The Jedi Order.

GeraldtheGnome: Can you really claim to be of The Jedi Order on a census and what is the Jedi religion anyway ? Here's a starter on what I mean. to 48,000 people reported,: A Hyper-Real Testament.

For those still experiencing May the fourth, it's Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with you, always.

BBY means before the battle of Yavin.
(Edited by GeraldtheGnome)
11 months ago Report
LadyJustice: Can you do it for real in census?
11 months ago Report
GeraldtheGnome: Well they did so there is no reason that no one can not do that, after all there are now various things in some of the censuses around the world that are asked that no matter what it will give a misleading result to the census. I know that everything about the Jedi and Sith religions is made up but I am still tempted to put myself down as a Jedi when it comes to the question of religion.

I hope that those of Disney do not stuff it up as they have done with other Star Wars films that were made by the Disney mob. Of course I'm also annoyed by their television shows about it that are not animations in one form or the other.

As the mythology goes. On planet Ossus there was the Jedi and that of those before it, anyway there were for the force for good, the 'Light side' that I use in a certain way and anyway the early group later known as The Jedi decided that the 'Dark side' should not be used with 'The Force' and not all on Ossus agreed with that so they left and set up a new order opposing that, they became The Dark Jedi. Meanwhile back on Ossus there where those that were exiled from Ossus. It eventually led to some of The Dark Jedi ended up on the Sith world of Korriban.

I don't like the way some people use off of, the guy in the video also used magics rather than magic and some other words that I do not agree with. I'm not a fan of the word peace, there is only calmness, tranquility and at best balance. Also I like the word tricks rather than trickery. There is no such thing as alchemical or even alchemically. I got that it's about the mythology of alchemy. The word alchemy is used the wrong way in the video though, it is really about sorcery, I mean what the guy in the video talked about.

Of course BBY just means Before The Battle of Yavin. Planet Yavin that is, well the battle for it, not on it or within it's atmosphere, the target of The Battle of Yavin was the Jungle Moon Yavin Four. I'm also not for soul mythology, at the end of the video he also talked about myths that a lot of people to this day do not realize are myths, that the gods and goddesses of those myths and every supernatural claim within those stories are made up.

I'm confused. Who exactly was the first full blooded 'Human' Sith in the stories ? Was it Gav or Revan or Malek or another ? The guy in the next video doesn't know how to pronounce certain things and I don't think reprogramming is the right word where he used it. Some don't realize that Yavin Four was a Moon, not planet and that is where The Sith Temples were. The world was later used as the main planet of the Rebels. ABY means like 1 ABY is the time after the battle as in the fist year. I really hate it when someone uses the word existential. I'm not a fan of the word peaceful either. Unaffected is also better than the word disaffected also. For those not in the know a confederacy in the case of the video is a semi autonomous alliance pact.

That's it for now and may The Force be with you, always.

11 months ago Report