_CaNkER_ Offline

123 Single Male from Sydney       108


Am I angry?

Recently a few people from various areas, tell me I'm angry.
Am I?

I just got flagged

I logged in about 3mins ago and I've got a message from the wire bot posted 7 hours ago saying "This is your 1st flag"...
I've been at work for over 12 hrs, what could I have done here whilst offline???

Nicorrette asked a question

Nicorrette asked "What do you do with your money?".
To answer, I'm not sure. I get it and it just seems to disappear.

The other day I was standing in line at a supermarket and casually glanced at the guy in front of me, and how much he was buying. I had 2 items and he had a handbasket full.
Initially I was annoyed because I usually let people go ahead of me if they've only got a few items.
It wasn't until my increased annoyance at haveing to wait, combined with boredom, 'made' me stare at the guy, that I noticed something.
His clothes were a bit rough, and his body language was a tad 'jumpy'.
It was only on further observation that I noted what type of products he was buying, and how he kept whatching the total price of what he had bought so far, that I really became interested.
He'd got through about a third of his handbasket when he asked the checkout operator to stop because he didn't have enough to pay for the rest. He then had to dig through the other 2/3'ds of the handbasket to see if there was anything he felt he needed over what was already in the bag.
What struck me was how everything he was trying to buy, would be considered a basic. I.e: rice, cheap cuts of meat, soap etc. The only non-basic item he had was cat food and I really hope he has a cat.
The checkout operator told him the cost and I saw this guy use a Salvation Army food voucher to pay.
It damned near made me cry.

Random boot

Dear random boot/block mod.
You kick me without explanaition. Even when I'm not in chat talking.
I can only conclude you're a moron so far beyond a conversation, a drunken hillbilly would be upset at your actions.
