If Heaven is real, than where is it?

Live_By_Common_Sense: I want to learn where Heaven is so I can confirm and settle with the mind-set knowing whether is real or not. If Heaven is real give me the location or explain to me how can I achieve to go there. Just give me your theory.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: If you're looking and can't find it, maybe it's time to re-evaluate what you're looking for. What description are you going by? Big walls, streets of gold? Surely that would be easy enough to locate. Trump has called it the "golden goose'.

Real Fact: Heaven and hell are states of mind - not physical places. In each realm, there are degrees of being, which is why some are oblivious to that reality. They are spiritual worlds, and individuals only know their own world.

According to scripture, heaven is "the paradise of nearness to God". You'll know it if you're living in it.

If you desire that, then you have to submit to God - that is, to obey Him, and serve Him selflessly. Why should heaven be yours if you have no desire to prove yourself worthy of it?

If that's what you want, it wont be easy - heaven and hell have guards. So put on your Indiana Jones hat and get crackin.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: If heaven was real you'd see it, just like you can see the blue sky on a clear day. The simple fact is the place doesn't exist because God doesn't exist.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Keep explaining ghostgeek.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: He's using biological eyes, not spiritual eyes.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Keep explaining Zanjan.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: I've been in heaven for 37 years.
Before that, I was walking through hell so I've had a chance to compare. While I have no idea where I am on that ladder of angels, it doesn't matter - I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Here's a tip: you can never sit on your laurels. You see, to whom God has given much, from him much will be expected. In heaven, everyone is learning and everyone is busy.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Oh yeah, and if you break a law even once, you'll be falling face first down that ladder, even if it's only one step to the bottom.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Still wanna go to heaven?
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Yeah, I rather go to Heaven where I would be in peace and content instead of living in eternal pain and turmoil.
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Zanjan's God is the God of the Bible, so study the Bible. Do it with open eyes, something no believer in God is capable of, and it soon becomes apparent that the Bible is a lie. Look at the ten Plagues of Egypt mentioned in Exodus and Psalms, then do your own research. With only a little digging it is clear that the first nine are nothing more than a description of a typical Egyptian spring and the tenth is an outright lie on the part of Moses.

Next, move on to the theophany at Sinai, where the Israelites are supposed to have witnessed God in all His terrible splender. Compare the description given with that of a volcano. You will find they are very similar. Then consider where this event happened: in Midian, in modern terms, in north west Saudi Arabia. Do a little more research and you will find that the whole of the western region of Saudi is littered with extinct volcanos. Then consider the fact that in 1256 AD a lava flow erupted from six aligned scoria cones and traveled 23 km to within 4 km of the holy city of Medina. A volcano is far more likely to have been what the Israelites saw than God parking His behind on a mountain top.

There's plenty more to get a sane person doubting the existence of God, but you have to start somewhere.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Well, there's no need to start with the Bible - there are other scriptures, ya know. God is ONE.....that means you can use any Holy Book and you'd be on the right path. He has never left us alone. Try something more recent........follow the trail of crumbs.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Tell me, Zanjan, who was the first of your Revelators?
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Adam, but He was so far back, His religion was lost to antiquity. Supposing we dug it up; by now, that wouldn't exactly be a revelation - like....wear clothes, eh. Same for Noah, Who promised 'you'll get yours'.

So, we have to go by the oldest religion still existing. That would be Krishna. He likened the soul to a horse, and told us we ought to learn how to ride it.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Zanjan, let me ask you this question. Do you know or ever heard of the Great White Brotherhood?
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: It's racist.....no need to read past the title.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: It sounds like a racist hate group... But its actually a group of entities from different dimension in space that is watching humanity prosper and grow, spiritually and physically. That is what woken people believe. You can look it up on google for yourself and find what they are about.
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Any entity that labels themselves like that is not the least bit mature, spiritually or otherwise.
5 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Time to unfollow.
5 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
(Post deleted by staff 3 years ago)
Live_By_Common_Sense: Hey Zanjan... Look at this youtube video... is this accurate to finding heaven?
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: Um, no. While the Messengers of God hold the keys to the divine kingdom, there's no portal, no magic, no vortex, no extraterrestrials. You don't find heaven, you find God. Whereas, heaven is given when one has attained their goal.

Devoted believers make pilgrimage to holy places out of respect for the Messengers of God. It wouldn't matter to them where on earth it was.

There are strong vibrations in places where groups get emotional and pray; the older the place is, the more intense is the feeling of privilege.

Who doesn't feel a somewhat different connection by being physically present at locations associated with Great Souls and the most defining moments in history? Who is not awed? Who doesn't want to touch with their hands this legacy, this inheritance?

There's no theory, no guessing - the devoted are seekers of inspiration; insights and lessons should flow during pilgrimage because it's a spiritual journey.
5 years ago Report
Live_By_Common_Sense: Awesome.. I got a question Zanjan.. Why do we have to die in order to go to heaven.. Also.. is there a way we can go to heaven without physical death?
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: To the first question, we don't have to *physically* die to go to heaven - that's a bogus notion. There are two kinds of death.

When the individual dies, it has nothing to do with the physical body - the soul continues to exist in the same state as it was. You can't be somebody you're not. The soul doesn't go anywhere - that's merely a figure of speech. What happens is the soul can then SEE the spiritual truths as they really are - the Hereafter, which means, *here, after the veils are dropped*.

There is something that must occur before God drops those veils - we'll get to that in a bit.

Physical death is accompanied by what's called the "Final Judgement". The soul is judged on what he/she did with their life on earth, then God places them. He/she will be able to see their true place (rank and station) as well as everyone else's.

The word "Afterlife" is sometimes used interchangeably with "Hereafter"; however, it specifically refers to what one is doing in their place after death.

The purpose of the physical plane is to provide a foundation for development; while the mother's womb provides the foundation for the development of the physical body, the world the babe is born into provides the foundation for development of the soul's spiritual traits.

On the physical plane, the soul can direct itself towards it's lessons, progressing or regressing; whereas, after death of the physical body, they're stuck with the powers they've developed. While they can't advance on their own, on the bright side, they can never again slip back.
(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
Zanjan: On the second question, the purpose of our existence is to know and worship God. Achieving that is the best thing we'll ever do. If we do that, we have a great advantage in both the temporal and spiritual worlds as our reward. If we don't do it, our souls wither and perish - that is, we continue to exist, but like a dried up raisin. In spiritual terms, that's oblivion.

True life begins by stepping into the Kingdom of God - that is, by embracing a sincere relationship with God. There are ladders to climb (spiritual lessons). However, the door of heaven is closed to those who don't hold tightly to the Covenant. This is established in all of God's religions.

There is only one way a believer will have the strength to cling to the Covenant; the requirement is one has to die *to their self* and totally submit to God.

Those who've done it for the sake of love have put away their lower nature and are living in their higher nature - that spirit which is born of God, that shining nature with which God has imbued us from the get go but had been previously clouded over by ignorance and obscured by demands of our lower self.

Ancient scriptures have called this process of transformation as being "born again" because the individual will be entering a new world, never to look back. Obviously, there's more to it than just belonging to an established religion and dwelling in the kingdom of God.

IF the individual has truly recognized, on their own, the Lord of the Age, then the doors of heaven have opened to them.

(Edited by Zanjan)
5 years ago Report
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