artfx Offline

53 In a relationship Female from Edmonton       82


Ring of fire


Proud to be a Canadian!

And we hit gold again...and again!!!

Happy Valentine day! I love you!!!!!

Just want to wish you all a VERY beautiful day full of love and smiles, chuckles, blushing, and hope somebody will make your heart skip a beat or two xoxoxox

Skype & Facebook

Don't ask me for my Skype, Facebook, email, honestly, I will ask you yours if I so desire, and in 4 years, only 3 made it that far

Happy New Year!

I only have one wish for all of you, that you find love and happiness, those two make everything else easier.

Happy 2014!! xoxoxox

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Special thoughts going your way on this holiday season!

My song...

who you are...

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