Religion and a review about religious forums.

GeraldtheGnome: Well the first forum should not even be in a religious forum, a forum titled 'What will replace evolution.', despite what is implied by the title, really should be in the science forum. When the title is supposed to be a question then a question mark should be at the end of it. No matter how many people are wrong or right about anything on the forum doesn't matter since no matter what someone has put onto that forum and no matter what anyone will put on that forum will be off the subject because it should be a science forum, not a religious forum.

I will bring up things about religion and about another religious forum later on.
1 year ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Below is a link to the forum that I mentioned last time.

Topic: Religion

It should not be considered as a religious forum and there are other problems with it, I include that of the title for a start.

With one that is actually about religion you will see various things on there, not just that of any errors of course. Anyway below is a link to the forum.

Topic: Religion

Notice in particular the claims about those who Zeffur/Bac77 (with the multiple accounts) bit about the 'independent writers' who wrote about Jesus. Any Jesus of the first century is and was made up but Zeffur still does not realize that. There are other mistakes there too of course.

Zeffur hated that video, if he saw and heard it that is. I like it. A god named God is also made up, and everything about creation is false too.
6 months ago Report