What is the dimension of universe?

Abyss88: Some people claim that the universe is having N dimensions. We humans can not imagine the dimension more than 3. Let's justify.))
8 years ago Report
lori100: people travel out of body....non-physical dimensions exist....
8 years ago Report
lori100: "For almost a hundred years science has been haunted by a dark secret: that there might be mysterious hidden worlds beyond our human senses. Mystics had long claimed there were such places. They were, they said, full of ghosts and spirits. The last thing science wanted was to be associated with superstition but ever since the 1920s physicists have been trying to make sense of an uncomfortable discovery. When they tried to pinpoint the exact location of atomic particles like electrons they found it was utterly impossible. They had no single location.

The only explanation which anyone could come up with is that the particles don’t just exist in our universe. They flit into existence in other universes too and there are an infinite number of these parallel universes, all of them slightly different. In effect, there’s a parallel universe in which Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo. In another the British Empire held onto its American colony. In one you were never even born." ------ BBC Horizon Documentary
8 years ago Report
(Post deleted by lori100 8 years ago)
calybonos: Is there a parallel universe in which Wireclub's slot machines actually pay out?
8 years ago Report
lori100: probably...
(Edited by lori100)
8 years ago Report
Hatman20: A more answerable question would be what are the dimensions of the OBSERVABLE universe.

The observed universe is about 28 billion light years across. However, since our observations of the very edge of the universe required light to travel that distance, it can be extrapolated that the observed universe is ACTUALLY around about 45 billion light years across.

However, most of this is based on the fact that seeing further out is like seeing further back in time, and the universe likely began around 14 billion years ago. But if the universe expanded fast enough, or were infinite, then there would be stuff beyond that 14 billion light year horizon we can't see, because it would've taken that light longer than 14 billion years to reach us... and because the universe is only 14 billion years old, well, we can't see it. To make matters worse, the expansion of the universe between 2 different points can be found to be faster than the speed of light if the distance between those 2 points is large enough. Which means light beyond that 14 billion light year horizon may simply never reach us to begin with.

So, it's likely that the dimensions of the OBSERVED universe is actually far smaller than reality.

And, there's observed evidence to this fact that was done with the Wmap mission. Basically, it involves measuring the SHAPE of the universe. If the universe has a shape other than flat, then it would have measurable dimensions. If it's flat, then the universe could be infinite in size... The experiment found the universe to be flat. Even if the Wmap simply isn't accurate enough to measure a shape that actually IS there, it's still accurate enough to show that the universe is at least far larger than the observable universe suggests.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: 4 dimensions including micro to macro! a dimension is made up of at least 2 points!
Your mind is also a Dimension and your thought is a 6th sense as you can think through a scenario to determine
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: You would imagine that your mom is in the bedroom.. so you sense it but it could be false.. you sense that your mom will soon be in the kitchen because she is now home in the pickup truck you hear outside.. hence a sense!
you can sense if your design will work if you know physics good enough too.. you have water in a cup.. You use perception to allow the water flowing out of the cup onto the table that you imagine.. Its sort of lose but it works for me as a 6th sense about 80% of the time!
8 years ago Report
katarinak_katarina: some people can not even think in 3D...what you want from them? lol)))
8 years ago Report
calybonos: I think about my next door neighbor lady's 38 Ds all the time.
8 years ago Report
katarinak_katarina: l=Δx2+Δy2+Δz2−Δt2
8 years ago Report
calybonos: 3 dimensional time would require an expensive watch.
8 years ago Report
Hatman20: Actually, 3 dimensional time is a concept I've been working on. It would eliminate grandfather paradoxes, and, as a scientific model, better describe the phenomena described in the many worlds and multiverse theories.
(Edited by Hatman20)
8 years ago Report
lori100: fractals show the true infinite dimensions....they are found everywhere including----wiki---Heart rates[14]
Heart sounds[15]
Psychological subjective perception[44]
Blood vessels and pulmonary vessels[36]
Ocean waves[46]
Soil pores [47]
Rings of Saturn [48][49]

8 years ago Report
Hatman20: Holy shit, lori just posted something that isn't total bullshit. I never thought I'd see the day.
8 years ago Report
Zereous Excentris
Zereous Excentris: NOBODY EVER REALIZES!
(Edited by Zereous Excentris)
8 years ago Report
Hatman20: *Their

And I literally get paid to create and invent, so I suggest you shut up in your generalization about the people on this thread. When was the last time YOU invented anything?
8 years ago Report
Evelyn99: According to M theory the universe has ten dimensions or dimensions like properties plus time. Don’t ask me) but it’s equally impossible to put your self in the reference frame for a creature that walks in a one or two dimensional world. Us humans live our life in the 3rd dimension dept one fact is that you cannot have the 3rd dimension without a dimension of time. A better way of thinking about the 3rd dimension is to let a ant walk on the edge of a folded out newspaper and pretend that this is a two dimensional world. If you take each end and fold them up. The little ant can with no huge leap suddenly become on a completely different part of the paper. We can say that our 3rd dimension is becouse one of the two previous dimensions have folded up. Dropping time for a bit the 4th dimension according to quantum physics is like a loop with you as a newborn in one end and the diciest you at the other. But humans can only experience this quantum frame per quantum frame. In quantum physics things can go just as easy backwards in time as forward. If you google quantum physics now standard definition of anti matter it reads and explains that anti matter is ordinary matter just going backwards in time. For us humans that can only experience time in one direction quantum frame for quantum frame it’s a bit strange. The 6th dimension is the propability space blah blah one role for arguing a dimension is the ability to drawl a line through the other ones and make sense of it? Many books on this. One that is Easy and fun to read is a book called the elegant universe by professor Brian Greene free on the library)
5 years ago Report
z4225: At this time Science and the Bible are in agreement on number of dimensions=10/ Four known Height,width,length and time. The remaining 6? Theither declares understanding and the Bible tells me, I'm not suppose to in this dimensional experiance. We live in a Four dimensional world. Time is a physical property.It varies like the other three with Mass,gravity,speed, acceleration and also altitude.
(Edited by z4225)
5 years ago Report
robertcodymartin1993: Is the universe 3 or 4 dimensions? space and time? 4th dimension : Beyond the physical plane of existence?
5 years ago Report
tfor2andyou: The universe has at least four dimensions. It consists of three spacial dimensions plus one time dimension. IN his post right above yours z4225 provides a pretty good explanation of why time is a physical property like space. It's influenced by all those he described. Einstein connected space and time in his theories. He argued that they are in some sense interchangeable.

If you are interested look into an online MOOC on Relativity. It's a fascinating subject and might intrigue you.
5 years ago Report
Evelyn99: Yes you wouldn’t have the 3rd dimension without time depth. Because it’s Take time for a photon to travel into your ratina in your eyes so you can observe anything from your hands till the moon
5 years ago Report
Evelyn99: A good example for our dimensions and the need for them is lets say we planning lunch in Empire State Building. Then for this to work we must know what avenue it’s on and street. Wel must need to know what floor and we need to know what time to meet. All 4 dimensions are been used then
5 years ago Report
lummox: according to my string theory it's length is the same as two pieces of string 😉
(Edited by lummox)
5 years ago Report
Evelyn99: Most people have agreed on four different dimensions there one is time or duration. However modern science argues that our reality has 10 dimensions or space like dimensions. Interesting for sure
4 years ago Report
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