Time travel? (Page 2)

MattyD89: i geuss i dont practice good science. n i dont give a shit if einstien said its a good thing. its a good thigns in SOME cases, and i nsome cases isnt.

u know einstien was also religious?

hes obvusly not right about everyhitng

none the elss a very smart and open midned perosn ofr his time
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: you have no diea what a mind clock even is. watch the new bbc documentary on the "mind lock" and i think youd be suprised.

it ahs nothing to due with the "time" you are tlaking about. it has to due with when you eat, sleep, shit, ect.


as well, what you say is theory because you have NOT ONE FACT to base your theory upon.

mine is not a theory. it is a fact because the fact of the matter is we can look at the origons of time (which still you boviously have not. we did not create a clock to "understand" "time" better.. we created a clocked to know when the sun was going to come up and be bright, or go down and be dark. we calculated this using rocks - look it up - had nothing to due with a mathmatical equation. all this lead to mathmatics though one we elarned how to apply numbers to the sun and how the earth rotates around ti) we can see that time does not exist it is a mere word used by humans to communcate.

this is fact
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: the origins of time are fact. not fantasy.
14 years ago Report
otcclass4ever: Matty:
OPINIONS very...

sorry but I don't have the time or the patience right now to have an INTELLECTUAL discussion with closed minded people like you..once you are willing to have an open mind let me know.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: we can look at the evolution of time through humanity.

the same as religious beleifs.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: octalss.

the exact same thing can be said for you.

14 years ago Report
MattyD89: nor do you udnerstand the ORIGINS of how time came to be by humans.
14 years ago Report
aesthetic111: Eistien told that "there was not anything faster than light".
If you can prove something faster than light,you will go to other time that you want to go.then you will be the first one who can break this qoute and get the nobel prize.
14 years ago Report
xxzero: actually there is nothing in einstein equations..that can prevent time travel..it's a question of prove it..and that evolves massive quantites of energy..for example..something more powerfull than creating microscopic black holes..like so many einstein theories..speed of light limit are just calculations from a brilliant mind..
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: get up on the latest news n shit people. enstiens theory has been shown to be 'wrong' in some cases. ex. scientest have discovered a long time ago that things can travel faster then light - through water - look into bbcs articles about it. as well, it has been announced recently the spped of light does in fact react as many physicist suggested.

we are just now proving and disproving thoeries and still will be for years to come.

having a debate on time travel is retarted.

especialy because, in reality, there is NO SUCH THING as time anyways.
14 years ago Report
john1576: Aisthetic. Time does seem difficult to define as an independent force. For instance, when you see a Star, microscopic Photons of light are entering your eye. The Photons began their journey across Space, 30 or 100 million years ago. Their life ended when they were absorbed by your retina. So the Photons entering your eye are millions of years old? well to us yes, but the Photon, if it could experience time, would only feel the journey took a split second. This also gives us an interesting insight into what Time is like where God is. In Second Peter, Peter says; 'with God a thousand years is but a day and a day is like a thousand years'. Most Theologians say this is a description of Gods character, i.e. He does not forget. But it could just as easily describe Time where God is.
14 years ago Report
MattyD89: john your right about one thing - the photon story.

there is no such thing as time. as anyone how long tis taken them to get where they are at in life? felt like to time at all.....

i know every single person i have ever talked to. whether 10 years old or 70, theyall say that time in which they are at in life has come much sooner then they could have ever imagined and what was a long time ago seemed like yesterday.

this is because there is no time. there is no focce that acts upon us t move us forward into the future. our cells in our body change, we change, rocks change due to enviormental forces, but nothing changes because of time.

the universes are stattionary. they change, but they are stationary in the realm of "time".

time is a man made device that was first created as a sun dial to know when the sun was going to rise and fall.to know day and night. nothing more.
14 years ago Report
4 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I wouldn't say time is a man made device, we measure it with man made devices. We also know that time is not constant, it varies with speed and gravity, implying that it is a field effect of what we call space/time. Kind of like a magnet, has a field effect around it.
I doubt we could ever go backwards in time simply because of laws of physics, conservation of energy for one. But, I think one could suspend time and move forward.
4 years ago Report
chronology: I posted a item on my Trivia Blog years ago about time travel. First there are a number of Time States you can be in. Dream Time is very different from time when you are awake. Researchers in the United States monitored people dreaming and timed when their dreams began and ended. When they asked the subjects how long they were dreaming for the subjects always said something like an hour or two. In fact they were dreaming less than a few minutes.
Another Time State is the'end of life review' . Most people think this an urban myth. But psychologists who have questioned many people about seeing their'life flash before their eyes' when they thought that they were about to die have found that many subjects are insisting that they saw all the events of their lives flash before them in a second or two. 50 years of life compressed into a few seconds is not just the effect of adrenaline rush in a crisis. Something else is happening. NASA has also proven that the faster you travel, the slower time becomes in your Space Craft.

So Time is more than what we see around us. In theory actually moving bodily through time is impossible. But recent studies in the United States have suggested it is possible to communicate through time. But there are restrictions. For example, communication would only be possible via a machine in one place. If a project as big as the Big Swiss collider experiment were constructed in California it would theoretically be possible to communicate with people between the time the machine was built and when it was scrapped. Communication would be only possible in the form of Email type transmission. If the machine was built in 2030 a scientist could communicate with a person in 2130 if the machine was running at that time. But communication could only be via that machine, no where else.
The potential for such communication would be World changing. Congress would probably insist on strict regulations of such a device.
4 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I think I have read something about that, using quantum physics and the sync'd spin of atoms. Tough to come up with a way to make that a medium, but it is possible.
4 years ago Report