amber gypsy raingasm Offline

42 Male from Olympia       24
amber gypsy raingasm
amber gypsy raingasm: these fuckers on the Relgion room can't handle an actual DEBATE, so once again, I'm "suspended"... if we could have a real dialogue... a real discussion, that would be nice, but you Zionist cocksuckers are too much of a coward to approach the issue.
8 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
amber gypsy raingasm
amber gypsy raingasm: it's not enough to stimply BLOCK someone... they have to insist that NOBODY ELSE can read your words... I would be back in five minutes, bitches. But I have better things to do and better people to talk to.
8 years ago ReplyReport
fustler: Religion is a touchy subject in any given place, and at any given time. This particular forum is notorious for finding those that prefer to bray like asses their opinions without considering the other person's point of view. My advice on getting the best of such asinine arguments is to ask plenty of questions. Thoughtful questions...
8 years ago ReplyReport