Science Thought Experiment #1 (Page 4)

CourtGesture: I forgot to go out and check what song was on. Silly me. Self.
12 years ago Report
smoke4ever: time is a creation
12 years ago Report
CourtGesture: Time is a measuring stick.
12 years ago Report
WhiteCloud2: To me time is a human invention cuz we r a serial thinking machines ….so in reality time doesn’t really exist.. what goes on in the universe can be looked at as actions and consequences .. all happening in parallel ..

so me going to school when I (was) 7 years old and me dyeing (when I am) 110 : ) are really taking place in parallel there r realities that exist in parallel..

I think we as individuals r already each in our own time machine that is taking us through these realities in series : ) .. so one could assume that by pushing a button of a time machine that one could specify which of the parallel realities bubbles one wants to visit!

One major assumption is made here is that those parallel reality bubbles are sets specific for an individual and many times can be shared.

I read what I wrote and it doesnt really make sense!!! .... but I guess this cuz I am a serial machine trying to think in parallel : )..
12 years ago Report
alpossmar82: Through some rare personal experience has deluded the status que. Do I beleve in human progression? The use of medicene for human longlivity the exploration of space and its consequence is somewhat negative.
Is it possible I am a product of Post-Vietnam Cold war induction into agricultural technology. In my state it is the backbone of my economy.
I can grasp what your understanding WhiteCloud2 the only serial understanding personally comes with time was currency first priority before love as means of escaping the realm of human intrapment.
I respect completely your reply and the reflective motion it has provoked as I should take more care in such topics, maybe make a great script no govermnt involvment please..
12 years ago Report
THABLACKKNIGHT: Id meet more great people on wire within that hour ahead of time..i am big on time travelling theories,i have many ways in mind in which we travel consciously and also when we are in a none conscious just like to build something that could physically allow this journey(carry are whole selves in to time) great topic
12 years ago Report
spankdmonkey: Time is measured by distance travelled So quite thearetically if it took 24 hours for a day to happen ,you would have to travel twice the speed of a day , by the time you travelled ahead twice the speed in 24 hours your one extra day into the future ,

You will never make that day back up because everyday you spend there you will be a day in front .In other words yesterday will never come for you because it has to travel at twice its normal speed to catch upto you so that day hypothetically will never catch upto you because from the second you arived your now living in the present and not the future .

hope that makes sense ,In other words a day passed you by so thats one day you will never live even though it will exist you wont get to see it as you live in the present now .And to answer Rods question it would be the same if you went a hour ahead it cannot catch you up but there is one conselation to it you will forever be a hour younger because you never lived it
(Edited by spankdmonkey)
12 years ago Report
alpossmar82: To create a physcal time machine is only 5% possible at present time. If we take on an evolution in robotics 100% piece of metals the non biological mind the perception of time is a significant funtion to daily operations of robotics therefore human perception compared is different. We can us the robot as a variable to our new understanding of the future and the creation of this could be alternatives to nuclear technology and save the lives of test animals human and mice, lizzards and others things.
A sophistacated counting machine could be used in time travel however it will only predict your movement on the face of the earth interactions with others use of ATM, motor vehicle daily stuff like that. Maybe you could watch it as a vertual website with computerised characters, so if you live on the edge have that advantage of dodgeing that stray bullet or that drunk driver.
The difference as mentioned by Scottish flag of the travel clocks around earth is possible evidence of an very sophisticated counting machine that may encompass all thing electronic mathematical, where possible all receipts electronic and possible human exchange in currency could be tracked, at least proof electronic print outs around the have some relationship with each other. The human brain is something too hard to predict even by a robot, does anyone have infomation about centrifuge technology math equations of and relationships with tesilating objects, particulary equating probability of success of a number of mobile testilating objects?
(Edited by alpossmar82)
12 years ago Report

..."you would never be an hour ahead due to the fact time is our own would be going forward to what is already there...evolution seems to be the closest thing to our regulated can you go forward without taking everything behind with you in whatever scientific measure/medium in which to do so - forward also...the earth is not divided in time there is only one earth"...!...


