m_leonora1111: A VITAL TRUTH FOR TODAY!

The parable of the ten virgins given by Christ is a vital truth to understand in these last days and every single professed believer in Christ Jesus must be stirred by the message given, because ALL ten virgins represent ALL believers in Christ who profess to be 'waiting' for His return, just as all the virgins are 'waiting' for the bridegroom in the parable. We know this because in verse 11 of Matthew 25, the foolish virgins call the 'bridegroom' (Jesus) "Lord, Lord." So clearly, ALL of the virgins are the professed 'Church' of Christ.

This parable does NOT include the world of unbelievers. It is solely dealing with those who profess to be 'waiting' for His return. This should make every professed believer sit up and take notice, because the foolish virgins are SHUT OUT of the wedding (kingdom of God).

Matthew 25:1-13

"The name 'foolish virgins' represents the character of those who have not the genuine heart-work wrought by the Spirit of God. The coming of Christ does NOT change the foolish virgins into wise ones."

Please listen! Church 'pastors' and leaders today teach that Jesus WILL change our characters when He returns to KEEP the churches ASLEEP. Yet the Word of God says otherwise! The foolish virgins (professed believers) were NOT changed into wise virgins. They were eternal shut out and lost!

Just let that sink in for a moment. Pray about it. Ask for the Spirit of God to impress your heart and search your heart. The foolish virgins were NOT changed into wise 'perfect' virgins at the coming of the bridegroom (Christ). They RETAINED their unimproved faulty characters which they made little effort to change, and were SHUT OUT of the wedding (kingdom of God). And the book of Revelation confirms this point when probation closes, look:

Revelation 22:11-12

Do you see? When probation closes, which Revelation 15:5-8 and Daniel 12:1 speaks of, which is BEFORE the actual return of Christ, if you are a foolish virgin, you will REMAIN a foolish virgin and be forever lost. Jesus will not change our characters when He returns. This is a work that must be performed NOW.

"Those who would be saints in heaven, must first be saints upon the earth; for when we leave this earth, we shall take our character with us, and this will be simply taking with us some of the elements of heaven imparted to us through the righteousness of Christ."

This should cause every believer to plead with God, saying the prayer of David ... "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24)

This is what TRUE faith should move us towards - a hatred of all sin and a hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God through Christ. But the foolish virgins do not have this true faith. What they have is presumption! It is presumption to say you have accepted the mercy of God in your life, but are not willing to walk in obedience to the will and ways of God. Presumption is the world's substitute for real faith. The wise virgins have a real faith that submits to the sanctifying power of Christ in their lives, thus they RECEIVE the 'oil' - the 'power' to discern truth and 'lighten' their paths, with grace and character transformation. The foolish virgins have mere presumption, which the apostle James and Jesus Himself calls "faith without works" (James 2:17, Luke 6:46, Matthew 25:31-46). Thus they receive no oil and are empty.

So let us look at the particulars of this parable. All of the virgins have 'lamps'. And what does the Word of God say is a 'lamp'? ... "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psalm 119:105). It's interesting that Psalm 119 is the 'law' Psalm, the very thing that many professed believers try to do away with, and as it confirms, the Word of God is our 'lamp'. So ALL of the virgins HAVE a lamp, which therefore means they all HAVE the Word of God. But what are the foolish virgins without? Oil. And what does the oil represent? In Exodus 29:7 we have an example of Aaron being 'anointed with oil' for the service of high priest unto God. Then in Luke 4:18 James repeats a prophecy from Isaiah saying ... "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel." Do you see the connection? The anointing of oil represented the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Thus, what were the foolish virgins without? The Holy Spirit.

The foolish virgins HAVE the Word of God, but they go to the wrong source for understanding. Let me give you an example of this problem today in the churches:

God says ... "I will put my laws into their hearts and minds and CAUSE THEM TO WALK IN MY WAYS" (Ezekiel 36:26-27, Hebrews 10:16-17).

Church leaders say ... "We CANNOT keep God's commandments in this life and we will CONTINUE to sin until Jesus returns."

Who do most people in the churches listen to? The church leaders, because most people in the above particular example believe the word of the pastor in agreeing that they can't get victory over all sin in this life and will continue to sin until Jesus returns. Thus, even though they 'have' God's Word which says He WILL cause us to sin no more if we allow Him, they distrust God and trust their own deceitful hearts, their pastors and brethren instead! Thus they are without oil - destitute of the Spirit of God just like the foolish virgins. The only way the Word of God and Christ Himself through the Spirit can become a sanctifying presence within our minds is by BELIEVING God's Word and SUBMITTING our lives to it in obedience.

