If God exists, where is he? (Page 140)

Zanjan: "Did Canada send the army in to sort out a few truckers?"

No. They didn't need to. In Alberta, the RCMP handled those redneck anarchists quickly and quietly. It was over in like, 1 hour. The perps are all in jail.

Conversely, in Ontario, they used their city police, who had a much harder time getting rid of them, mostly because they have weird laws there. Eventually, the Prime Minister had to temporarily execute the War-measures Act, which gave their police more authority to bring down the hammer.
It worked but Trudeau took a lot of flack from the media for such a bold move.

When I said 'building' communities, I meant stable ones - nobody annoys anyone or goes to jail.
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Why do they do this at times ? Resident Evil is on, Clash of the Titans is on, Deep Water Blue One is on and Far North is on as well as some really cool dance music on the 'radio' on the television. I can't record all of that at once, I wish I could, I have enough televisions to do so if they all had recording devices. Unfortunately only one has that ability. Other days you just get crap on the television. I prefer to use spaces before exclamation marks, question marks and colons. Bob never combusted, he was into believing that evolution is a form of science and that it is not a form of science at the same time. Even in forums not about religion, not even in his fake creationist way, he has brought up bloody religion. Some stupid verse or verses that he is for usually. There is nothing about Dinosaurs in The Book of Genesis, the ship was never built and Noah did not exist. The flood is made up. Hyphens are not always necessary. Truckers ? I thought that was North Americans use that, that those in The United Kingdom use Lorry Drivers and here (most people (who are not brainwashed by Yanks)) use Truckies instead of Truck Drivers. Mushrooms ? No one should repeat the words of other people on here.

Sometimes quotation marks are not needed. There is no comma before that word and for any reason. I have been to The United Kingdom, it's not all congested with people and cabs. Whatever Zanjan was mentioning about communities and the like didn't make any sense to me at all.

There is no known Book of Leviticus, chapter eight, verse 26 from as far back as 200 BC. The earliest known version of it is from before 68 AD, maybe it was written as early as 1 AD or as late as 67 AD or from some year in between then. Whatever is so it is an Iron Age scroll known as 4Q25, it was found at Cave Four in Qumran, West Bank, The Palestinian Territories.

Moses, Moshe (without the pit) and every other claimed person with a similar name in a religious book just did not exist.


Above is the Massoretic standard Hebrew text, the transliteration of it and The Holy Name King James Bible which is based on the 1769 AD King James Bible of The Age of Enlightenment.


The above has the Masoretic Hebrew text Great Scriptures (second edition) Tanakh and the English translation of it. It's a sixteenth century book, it is from The Renaissance.


The above is the English translation of the Koine Greek 4Q25 Dead Sea Scroll of The Iron Age. Next time I will look to see what the earliest known version there is of The Book of Leviticus, chapter eight, verse 29.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Gerald's right. Outside of Oxford city centre you can actually walk about without colliding with anyone in the UK. What's more, taxis are just a nuisance.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Until somebody dug up some bones and realised they were rather odd looking, nobody had ever heard of dinosaurs. Now how can this be if everything was created within six days and all creatures got on the Ark together? Either those dinosaurs were cut up to feed the other animals, a grievous crime if ever there was one, or not everything was walking around at the same time. But if some animals lived at an earlier date than others we have a bit of a problem, don't we, because this contradicts the biblical narrative? And if the Bible isn't to be believed on one thing, why should it be believed on anything?
(Edited by ghostgeek)
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Is there a star map that points the way to God? Can telescopes be sighted on the dozy old critter? Or are we supposed to believe whatever some geezer with a beard tells us?
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Even what is in The Bible is not the claim that everything was created in six days. Nothing though of course was created, it's a myth. Noah also never existed, a god named God is made up, the flood never happened and the ship was never built. I prefer to use a space before a question mark. Story, tale or anything else that is a better suited word than what you used
should have been used and even the word and was better if the two sentences were joined together instead of using the word and at the start of a sentence, that of course goes with the word or as well.

