Anyone know where I can complain and report inappropriate behavior to me on here no place too

SoCaliHater1975: Where do I go on this site to complain to the site administrators about the issues I'm dealing with the people on here I'm getting harassed sexually I'm getting tired of it who do I tell to I need the information it does not show it on here I'm getting tired of these people messaging me perverted sexual s*** this is getting old so please somebody let me know cuz I'm getting tired of this I need to complain they've been doing this with the worst the last f****** year I'm sick of it this is getting out of hand I'm tired of this.
1 year ago Report
Corwin: Private messages have a [report] option at the top-right, and those messages allegedly go to the Admins for review.

You could try messaging one of Wire's volunteer Moderators to report harassment.
But they'd likely tell you what I'm about to tell you now (I was a Mod here for some years ).

You can manage this sort of thing yourself -- there's always the trusty [Block] option -- if somebody is harassing you, then block them. No more harassment.
Then there's your account privacy settings -- set it so only friends can message you.

Also... you could be sending the wrong message on your profile. Your "not-so-happily-married" status might give the impression that you're "looking for that sort of attention"... and posting bathroom selfies in a bra might be sending a certain message too. (That's actually a violation of Wire's Terms of Service, by the way).
Unless fishing for pervy comments on an open profile from randoms was your intention... in which case it was your idea in the first place to attract that kind of attention.

You've been here for, what, 6 years now? And you haven't figured this stuff out yet?
1 year ago Report
LoisS: Make sure you remind all the men wearing lingerie in their avatars and gallery pictures about the TOS....
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by jusmjrm 1 year ago)
SoCaliHater1975: Corwin, I understand I appreciate the comment, I agree somewhat but actually bathing suit top and bottom just diff color. I was yrs ago older pic had report about a toilet plunger looking like a weapon lol that was funny. Lol.
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by Nemesis00 1 year ago)
Corwin: I hear ya, Nemesis.
And I agree, it's not a perfect system. But there are worse places in the InterWebz you could hang out.

It seems to come down to doing your best to "manage" your own experience here. And a bit of a thick skin doesn't hurt. And block, block, block. Not much else to say about that. We can take it or leave it.

@SoCali -- Yeah, the debate over what is "underwear" and what is "swimsuit" has always been an issue here.
And "technically", what's the real difference? They both cover up the same stuff.

But there's something to be said about "overall impressions". We send out an impression, and we get that back again in kind.
1 year ago Report
Corwin: @SoCali -- Don't underestimate the possible lethal nature of a toilet plunger.

Here in Canada there's a police background check and a three-week wait to buy one of those.
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by Nemesis00 1 year ago)
Corwin: To be honest, I don't know what to make of that. Sorry.

I did read it though... my first idea was that cold "TLDR" crap... and that is, frankly, cold.
I like to think of myself as a person who at least does my best to try to help others out.

But, what am I reading here?

1 year ago Report
vamp_lover19: I would say just keep blocking people that's what I do. Keep your pictures and profile private only friends to see.
1 year ago Report
(Post deleted by SoCaliHater1975 7 months ago)