Islam and Christianity the world most followed religions

dr_mohamed_mahmoud: How would you see the real differences between these 4 billions follower religions
11 months ago Report
ImAMoron: Exegesis maybe

11 months ago Report
Zanjan: That's not a difference.

I'm not clear on whether the question is about difference of religion of difference of people.

Religious practice: The main difference is the divine command to pray 5 times a day, at specific times, reciting the specific revealed prayers, ablutions and genuflections.
Making an image of the Messenger of God, such as a painting of His face, a representation of His voice or acting as His person in a performance.

As for everything else, including the laws, no difference - in both religions, there are just as many sects, devoted practicing believers, non-active believers, pretenders, and fanatics.

11 months ago Report
ImAMoron: yeah a huge difference

read a book woman
11 months ago Report
edmund_carey: My first thought is that Christianity immediately committed itself to converting the world by missionary work, while Islam committed itself to the same task by conquest. And at least in some ways, to some degree, both religions carry on with their original choice in that regard.
11 months ago Report
Zanjan: Issac, read a dictionary, man > Exegesis

"critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture."

They BOTH interpret. Neither reads each others' Holy Books, although they're supposed to.
11 months ago Report
ImAMoron: Zanjan, you are an argumentative dolt

OP asked a question, I gave my answer, it's my opinion, if ya don't like it, suck eggs

11 months ago Report
Zanjan: Edmund: "Islam committed itself to the same task by conquest."

That's not true. Hearsay tends to leapfrog over expanses of time. Islam was spread primarily by merchant traders. There was good reason it attracted more women than men (same as Christianity). Likewise, it was already well -established before anyone decided to size up another's territory.
Here's the principle: Anybody who's object is to build an empire also brings their own religion with them and makes sure all their subjects respect it.

The conquered will either hate or love their conqueror.

Islam didn't conquer anything except hearts. By law, Islam may be defended but never used to attack or acquire material things. Dont be hornswoggled by militant groups - they're not Muslims of Christians.
(Edited by Zanjan)
11 months ago Report
A quick study from this website:

"The signs of an argumentative personality:

- their daily mantra seems to be, “I object.”
- Other people are always the source of an argument, not them.
- “It’s your fault” and “You are to blame” are some of their favourite phrases.
- It’s almost impossible to get them to consider your views – in their mind they're right.
- They can come up with heaps of reasons why you, and not they, are the ones causing all the trouble."

Standards of practice are automatically incorporated in everything we undertake, no matter the venture or subject at hand. Ours is to recognize and honour the truths. For example:

A true argument doesn't contain insults or mention of the speakers. It supplies facts and sources of information if necessary. Scholastic arguments require the highest standard of intellectual rigor.

A false argument denies the facts and more often than not, carries the odour of bitterness.

Scholars avoid philosophical and grammatical taboos but the common man doesn't because he doesn't care about principles of learning or manners. The careless shouldn't jump into a conversation about education - that is, religion; yet, they do because their intentions are wrongful.

If a person doesn't understand why someone has taken them to task, the right thing to do is ask. Regardless, a fact shouldn't be overlooked or misrepresented.

Followers of both religions aim to be righteous souls - if one can't see another's actions, then the words must serve the intentions. Generally speaking, humans are the same all over the world - they display the same traits but not the same capacities, most of which are hidden.
(Edited by Zanjan)
11 months ago Report