There is no known version of The Book of Leviticus, chapter eight, verse 29 from as far back as 68 AD, the earliest claimed version of that verse is The Codex Vaticanus of 300 AD or 399 AD or some year in between those years. No one is quite sure where it was written, it was most likely written in Egypt, it is in Koine Greek. The earliest version that I know about that is fully translated is The Wycliffe Bible of the fourteenth century, so in The Castle Age. That verse of that chapter was included and the remaining part of that chapter was included in that Bible that is in Middle English. The Masada Leviticus b Dead Sea Scroll is from Masada in Israel. It was written in 1 AD or in 72 AD or in some year in between those years. It is written in Hebrew and it contains The Book of Leviticus, chapter eight, verses 31, 33, 34, chapter nine, verses one to and including 10, verses 12, 13, 22 to and including verse 24. It also includes chapter 10, verses one, nine to and including verse 20. After that it includes chapter 11, verses one to 13, 15 to and including verse 21 and verses 23 to and including verse 40.

For every verse missing from that just refer to my bit about the Koine Greek Codex Vaticanus and about The Wycliffe Bible. Also from every verse missing from other Dead Sea Scrolls for chapters two to and including 19 just refer to the last sentence before this one.







The 4Q25 Scroll is from the Cave Four System, Qumran, The Palestinian Territories. It includes parts of The Book of Leviticus chapters nine to and including chapters 16 and 22.

Cave 11 there has the 11Q2 Scrolls of 25 AD or 75 AD or some year in between those years.



Anyway with each of the above just check out any of the chapters from chapter nine to and including chapter 19.

With the 11Q1 scroll of Cave 11 it was written in 30 BC or 68 AD or in some year in between those years. It was written in Paleo-Hebrew.


With the 2Q5 scroll of Cave two it was written in 100 BC or 1 BC or some year in between those years. It's another Paleo-Hebrew written scroll.


The Cave four example above was written in 150 BC or 75 BC or some year in between those years.


The Cave Four Complex example above was written in 1 AD or 67 AD or some year in between those years.


Basically the same time period as the last one, it is from Cave One.


From the same time period as the last one, it is from Cave Four.

Next time I will look at the earliest known examples of The Book of Leviticus, chapter 20.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost: “Now how can this be if everything was created within six days and all creatures got on the Ark together?”

Who’s still asserting those were “earth” days? Doesn’t say that in Genesis. It does say that the days of the calendar week are named after these stages of creation, which are numbered. Earth days are repeated; creation is not - that is, each creation is new.

The default position in scripture is in *spiritual* time. Evidence for this is the term “the Day of God”. In the OT, we have a table to convert earth days to the Days of God. All created things have a spirit which describes its nature.
A rock is a creature– it wasn’t called and didn’t board the Ark.

So, the word “animals” could apply to creatures in the animal kingdom OR to their spiritual qualities.
Applying the default, humans are the only spiritually-minded animals. With education and training, they can rise above their base, animal nature and be the noble creature that God intended them to be - Man.

An Ark is something that provides long term safety and protection. It can be any agency or vehicle such as medicine, a breeding zoo/wild life preserve, a contract, a system, etc and so forth.

A large new boat is the perfect analogy for the Covenant. There will be instructions how to make it strong and stable; each part will serve, in its particular way, to hold it together and preserve it from damage. It's inevitable that, as we grow, we'll graduate from simple caricatures and animations to the real thing.
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Right, Zanjan, so we should be thinking of "elastic days" that can expand or contract as required? Well, there's a problem with that idea as far as I can see, and it's this: those ancients who wrote the early verses of Genesis may not have known that days could be any length that a later interpreter insisted on. Being relatively simple chaps, they may have thought that a day was fixed in length and that no one in their right mind would think differently.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: A rock is a creature? Yes, I can see that the bracing Canadian air you breath has had a mind-expanding effect on your thinking. Shame the rocks in my garden aren't empowered by their spiritual qualities to keep themselves neat and tidy.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Mmm, Zanjan, I'm starting to think that you've outgrown the literalist writing of the Bible. Most people see the Ark as a boat with primative sanitation but you've transformed it into a zoo where wild couplings are the norm. Ever thought of using your talents to craft some steamy romances for the over-aged?
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Does Gerald, I wonder, dream of spaces before question marks when he's cruising in Slumberland? Got to say it: some people's dreams are mighty odd.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: I don't know how you got "elastic" out of days but, yes, actually. Time is relative; there's no exact equivalency but the conversion is a close approximation. Earth time and spiritual time isn't the same.