PS : '...Rod gave up overdosing on Fruit Tingles three years ago...'
12 years ago Report
alpossmar82: ReadTruth Newspaper where like minded sunday hung over tempting to think of the following days persuits are motivated by the cleveage on page 3 not to mention physical aspiration of sporting days are gathered extinghished by related to an alcholed induced weekend keeping that equallibrium remaining sanity of 'attics of our life'. Ain't it wild how currency exchange dictates chemical balance of social roles responsibilty and has been statistical proven for males to be more euphoric than orgasim.
What about given advise? Employment, dating soming that is only $5 per minute $150 an hour hell of good wage don't you reckon better than sitting lectures at around $50 you've worked or loaloaned. Theorising leaving you empty with negative outcomes with a promise of time to write a book, Red Eye a book that has been already discussed how many millions of times through how many Universities Websites Magazines whatever text book stuff..
I'm just trying harder to be more progressive orginal than your average 0900 concerning clarvoyancy. Similar to a fantasised virtual world where animated characters that you youd pay something kind of heavey I guess. I'm only trying to be helpful, come on there is no real profit in what we write or read about on this topic I'm only trying create the frankinstein who the aspiring pied piper can get his poverty striken life off the street ot the realites of gaining respect as a temple, unlike the perverted teacher hey don't touch my butt!
12 years ago Report


..."as esoteric as Salmon Rushdie...without writing egotistically...eye understand and/or appreciate the aforementioned - as in the past when a larger percentage of society actually laterally thought in conjunction with their critical faculties"...

12 years ago Report
(Post deleted by alpossmar82 11 years ago)
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alpossmar82: The activation button was first developed in the 80s as developed from beveredge giants Mello Yello. It was rot and at the time encouraged the growth of new teething for me anyway, Mello Yello so great you made a Xmas revival back around 2005/6 for only 1 week, theres something goin mad on the taste buds. The aluminum at the time was specific to make a click only when opening changeing the top of the cylinder to concave when opened, high grad tech switch magnet which made the company bankrupt covered up at the time the product was said to contain benzodiazapians. Don't take this too seriously my fav beveridge was a victim of trial and error 2nd hand story anyway.
11 years ago Report
Corwin: To the OP, Wireclub Rod, in reference to the original question:

"In our case, you step into your time machine and you press the activate button. The machine works and take you one hour into the future and you suffocate and die because Earth has moved at least 100,000km away from where it was when you pressed the button."

You're overlooking a basic relativistic fact - according to Einstein it is impossible to travel through time without also traveling through space, and vice-versa. Space is not merely an empty vacuum... space consists of "space-time"... a fabric containing unimaginable energies... and space itself is in motion, not just the objects within it. In the Universe the idea of being "stopped" at one point in the fabric of space-time is meaningless... and impossible.

So, it's very likely that the time traveler's theoretical "location" would move with him as he ventured from his starting point to his destination. That "location" being carried into the future along with the rest of the Earth the Sun, and the Galaxy... the "location" obeying the same laws of motion and relativity that everything else does.

Can we prove this?... not likely. The only way we know of to time-travel into the future is to experience the time-dilation that occurs when one travels at near the speed of light... and at that point great distances would also be covered. But one thing is certain... space is curved, and linear motion is impossible, whether traveling through space, or time.
11 years ago Report
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alpossmar82: Machinary has its limititations as stated. The bases of location is basic math theroy for answering correctly. I'm quite interested in questions of colonial hereditary, examples include a specific genetic disorder which ancestors of Irish/Scots turn from their native toungue to ancestoral accents 100years earily believe it or not its well diagnosis and unsure of the ratio of sufferers.
Is it possible the click of more soffisticated allow used in beveridges switched the brain to hereditary components. Vague proof of time travel (proberly all the British media likes of Coronation Street, trying to be cool)(Nothing wrong with Coro ok).
11 years ago Report
Corwin: Purple monkey dishwashers, often attaching fake bombs resembling packs of hotdogs, but who also watch MTV and make reference to Apollo moon missions resembling quilts made of human skin, not withstanding cough syrup addicts who often post meaningless posts about sweaty zoo-monkeys who have made themselves known through internet geniuses like Zuckerberg who is a self-proclaimed homosexual who often dresses like a girl and frequents local bars picking up homeless men and painting the left side of their face white, and the other side black, making a statement of garbage men striking for the purpose of saving whales which are responsible for 90% of home invasions in the Muncie Indiana area over the last three months with the possibility of heavy rain over the next two weeks..... in other news some dick likes to say stupid crap and rape internet posts because he thinks he is clever and funny, and possibly better than other people who actually have a brain. His mother doesn't love him, and neither does space aliens have been seen selling bongs in the Muncie Indiana area... if you see any of this extraterrestrial anal probing which is actually a lot of fun if you are bored and you have nothing else to do........

Man... If I had one wish... it would be that one day... I could be just as much of a dick as you are. Go read a book.
11 years ago Report
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alpossmar82: I guess it's just the controversery that surrounds infinity well defined, what great place to be...
Not to mention Corvin making science a place of access with handrails...
11 years ago Report
Robot Seb
Robot Seb: It's ok to have disagreements in these types of discussions but please keep the language clean, Thanks!
11 years ago Report