There Are No Quarks : Can You Prove Me Wrong? (Page 12)

The13th: These are fairly old physics that people dont talk about these days. I remember in 80s its kind of amusing - but looking back if you smash the atom hard enough lots of strange things is going to appear and physicists get to amuse themselves talking about the secret of the universe.

Anyway, the general feeling of public like me is this branch of physics is not leading to anything revealing. I did not see China rushing to build their atom smasher.
8 years ago Report
Hatman20: "Anyway, the general feeling of public like me is this branch of physics is not leading to anything revealing. I did not see China rushing to build their atom smasher."

This, right here, is why science progression is so slow at the moment. Science is the first thing that gets cut when the going gets rough. Why? Because morons ask this about scientific discoveries: "whoopdie do, you found something, how is this of any use to humanity?"

The same morons don't ask that question about the same discovery when the discovery gets turned into a useful piece of technology a century down the road. Listen bud, the very computer you're typing on wouldn't be possible if it weren't for people investing in scientists playing with "amusements" like batteries and electric generators over a century ago.

Science is the driving force behind technological development. Why shouldn't you ask what's the use of something unknown?... BECAUSE IT'S UN FUCKING KNOWN. You can't know the use for something you haven't even discovered yet. Engineering is the manipulation of our world, and it is pointless without science first finding new ways to understand said world.

Odds are, the science being done in particle accelerators will help scientists complete unification theory. And unification theory can potentially allow applied physicists to greater control the world around us, perhaps to the degree of giving humanity technologies we can barely even imagine. We could power the world on new kinds of nuclear fusion, or warp space and time to travel to other planets... But ONLY if people like you quit cutting funding to the sciences because you're too shortsighted to see any use for it right this second.
8 years ago Report
lori100: People have traveled to the moon and other solar systems out of body..long before the astronauts were there....the Monroe Institute had to stop sending out of body travelers to the moon because they found it too barren and boring....they met many non-physical beings, many who didn't know Earth existed or physical bodies existed...
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
Geoff: I'd facepalm, but the required force necessitated by the ludicrousness of that statement would put me in danger of brain damage.
8 years ago Report
lori100: It is true...they have gotten lost when out of our solar system but realized all you have to do is focus on your body back on Earth and you were back there almost is the mind that propels all....they also would feel an urgency with the body at times...they got back in the body only to realize they had a full was common...
8 years ago Report
The13th: This Monroe institute ... I hope they have toilets handy ....
8 years ago Report
quarks: Particle Physics is very much useful. There can be much learned from these studies. One possibility is to establish if there is Order or Chaos or Both at play in Universe. This is important as how this will apply to other Laws. Understanding is never useless. Dismissing one science field as unrevealing makes no sense.


One need not care of studying atoms or matter or quarks. It still good thing some are taking time and effort to attempt understand this. Stating nothing can come from particle physics leads me to think the one stating it has, at best, only tiny understanding of the field.

If meaning more funds should be in medical research or other fields, this is true. It is not most crucial science to pursue. It still needs be persued. It is fine to have view on which of the sciences is most "important", it is silly to suggest any unknown information: useless or useful. Could study Cancer for thousand years and not find a cure, this should not mean we should quit looking. Same with the atom nothing may come of looking into it. Then again tomorrow could discover something that changes life as we know it. Hopefully for positive change and not like when it was discovered to be useful weapon of destruction.
8 years ago Report
theHating: Lolololololololol
4 years ago Report
AchillesSinatra: .
From NewScientist magazine....

What the quark?! Why matter's most basic building blocks may not exist

Quarks are the subatomic particles thought to make up nearly everything we can see. Now it turns out they could be an illusion created by quantum trickery.....
(Edited by AchillesSinatra)
4 years ago Report
Angry Beaver
Angry Beaver: Yer all quarkers!!
4 years ago Report
lori100: meany scientists causing quarks to have existential crisises...
4 years ago Report
theHating: Lol quantum trickery....

4 years ago Report
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