NASA says it Will colonize the Moon by 2024

XFixYourBrainX: Great news for the human race, today NASA has announced plans to colonize the moon by 2024. The plan is to have permanent staffing at one of the moons poles, most likely the souther pole as it's the better candidate to generate Solar Power and to mine near "dark areas". "The nickname I use for the lander is, it's a pickup truck," Horowitz said in a Monday news conference from Houston.

This is a great goal that will take the human race to the stars and it couldn't come at a better time.. a time of war. It's a first baby step, perhaps the next one will be Mars. Recently Stephen Hawking has stated publicly that he believes the human race needs to leave Earth to survive. The threats of an asteroid hitting the earth or nuclear war breaking out is always a possibility for tomorrow and as the saying goes... don't put all your eggs in one basket
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: I'm not sure that NASA is suggesting colonization of the Moon, so much as the establishment of a permanent lab on the moon. It is also my understanding that their manned mission program is underfunded by $3 billion a year for the next 10 years. Who released the funds? Where did you get this news?
14 years ago Report
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: This is an article from 2006 and gives no sources. I also can find no mention of this on NASA's website. You'd think a plan like this would be front page news.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Well there many pieces of news that doesnt make it to the front pages. Just like movies, some movies dont make it to theaters, but those movies that dont make it to theaters are as good too.
14 years ago Report

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14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Yes Bush said in 2008, but some things tend to take more time than planned
14 years ago Report
♠_Krash_♠: Better off spending the money on the health and homeless problems in the u.s.

Wasting billions on going to the moon seems a waste to me.
14 years ago Report
Qz: kudos to you . lets take of the problems here first.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: agreed, but we need to step forward not regress the human race!!!
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Hey krashtestdummy how do u know that its billions, can you give me information on how much they are spending on the moon?
14 years ago Report
♠_Krash_♠: common sense tell you it would cost billions...

Lets say 1 flight there cost a conservative 250 million dollars,what would 400 flights there cost?

You cant colonise with 1 flight now can you?
14 years ago Report
♠_Krash_♠: And thats just flights from the launch pad to the moon..

would cost even more if you add in the cost of infastructure,labour,building of space craft capable of hauling loads...

Then theres training all the additional pilots and crew...

Personaly i just dont think its feasable,considering most governments today are struggling to balance their books.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: TRUE!!! But its INEVITABLE, eventually we will be living on the mooon. The question is when?
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: Inevitable probably, but not 14 years from now. Probably not even 50 or 100 years from now. Right now, it's just too expensive.
14 years ago Report
john1576: Krashtest. You make some interesting points, but if I may suggest another view of a Moon Base. First, money spent by N.A.S.A. is not money thrown away. For every 1 Dollar spent on N.A.S.A. the U.S. Taxpayer generally gets back 10 Dollars in Business generated by Spin Off Products. Another point is that money spent on Moon Flights could be better spent solving Social Problems. The sad fact is this will not happen. After World War 2 Germany was broke, it had no money. But the people there built a more caring and fair Society after the War because they had the 'will' to do so. Money had nothing to do with German Social success after WW2. A Moon Base would be useful, for a number of reasons. The Moon Programme would generate a challenge for industry lead to the development of new products and technology. And let's be honest, it's just Bloody Good Fun doing these things!.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Im sure that it will be within the next 50 years. We live in an age of technological advancements that no human ever expected us to be in. Every few months some kind of new technology is coming out, or something is being ugraded to be better. We live in a time in history, where technology is improving and advancing at an ever faster pace, that we are about to enter into a new age. But what will this new age be called? A new space race to the moon will be started soon, its only a matter of time and its inevitable.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: A space race to colinize the moon just like when Europe started colinizing other places around the world a few hundred years ago
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: Excellent points, John. All funding to NASA could be cut and many people would still be out in the cold. Ultimately a society's health depends on the goodwill of its members, not their pocketbooks.

The reason I don't think there will be a colony on the moon is because, as it stands, there is just no reason to have one. Do we need a lab on the moon? Absolutely. Will there be another race for the moon? Let's hope so!
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: techno as far as im concerned some of the things that john says, could be true or not true, but it seems as if anything he says is based off of something else and he then turns it to be his own opinion, and he cant provide any proof where he gets his information from, because either he doesnt care, or that im right and he is steeling his information from other souces and makes them out to be his own. Sorry john no hard feelings bro.
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: Poker, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Your post is a copy and paste of three year old article which also cites no sources. When I asked you for your sources you linked to that article. I can find no information on NASA's website that makes any mention of colonization of the moon.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: There is nothing wrong with copy and paste. Plain and simple. It doesnt make sense for a man to build a glass house, because all of man would be able to see the sins that the people living in the glass house are comitting. Therefore your glass house model of ignorance doesnt stand, its only as good as a broken arrow.
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: Um right...You might want to look up what that saying means.

My point is that if sources are important, they should always be important, not just important when it helps your case to ignore them. You ask for John to provide sources, but do not hold the author of that article to the same standard.

And why is it when you copy and paste something it's just copy and pasting but when john does it it's stealing? You only provided a source when asked, so you were originally presenting the words of another author as your own.
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: Um right...You might want to look up what that saying means.

My point is that if sources are important, they should always be important, not just important when it helps your case to ignore them. You ask for John to provide sources, but do not hold the author of that article to the same standard
Like i said before your glass house thing, is only as good as a broken arrow, therefore it isnt relevant. Point taken, all i have been doing is making a point that sources are important, im glad that you agree with me on that issue, but the issue is you agreed with john and he doesnt provide proof on the things that he says, because its obvious that he is taking that information hes getting and making it seem like hes the one saying it, only a blind fool wouldnt see this. So that means you just agreed to a person that is taking information from other sources and making it his own when your agreeing with him, and you making a point that sources are important its seems that you are contradicting yourself. You should really think about what your going to say before you say it, point made sir.
14 years ago Report
techno_hedonist: The only point I agreed with him on was that if funding were cut to NASA many people would still be left out in the cold--that throwing money at social problems won't make them go away. The funding NASA receives can't possibly take care of everyone forever. Money will not address the causes of many of these social problems.

But we're getting off topic.

Where is NASAs game plan for this supposed colonization? Where are the sources from the article you copy and pasted into the forum? Where are they getting the addition $3 billion a year to run the manned mission program?
14 years ago Report
XFixYourBrainX: You said excellent points john, u agreed with him with more than one point. Hence the reason you put an, "s" at the end of the word points.
14 years ago Report
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