_CaNkER_ Offline

123 Single Male from Sydney       108



I'm gonna be trying these out....

Yes or No?

I'm a tad confused right now, I've just been offered a promotion.
As far as I remember I'm on a 'Final Warning' for effectivly telling my supervisor of the time, to do something with their head and their arse.
I got a nifty letter from the powers that be, stating I was on my last legs.
Yesterday I was asked by management to consider a 'supervisor' role...

I said I'd think about it.

After argueing about music...


Boom boom




Original acadaca

I just had to...


Green no longer

What's with people who were green (as in being friends on wire), no longer being green?
Usually I can attribute it to being so obnoxiously drunk, that even I would de-friend myself. But there's quite a few people here who used to be greens and no longer are, for no apparent reason.
Maybe they've changed their account, maybe they just find me boreing or a hinderance. Whatever the reason, it'd be nice if they said something.

*Thinking too much*



Ode to Bee Gees


Safe Drinking

On average it takes one hour by the human body to process one standard drink.
Usually I start my count after drink 5.
The bodies ability to consume alcohol and deal with it is something I respect.