cedarrrrock Offline

71 Male from Chico       94
cedarrrrock: I think Governor Newsom should not have closed the public beaches. If some people aren't concerned enough to practice social distancing at the beach, where there is plenty of outside space and clean air and a humongous ocean (so mostly a safe place to be), then they are probably the same people who are still shopping without wearing a mask and not wiping down all surfaces they touch. Indoors is a much more dangerous environment; so keeping the shutdown of many businesses is wise. We will probably need to stay home and avoid public gatherings for at least another month. But being outdoors is healthy and provides extra Vitamin D from sunlight on bare skin, which helps our immune systems. And how are the police supposed to enforce the quarantine? Hand out tickets that impose steep fines on families most likely already financially stressed? Take them to jail where they would be more likely to contract and or share the deadly virus? I suspect part of his rationale is the Governor doesn't want to try to get funding to get more properly trained staff hired by the State to more frequently and thoroughly clean & sanitize the public bathrooms.
3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (1)
cedarrrrock: Apparently there has been a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment such as masks, gloves & gowns for even just the essential nurses, doctors, other care-givers & first-responders; so finding enough of that for a new army of sanitation workers seemed impossible.
3 years ago ReplyReport