So what is the difference between the wise and foolish virgins? The wise, in the fear of God, prayerfully study the scriptures to find out what is truth, rather than rely upon someone else to tell them. And they SUBMIT their lives to that truth, allowing the Holy Spirit, through the truth, to become a sanctifying presence that turns them away from the world and sin, unto righteousness:

John 17:17. 2 Timothy 3:15-17. 1 Timothy 4:13,15,16. James 1:22. Romans 2:13.

Are you getting the picture? The foolish virgins are those who simply 'heard' the Word but were not DOERS of the Word, because either they were deceived by their pastor and brethren, or the truth of God's Word did not fit with their OWN ideas and desires. God will only give His Spirit to those who humby 'give themselves wholly' to the His Word and are 'doers' of His truth. This is why the wise virgins HAD oil in their lamps, because they gave themselves fully to the truth and thus God was able to work with them, giving them His Spirit to shine His light.

Without the sanctifying and enlightening Spirit of God, merely "having" the Word of God is of no avail. Jesus said in John 16:13 that it is the Spirit that guides us into all truth, and to Peter, when he declared his faith that Jesus IS the Son of God, Jesus said ... "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven " (Matthew 16:17). It is not the church preacher, leader, pastor who reveals truth to us. It is certainly NOT the pope or any other world leader. It is the Spirit of our Father in heaven which reveals truth to us. But what do the foolish virgins rely upon? The 'wisdom' of others, their pastors, church leaders, their brethren. They failed to gain a thorough understanding of God's truth through personal, prayerful, humble Bible study and they also failed in allowing God's Word to have a sanctifying effect upon their lives. Thus they are without oil! Without that character to stand the test, and without light to shine!

Another important feature of this parable is where it says the virgins 'trimmed their lamps.' What does it mean to trim a lamp? It means to trim the wick of the lamp which soaks up the oil to burn. did you know that a wick that has already been burning contains impurities in the top black parts? Also, if it is not trimmed, the flame will not burn smoothly or might be dim. So clearly, this represents us 'trimming' the impurities out of our lives, getting rid of the rubbish, so that our flames can burn more brightly.

Now did you notice in the parable that the foolish asked for some oil from the wise? Why didn't the wise give them some of their oil? Because the oil represents the Holy Spirit abiding within the wise virgins and their righteous character development. This cannot be 'borrowed' from anyone. it can ONLY be obtained through faith in Jesus Christ and personal earnest devotion to God and His ways. Now the reply from the wise and response of the foolish virgins is very telling.

"Go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."

Who are those who 'sell' the 'oil'? The false teachers and pastors of the churches! But it is NOT the true oil.

The foolish virgins actually go and seek out the oil, NOT FROM CHRIST, but from their pastors, teachers, brethren who DECEIVED them with false teachings, false grace, a false gospel that spoke much of 'love', but had no sanctifying power to transform their lives into the image of Christ, and thus they are not ready for the bridegroom! THE DOOR IS SHUT! Probation has closed! The 'spiritual' harvest is done! All cases have been decided ready for the actual harvest, and the cry of the foolish virgins will be:

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!!" (Jeremiah 8:20)

Oh I pray all will take a closer heed to this parable of the ten virgins, for it speaks much truth to us in these end times and gives a definite warning to all of God's professed people to make sure we do not fall into the camp of the foolish virgins. God has told us to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12). We are NOT to rely upon our churches or pastors for truth or salvation. We are to work it ourselves, between us and Christ alone. And we are never to presume we are saved, while making no effort to right the wrongs in our lives, or doing works of love. We are to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. In fear of our own deceitful hearts. In the fear of God, which means to turn from all sin and seek righteousness (Psalm 34:11-16). Presumption, which the foolish virgins and much of 'Christianity' today are guilty of is not true faith. True faith is a faith that takes hold of God's Word, studies it, loves it, cherishes it, and in the faith of Jesus Christ, LIVES by it.

Revelation 3:18-19. Revelation 14:12.
(Edited by m_leonora1111)
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by m_leonora1111 1 year ago)
m_leonora1111: This topic is only for Christians.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: I'm an ex Christian, that kind of counts. I didn't know that forums were exclusive clubs, Bob thinks so, don't be like Bob again. The parables are by someone who wrote that there was Christ and a Medieval god named God according to him and then he mentioned virgins. The earlier stories about it are not where the name Jesus Christ and God were used. Good luck on waiting for that return and look out for the foolish virgins. It's so much of the truth, not much truth.

