
pastortim: Prayer is more than trying to get something from God or trying to better our circumstances, even pagans can pray. it is the very breath between us and God. it is that which leads to our spiritual survival. without prayer we die, dry up and become religious. When we pray we keep the river of life flowing in us, and out of us to a dying world.
2 years ago Report
garryhr1234: james 5v16 the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man aveith much so what is righteous it is doing what is right // 1 peter 3v12 the eyes of God are on His righteous ones and His ears are attentive to there prayer request = so being righeous is the way to get prayer answered /// in addition to those verses let the wicked man forsake his ways and the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts so even thoughts could drag you down to the level of unrighteousness
2 years ago Report
privateone01: That’s good that you are a Bible reader! If I were to mention God’s Kingdom, what does that mean to you?
2 years ago Report
Zanjan: The Kingdom of God is the heaven of His religions. Therein is the life of the soul, governing the hearts in loving and obedient service to Him. Dwellers in the Kingdom seek only His good pleasure. Paradise is to be in the presence of God.
(Edited by Zanjan)
2 years ago Report
pastortim: Seek first the kingdom of GOD AND ALL HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all these other things will be added unto you. MATTHEW 6:33
2 years ago Report