I'm sure that, at least once, you've had something horribly shocking happen to you. You'd know this because the scene unravels in slow mo. You feel like a detached observer, standing outside of the scene, watching it play out. Whereas, other people are IN the scene, experiencing time differently. If you haven't had this experience yet, well, you're in for a treat.

In a serious emergency, 10 seconds can seem like an eternity. According to a famous astronaut, you disregard emotions - take 9 seconds to think about what you're going to do, saving the last second to act. That's a huge mental feat.

In other situations, an event hits you so fast, it's long over before you know you've been hit, if you ever know at all. Undoubtedly, the ancients before the Bible had some idea that time was a matter of perspective but didn't really understand it. Moses straightened that out.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: Rocks are not about tidiness - they exist to provide much needed minerals and year-round shelter to plants and animals. They help the soil retain moisture while facilitating good drainage.

People can be like rocks - just as dumb or just as strong, as common or as beautiful. They can be an obstacle against intrusion or a sanctuary for those in danger.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: "Most people see the Ark as a boat with primative sanitation"

What they don't get is the Ark and all it contained was clean and pure from the moment it was built to the day it landed back on dry ground. This is what the Bible has described. There was no multiplication until after everyone exited the Ark.

At God's command to be fruitful and multiply, they headed off to another location to build houses. There's nothing special about having sex or building a shelter - you don't need anyone to tell you to do that, it's instinctive. Ergo, they'd be building Houses of Worship.

It doesn't matter what anyone or science tells them or even what God tells them, that's not what they want to hear. They'll stick with their own story because that's how they wish it to be. So be it.
(Edited by Zanjan)
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Sometimes there is no need for exclamation marks. There are no 'elastic days' at all. Ancient people, ancients just is not right. Commas are not always necessary and I prefer to use a space before a question mark or a colon. Rocks are not creatures but apparently a movie that was a myth of a myth about mythical Noah, who apparently looked like Russell (don't throw the phone) Crowe. He should be deported for keeping Souths going, that team sucks so they should deport the Kiwi back to New Zealand.

It's an interesting Diner, I know one of them with only one letter n, he's a weird bastard that I know well but he's not too bad.

Canadian special 'turf' maybe what effects some hippies and those that are like them. Sometimes hyphens are not needed. There are better suited words than some of the words that have been used on this site. There is nothing spiritual except getting drunk with spirits. Some spelling mistakes have been made at times too. Norm is not a proper word and there really is no such thing as normal, just the average or the usual might be what is so. There is no such thing as Slumberland, I do though sleep quite well, I don't dream about anything that I see on this site. Some have odd dreams, others do not. In Tasmania time is spent with a relative and everyone there looks like a relative. There is no such thing as spiritual time. Words don't need to be completely in the uppercase.

The Bible is a book, it has no ideas at all. Moses did not exist. Rocks are not life forms, they do not exist, they though are present around here. The ship was never built and the flood never happened. God is made up. Sometimes too many capitals have been used. Every sentence should end with a full stop.

11Q1 PaleoLeviticus a scroll is from Cave 11 at Qumran, West Bank in The Palestinian Territories, it was written was written in the PaleoHebrew Script. It is from 30 BC or 68 AD or from some year in between those years. It includes parts of chapters 4, 10, 11, 13 to and including 27 of The Book of Leviticus.


4Q26a is from The Qumran Cave Four Complex in West Bank in The Palestinian Territories. It includes parts of chapters three, 19 to and including 22. It was written in 1 AD or in 67 AD or in some year in between those years. Verses seven to and including 19 are not included in any Dead Sea Scroll. It is claimed that with Codex Vaticanus it was written in there in Koine Greek, the earliest known one that I know is Codex Sinaitcius, it was written in 326 AD or in 399 AD or some year in between then. The Codex Vaticanus is considered to have been around before the other codex, it was written in 300 AD or 399 AD or in some year between those years.


