how many proofs one needs. Seems to me, one proof is enough but I respect that some people need many, many. If you wait till you have a lot more than one, I wouldn't call it a rescue. I'd call it late for dinner. JS

I answered your question about lineage, addressed specifically to you, 3 Zan-posts back..the post that starts with "The House of Israel........"
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Furthermore, if the expected Messiah must prove He's from the House of David, by what means will the Jews verify the truth of that lineage in modern times? Do they have a complete family tree to present day one can use as a map for comparison? That's a serious question.

Near as I can tell, the Messiah only has to show how He's descended from Abraham - God gave that promise to HIM, nobody else. All Holy Branches come from that trunk.

Personally, that was never one of my own requirements - I'd know a Messiah just from His Voice, and verify it by His actions. I've never seen a better time for a Messiah than now.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
Cenababy: What child would not know his father's voice?
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: An orphan?

I didn't recognize my mother when she came to pick me up from the Foster Home. I just went along for the ride when they said "This is your mother". Yeah, ok.......kinda like when Jesus said that to His disciple. Mother took me to her home. A few weeks later, a man walked in the house and mother said to me "This is your faaAAather". I said "Yeah, ok.

Children have no reason to doubt what they're told......until much later. I was about 6 years old when I realized I was not my parents' child. Then, when I was about 12, I was certain I was Alien spawn. I'm not joking.

Another 10 years went by before I discovered the truth, which was totally verified a few years later. No one knows better than I that there's a spiritual affinity connected to the DNA - there's a peculiar cluster; inheritance can jump a few generations, showing up again in only one descendant. How I discovered that is a story too long to post here.

Suffice to say this is the reason the Jews married closely; so did the Muslims.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Poetry, thanks - we're square.
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: So, we look at the Old Testament's last book. We see there is 400 years of silence after that. Nada. Strange for the Jews. I find this to be a rather interesting correlation with the Hebrews in Egypt, who were there in bondage, also for 400 years before Moses appeared.

After this 400 year silent period, there's TWO pre-birth announcements made by angels to different sets of parents, all descendants of the Davidic line, living in the Holy Land. We know the news got around because 'Herod the Great' had a serious interest in the matter. Yet, the majority of Jews didn't add either event to their history.

There appears to be some sort of agreement between Jews and Christians, that Christians of Jewish blood, including those of Davidic line, wouldn't be included in Jewish history. At least they got that sorted early.
(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
Cenababy: Interesting.
6 years ago Report
plitiksnly: For sure, in the Bible it shows how both Joseph and Mary were both straight descendants from David, and David was descendant from Seth the son that eve had after Abel was killed by Cain. Actually, we can still read that in the Bible. My Lord Jesus was, if earthly laws had applied, the King Of the Israel.That was the reason why Herod wanted the baby Jesus dead, his knowledgeable pharisees must've told him how he was at risk of losing his position. The Wise Men also told him they had studied and learned about his birth. Most of us have read this in the Bible, I believe.
6 years ago Report
plitiksnly: In response to the claim that Joseph was Jesus stepfather, that might've been because He was conceived by Mary who hadn't been touched by Joseph by the Holy spirit. But when they went to Bethlehem to register for taxation and such, Jesus was in fact adopted by Saint Joseph and became his son in this world by all material purposes, and kingdom is an earthly position. Besides Mary his mother was a straight descendant from the tribe of Jesse and David as well.
6 years ago Report
plitiksnly: I believe Mary and Joseph were cousins, that marriage was allowed by Jewish laws/
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: Jesus was never supposed to be a king of Israel. No Divine Messenger was ever a temporal king.

A temporal king is a hereditary position - any ordinary person can be one as long as they're born a crown prince, which Jesus wasn't. Even if the earthly laws had been in effect, the Davidic Dynasty was toast, long before Jesus arrived. By the way, a crown prince is trained for the throne; a Divine Messenger doesn't need training.

Herod had his own sons who could succeed him. That's not what he was worried about.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
plitiksnly: Herod was worried because the land was in discord, he was seen as a weakling head of a Roman puppet government. Jesus had followers who hoped that he would become their earthly leader, and yes, He came from the proper dynasty, He could've laid claims to being the the King of Israel. But, I've read in the Bible that ". . .his kingdom was not of this world. . ."
6 years ago Report
plitiksnly: also regarding the say" the house of Israel. . . not the country of Israel. . .? are we getting a bit mixed up regarding countries, boundaries, etc. That seems to pertain to the actual governmental laws, Already! Gosh!
6 years ago Report
Zanjan: "He could've laid claims to being the the King of Israel."

Sure, then be laughed out of town. Israel no longer existed in the time of Jesus. So, no. Moses made the promise that God would send another Divine Messenger; there has never been a Divine Messenger who didn't do that.

Moses said a *future* Promised One would appear from among His followers/the faithful (not necessarily the next Promised One). That could have been in any locality or region where Jews lived in the eastern hemisphere, provided the correct lineage could be proven. Historically, every Promised One in the Faith of God had appeared in a different religion from the last - ever noticed that? There's only been one exception. God likes to shake it up.

Moses never said any Promised One would be sent for "the House of Israel".

A Messiah is for *everyone* who needs the kind of help that no man can give. He rescues men from the slough of heedlessness and brings them back to God. He can only help those who believe in Him.

Herod knew the prophecy, the reason he pretended he wanted to pay homage to the Promised One of God. It's hard to wrap one's head around someone wanting to kill God's Messenger but only evil people do that because they don't want to be exposed and lose power over the people.

Kinda silly in Herod's case because everyone already knew what he was like - he hadn't won anyone's hearts. Even the Jewish clergy didn't consider Herod to be a real Jew.

(Edited by Zanjan)
6 years ago Report
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