You got reported for your last message.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report
m_leonora1111: What ever happened I don't care, because the truth must preached around the world, before the end of the world. So I am here for many years. I am also in many other forums that you don't know if they exist.

I follow Jesus Christ and my pioneers teaching.

Gerald it is better for you to not knowing the Word of God, to turn your back from it. So there is no hope for you, and all the other monkeys evolution false theory.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Putting aside the fact that every mythological religious god, which includes the gods that you are for since Christ and the god that is supposed to be his father are gods by many names now as they were in the past, there is no word of a god with a Feudal Age name. It’s word without a capital. It should be the words of Yahwe/Yahweh or some Hebrew name since God is a fairly recent name. But anyway every religious god, which includes Christ, is a made up god. They were disproven long ago. What’s the obsession with virgins at times in The Bible ?

The truth is that a god named God and Jesus Christ are made up. There is possibly at least one god or goddess around somewhere right now, if there is then the name or names and anything about that one or them is unknown. The human interpretation of the unknown is what your book contains. Don’t use a comma before the word and at all. You use the word exist the wrong way. I’m not interested in most forums on this site and I only care about the minority of forums that I do know about. I don’t know what you are getting at with the Monkeys and it isn’t a false theory. Anyway I’ll look at your verses of the first message that you put on here thoroughly, starting with the first verses that you mentioned. Why though personally do you think that the stories are about foolish virgins ? If you pray on your own to a god by any name then no one is around to hear it when you do that. It’s a case of talking to yourself.
1 year ago Report
m_leonora1111: Because you think that you are the wisest man on this planet, you can think for everyone. And also you are in the life of everyone.

So you are making yourself a god before all humans.

Gerald my little boy! Is time to drink your pills 💊 regularly! In this world are two kind of people.

One are religious that believing in a God. And the other side those that believe in evolution.

So if you cannot see in which one you are, ask your doctor for more pills!
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: We are yet to meet the wisest man on Earth, I do not think for everyone, nor do I try to. None of us is a god. I am not a little boy, no one drinks pills, they are made of solid material after all. I don’t take pills, nor do I need to. You don’t like using spaces for commas, exclamation marks and so on. You sometimes use too many capitals and the word and is not something that should be used at the front of a sentence. Some people believe in gods and others, including a lot of religious people are for everything about evolution. You used the word believing the wrong way. There is a difference between the name God and the word god.

The bit about virgins doesn’t make any sense at all to me. Each religious god is made up. All of the claims were disproven long ago. Stop making false accusations about me as well.
1 year ago Report
m_leonora1111: God is not a name my friend.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Read the way God is used in any verse and you’ll notice that it is not used as a title. Even the way you used that in this forum shows that God is a name, not a title.
1 year ago Report
m_leonora1111: Let me help you little minded boy!!

Calling something a god my friend, is adoring anything that is great for you. Even an idol is a god.

So you have learn something more. Stop playing wise and search on Wikipedia what is a god.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: An idol is not a god, some people think that it is. Now be civil, the little minded boy was just a very lame attack on me. You still like the exclamation marks that way. I on here though did not call anything anything at all. I'm just doing whatever I can, I'm not playing at all and if Wikipedia is the one stop spot for everything then we're all stuffed.

1 Then ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome: 2 fyve of them were folysshe and fyve were wyse.

3 The folysshe toke their lampes but toke none oyle wt the.

4 But ye wyse tooke oyle wt the in their vesselles wt their lampes also.

5 Whill the brydgrome taryed all slombred and slepte. 6 And even at mydnyght there was a crye made: beholde the brydgrome cometh goo out against him.

7 Then all those virgins arose and prepared their lampes. 8 And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle for our lampes goo out?

9 But ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but goo rather to them yt sell and by for youre selves. 10 And whill they went to bye ye brydgrome came: and they yt were redy went in with him to ye weddinge and the gate was shett vp:

11 Afterwardes came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master open to vs.

12 But he answered and sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you.

13 Watche therefore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre when the sonne of man shall come.

That was from The 'Boke of Mattheus', as it was known then, it was chapter 25. You mentioned it. Why ? That was the 1526 edition of The Tyndale Bible by the way. So it was the time of The Renaissance.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: There never was a Christ around as far back as The Iron Age. Christ is made up so he never came up with any parable because he never existed and he still does not exist. Ten virgins ? A lot of jokes can me made about that. Ooh yeah !
1 year ago Report