Why Jews don't believe in jesus (Page 9)

Billie Ingle
Billie Ingle: The Messiah had as tasks

1. Have the correct genealogy by being descended from King David and King Solomon.
2. Be anointed King of Israel.
3. Return the Jewish people to Israel.
4. Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
5. Bring peace to the world and end all war.
6. Bring knowledge of God to the world.

Jesus did not fulfill any of those conditions so it was impossible to name him the Messiah. Anyone who has not done these six things cannot be the Messiah.

4 years ago Report

butttler –
"can you please show biblical support of why Jews do not take seriously the dreams and visions of prophets?"

NEVER have I made that claim nor is there any truth in your statement. Of course Jews "take seriously" the dreams and visions of prophets. The only prophet who did not interact with G-d via dreams or visions was Moses.

What I stated is in Judaism, Daniel is not considered a prophet. He is not included in the Prophets (Neviʾim) section of the Tanach. He is in the Writings section (Ketuvim). His dream interpretations are taken very seriously but HE WAS NOT A NAVI (prophet).

This is a classic example of how you take things out of context, twist words and run amok with completely incorrect information while wearing it as a some sort of badge of honor in your failed attempts to prove how corrupt, blind and stubborn Jews and Judaism is when nothing could be further from the truth.

Stay on topic or your posts will be deleted.

4 years ago Report
(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)
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(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)
(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)
edmund_carey: It's interesting to know why Jews don't believe in Christ, although I've never thought it any mystery. It would be interesting to know why they do believe in a God who is referred to by the name of the principle deity of the Canaanite national cult (El), as well as having the same name as a deity worshipped by Shasu nomads before ancient Israel existed (Yahweh).
4 years ago Report

"El" was a name that was used by the Canaanites for the highest god in their pantheon. That would be a reason that the prophets prefered to stay away from that term. It's rare to find the name "El" in the Torah. Abraham called G-d "El Shaddai" presumably because he did not know the ineffable name of G-d (the Tetragrammaton) as that was not revealed until the time of Moses.

It is far more common to find "Elohim" which can be used as one of G-d's proper names Similarly, while one could theoretically call G-d "Baal" (master), we do not because that is a polytheistic Canaanite usage that the prophets worked hard for hundreds of years to get us away from.

Regarding "Yahweh" or "YHWH," that is not recognized as a name for G-d in Judaism. G-d's ineffable name (the Tetragrammaton) is comprised of four Hebrew letters that has a specific pronunciation that is unknown. YHWH is a faulty transliteration that tries to equate four English letters with four Hebrew letters. Jews do not refer to G-d as Yahweh.

As a final point, none of this has anything to do with believing in the christian god or his supposed messiahship.

4 years ago Report
edmund_carey: Yes, I understand that Jews do not refer to God as Yahweh. (In fact, I think I know that because I heard it from you. So, these forums have their uses.) I just used the term because it is the most familiar transliteration of the name, and is commonly used by Biblical scholars. It is a "this will do" expedient, when a perfect solution isn't possible. No disrespect is intended.

About which I might ask - why is the transliteration of that particular word not possible, when every other word in ancient Hebrew can be transliterated without controversy, as I understand it? The four letters that make up the Tetragrammaton must appear throughout the language. Can they never be transliterated? I also don't understand why the same letters would have been rendered "JHVH" by the King James translators, giving us the form "Jehovah" (which I rather like, but, which must be very far from the Hebrew). "J" and "V" are not "Y" and "W". I have always found that odd.

What this has to do with the "Christian God" (I'm not sure what you mean by that, the Christian God is Yahweh) is simply to point out, in a context where belief in Christianity is being scrutinized, that all belief can be scrutinized. Judaism and Islam have both long since been subjected to higher criticism as historical phenomena. Judaism's conception of the Divine appears to derive from other ancient peoples' conceptions of the Divine, which is surely a reason to question its source in Divine inspiration, if you see what I mean. Its source appears to be knowable, appears to be an entirely human development, like the origin of Zeus and Hera, or Odin and Freya, or Vishnu and Shiva.
4 years ago Report

The problem is with translations and transliterations in general. They are never accurate in any language including English of course. And uttering the name is forbidden. It's actually unnecessary to attempt to transfer the Tetragrammaton from its original Hebrew to any other language as it will never be accurate.

In christianity, the “father” portion of the trinity is referred to as YHWH as far as I know. I've never heard the "son" part of the trinity called YHWH unless of course one subscribes to the christian notion that three = one. That would make the entire godhead YHWH I suppose but none of this is relevant to Judaism.

I've heard the claim many times that Judaism's monotheism was borrowed from earlier faiths but have not researched that in-depth. Comparing the G-d of Israel to Zeus or Hera which stem from mythology is apples and oranges.

4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
(Post deleted by DontNeedChrist 4 years ago)

Another point that should be made is Jews worship the Creator and nothing created. Xtians claim jesus was there from the beginning but in his narrative, he becomes “flesh” created in the womb. Therefore he has been created and Jews do not worship anything or anyone created.

4 years ago Report
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People, please stay on topic.

4 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: DNC, excellent point made. This is another VERY important reason why EDUCATED religious Jews CAN'T accept nor believe in Jesus/Yeshua. Judaic sources of knowledge teach Jews; which is our spiritual inheritance, the differenciation between worshipping the Creator and not His creation and nothing created.

4 years ago Report
Jaguar Essence
Jaguar Essence: DNC, another important thing you mentioned is the Monotheism of Judaism.
Monotheism meqns that on Source is the creation of all, that includes G-d creating sin.

Christianity and Islam have an issue with that, and have Satan as G-d's nemesis. Judaic sources of knowledge are clear, there's NO one else besides Him, there's no force nor forces that oppose G-d.
So, giving authority to someone or something else besides G-d IS polytheism.

Judaism is the absolute Monotheistic Religion, and as far as I know, just like DNC mentioned, other Monotheistic religions are in comparison to Judaism apples and oranges.
4 years ago Report
edmund_carey: Perhaps the topic has become a bit stale. I don't see much response to it, now.
4 years ago Report

There were just two posts today, not to mention yours. Feel free to ask questions related to the topic.

4 years ago Report