Space Elevator (The Epic Tower) (Page 17)

kittybobo34: Just think if we spent our usual military budget on space instead we would have colonies on the moon and mars, and possibly a manufacturing capable space station, Not to mention all the technology, resources, and new inventions that would have generated.
3 years ago Report
Corwin: Oh, I know, right?

If humans could just put our differences aside and work together rather than fighting amongst ourselves, we'd have Hiltons on Mars by now, and Disneyland on the Moon.

The Moon would make a great location for retirement homes too... that 1/6th gravity would be easy on old bones.

When Elon sends one of his Boring Company machines up there, they could build Moon cities underground. A good ready-made radiation shield.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Wondering if 1/6th gravity is enough to dodge the health issues. But, ether way having a mining operation of the moon would be a huge advantage, they could also set up a linear driver that could launch payloads to earth orbit or plink errant asteroids from hitting the earth.
3 years ago Report
Corwin: Robert A Heinlein wrote about something like that in his novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

A giant Rail Gun that sends loads of ore to Earth orbit. But of course, as per Heinlein's typical style, Earth and Moon go to war to fight for Lunar political independence, and that Rail Gun is weaponized and used to lob millions of tons of ore onto Earth's cities.

The Moon wins that war, as they most decidedly have the advantage of "high ground".
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: lol,,, I think we have a long way to go before our colonies try for independence. Perhaps after we get our fist hollowed out asteroid that can manufacture its own food .
3 years ago Report
Corwin: Elon has his sights on the Lunar South Pole.

There's millions of tons of water ice frozen in the permanently shaded craters. Self sufficiency would be very plausible.
3 years ago Report
kittybobo34: Self sufficiency would come second to finding out if 1/6th gravity is survivable in the long run..
3 years ago Report
nwdrctn: that is amazing
4 months ago Report
kittybobo34: NASA is considering linking Elons 10 or so Star Ships into a circle, and spinning them to create an artificial gravity. Of course we have to get at least one to reach space without premature disassembly.
4 months ago Report
Corwin: Catastrophic premature disassembly.

I had high hopes for Elon's Starship. But the program is crawling along at a snail's pace.

And I'm concerned that Elon is losing his mind.
4 months ago Report
kittybobo34: I feel the same Corwin, he reminds me of Howard Hughes who slowly went nuts.
4 months ago Report
(Post deleted by nwdrctn 4 months ago)
Corwin: Ooh! I was going to mention Howard Hughes.

Another example of a brilliant man who amassed a fortune with his genius and innovation, and then descended into madness.

I would like to see Elon's Starship succeed though. Right from the get-go I thought the whole concept was insane... but just insane enough that the damn thing might just work. The fact it so much resembles the rockets of campy 1950s sci-fi movies could either be brilliant beyond brilliant... or just insane.

Gotta admit though, seeing first-stage rockets neatly land themselves for reuse was a pretty impressive sight, and left us with the impression that the guy could practically do anything. I guess time will tell.
4 months ago Report
Corwin: I think there's too much focus on chemical rocket technology right now. That's fine for Earth to LEO, but what we really need right now is a continuous-thrust ion propulsion engine. That's what will put the solar-system in our backyard, and Mars right at our doorstep.

Next on the list:
-- room-temperature superconductors
-- fusion power

-- more efficient batteries would also be great... then we can have flying cars (manned quad-copters ) that can have a range more than a mere hop between charges.

Have you seen the Jetson1 ?

Or this larger version with enclosed 2-passenger cockpit, the Xpeng X2

The only thing that makes those beauties impractical is their limited range.
4 months ago Report