The thing with Codex Sinaitcus of Egypt is that the only section of The Book of Leviticus, chapter 20 that it has is verse 27 and chapters 21 and 22. The earliest that I do have of anything that I have a translation for is the fourteenth century Wycliffe Bible that includes all of The Bible. It is a Castle Age book with Middle English.








1Q3 PaleoLeviticus-Numbers is a scroll in Paleo-Hebrew, it was written in 1 AD or 67 AD or in some year in between then. It includes parts of The Book of Leviticus chapters 11, 19 to and including The Book of Numbers, chapter one and 36. It was in Cave One.


The 4Q24 Leviticus b Scroll was in Qumran Cave Four, it was written in Hebrew. It was written in 150 BC or 125 BC or in some year before in between those years. It includes parts of The Book of Leviticus chapters one, two, three, 21 to and including 25.


The 4Q25 scroll is set in the exact same time as 1Q3, it is from The Cave Four System. It includes The Book of Leviticus, chapter 22, verses 28 and 29. It was written in Hebrew.


The 4Q23 Scroll is from Cave Four. It includes The Book of Leviticus chapters 13 to and including 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27, The Book of Numbers, chapters one, two, four, five, eight, nine, 10 to and including 13, 22, 26, 30, 32, 33 and 35. It was written between 150 and 75 BC or during one of the two years.


11Q2 was at Cave 11, it was written in 25 AD or in 75 AD or in some year between then other than 50 AD. It includes The Book of Leviticus, chapter 25.


4Q119 is from Cave Four. It was written in 100 BC or 25 BC or in some year in between then.


Next time I will look at The Book of Numbers.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Yeah, a slow motion crash that I avoided. Couldn't have been more than a few seconds but I had time to wonder if I should bother doing anything. I did, but the other guy must have received the fright of his life all the same.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Zanjan, dear Gerald doesn't believe that Moses existed. Please straighten him out.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: I have to say that after a year I really can't see the Ark being pure and clean. Hell, it must have ponged to high heaven.
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: And still no explanation as to where all those dinosaurs ended up. Up the gangplank they all trooped but not one of them ever set foot on dry land again. A whole extinction event happened on the Ark, yet no mention of it in the Bible. Must have been the first cover-up in history, and on God's watch too. Very fishy!
10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: No such thing as "normal" down under according to Gerald. Everyone, it seems, is jumping about like a kangaroo with a flame thrower shoved up its arse. Could explain all those bush fires they have.
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Moses never existed. This is a text based site, you are unable to say anything due to that. Sometimes commas are not needed. Noah didn't exist, a god named God is made up, the ship never never built and the flood never happened. The word and never looks right at the start of any sentence because it isn't right. Hyphens are not always needed and the word and does not need a comma before it. I prefer to have a space before an exclamation mark. There is no such thing as normal. No one is jumping around as you falsely claimed. Sometimes quotations are not needed. Bushfires have happened in Australia for millions of years.





The above is from the fourteenth century, what is not in The Dead Sea Scrolls is in that Castle Age Bible in Middle English if not in the Iron Age Codex Vaticanus that is in Koine Greek (if all about that codex is actually true).



The above has what is not in The Dead Sea Scrolls and maybe The Codex Vaticanus does too.

Moses never existed, I don't agree with everything in his videos.

Next time I will look at The Book of Joshua.
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: http://dssenglishbible.com/scrollsJoshua.htm


It's basically like the last message that I put on here so see the above message.

Next time I will look at The Book of Judges.

10 months ago Report
ghostgeek: Somebody led a motley collection of brick makers from Egypt to a volcano in Midian. As to whether his name was Moses or Joe Blogs, suit yourself.
10 months ago Report
Zanjan: Ghost, I can't straighten Gerald out, not with rolling pin or even a Stierli machine. He has to be returned to the Foundry and recycled in the furnace. Later forging will be in God's hands.
10 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: You two go on about rot a times. What Ghostgeek claims to be true is false, also Moses did not exist. There is nothing to straighten out with me, the furnace bit was crap too and God is made up.







Next time I will look at The Book of Job.


The above is in Middle English, it's from the fourteenth century. It's a Castle Age Bible. Just use the arrows there to go to the books that are mentioned on here.


Job didn't exist also.
10 months ago Report