Why is the climate changing. (Page 153)

ghostgeek: I think an epoxy designed for marine use would be able to stand up to a little sunlight.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: This is interesting:
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: geology 101 but still interesting
3 years ago Report
ghostryderrr: climate has always changed in cycles..ice cores show it before man existed

YouTube  <-Legendary Climate Change Senate Hearing 
YouTube  Sun driven cooling off period

 Ice Core Maphttp://www.daviesand.com/Choices/Precautionary_Planning/New_Data/
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: That shows you how they do magnetic resonance dating, ploting the rocks magnetic alignment tells you where the magnetic pole was at that time and how far the rocks have moved
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Ghost,, that sun driven cooling off period video was 98% bs
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Prove it--without echoing IPCC bs...lol
3 years ago Report
stinkytush: wind/water turbines placed on the oceans floors that changes oceans currents along with severe changes to our oceans sea life, which is also your answer for why sharks are showing up in odd places.

filth dumped into our oceans from filthy cruise ship and other high sea traffic practices effect the health of our oceans and it's wildlife.

EACH wind turbine placed above the sea floor changes the direction of our winds adds to the steady unnatural changes in them.
what freakin politician do you actually freakin believe is telling you any manner of truth they say they are all placed so those changes wouldn't occur

then where ever those wind turbines are placed on earth cause severe 100 mile deep & wide dehydration of the earth EACH.

when we are told weather/climate changes are man made they mislead us all with why that is.our scientists and environmentalists are causing those changes.

the depth and degree and what all we are being lied too about is mind bending staggering.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: stinky,, the wind turbines are no different than the trees or mountains in the way of the wind, The forces feeding that system are constantly refreshed, they do not effect the directions of the wind at all.. The climate changed you're talking about have to do with the excess co2 that's raising the temperature, higher temperature means more energy in the system, so bigger storms, droughts, etc.. What is dangerous is that once the temp is a little higher, huge amounts of methane get released from the oceans, and that will raise the temp by huge amounts.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: The past 5 to 10 years have been quite cool in Houston.. This year we even had 15 F (which I've never seen happen in the past 32 yrs)...

Where is all this global warming they keep claiming is going on?? Funny how the cooler temps are directly related the the lower number of sun spots...

The IPCC climate change hoaxers are another example of bad science influenced by political types gone wrong..
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Cooler temps? The hottest 20 years since 1900 , are in the last 22 years. Local weather (Houston) can't be used to view global warming. We have no idea how that will play out in any single location. Fact is,, the ice is melting faster on both poles. Once its gone, there will be no buffer to how far the heat can go. The last time this happened the planet had a mass extinction, most of the fish died off, most of the land was desert.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Nah.. it's all bullshite...
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: You may not live to see the effects, but I will.. I just hope civilization will survive.. once enough people, factories, mines go dead, everything stops.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: The conditions won't improve until mankind manages births properly... We can't endlessly keep over producing people--the earth only has so much habitable space & resources.... We definitely already have too many people in the world--we see the stresses off it on a daily basis.

As for IPCC global warming--I think it's politically driven & mostly caused naturally with little to nothing that we can do about it... Going 100% off fossil fuels won't solve the problem... I'm more concerned what will happen when the magnetic poles reverse--my guess is that there may be a major decrease in the magnetic field strength of the earth & lots of bad high energy particles will hit earth & cause heating & other major problems--in fact, we might already be experiencing some of that...
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Zeff you're talking about weather, not climate. Weather is a local short term phenomenon, climate much more general, long term. I do agree however that this is politically driven. Global warming is not anthropogenic, it's natural and driven by perturbations in solar cycles.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Pole reversals have happened regularly over the eons,, they usually slide into a multi- pole mode which is close to where we are now,, then no pole,, then reversed pole. This will mean lots of sea and animal extinctions, some extra cancer deaths from the radiation exposure, some crop failures from the same radiation. It's guess work as to how long the process will take.
We are roughly at 30% renewable power now, I think we can make that a much bigger percentage in 10 years. Improvements are being made constantly. However if the planet goes past the tipping point, where the methane is released there may be no changing possible
3 years ago Report
zeffur: re: "Sir Loin: Zeff you're talking about weather, not climate."

No, actually, I was typing about 'global' warming over the past 5 to 10 years--not weather. Perhaps you didn't notice that I wrote "As for IPCC global warming--I think it's politically driven & mostly caused naturally with little to nothing that we can do about it... Going 100% off fossil fuels won't solve the problem..."

re: "kittybobo34: Pole reversals have happened regularly over the eons..."

Maybe so.. but, as far as we know, this may be the first time humanity documents it--if we survive it--it's still a big unknown as to exactly what will happen & how fast it will happen...

3 years ago Report
Fractured fairy tale
Fractured fairy tale: I haven't seen the Globe warm over the last 5-10 years .
The sun spot theroy is more likely
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: The statistics show that it has,, that is why the reefs are bleeching, the glaciers are retreating, and both poles are melting.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: If you look at the broader statistics, you'll find that very little global warming has occurred (compared to past natural global warming cycles).

"Over the last century, the average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1°F"

That ^^ is not a crisis as all of the chicken little types would like you to believe.
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Zeff,, You might have a point if we were at the peak of the natural global warming cycle, but we are not.. we should be drifting slowly into the next ice age, with an average temperature 1 degree lower, instead we are 1 degree higher. This alone wouldn't be a big deal, but the trend is accelerating. By the time we get our co2 under control we will most likely be past the tipping point. Once there there will be no stopping it.
3 years ago Report
zeffur: Nah--the trend is not accelerating--the exaggeration is the only thing accelerating...

If/when we go almost completely to electric systems, we will likely find ourselves increasingly colder & hungrier. As CO2 levels plummet, so will food production--reducing plant growth, causing food scarcity & high prices, & inevitably higher deaths due to hunger... Good work IPCC!!

But, hey, look on the bright side--the carbon tax thieves will have figured out how to legally burden energy consumption higher & jail people who try to use fossil fuels for heat & transportation! Win!--for them... lol
(Edited by zeffur)
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: I doubt we can reduce our CO2 levels enough to stop whats coming anyway.. NOVA just did a special on extinction, how so many animals are dying out, same with plants,, its becoming suburbia everywhere in the world
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: One thing's for certain, I never used to see foxes in my garden at night. Now I do, and they shit on the grass.
3 years ago Report
ghostgeek: Phew, it doesn't half pong if it's moist.
3 years ago Report