ColourlessGreenIdeas Offline

33 Single Male from London       35
ColourlessGreenIdeas: With all of life's mysteries, there are a few things I'm certain of at 25: our bodies speak to us in ways no language or knowledge will ever be able to; signs are all around us waiting for us to see beyond the surface - whether we have awakened is the real question; love, in its purest form, resides within and only when you find it there will you be able to see it in the world; the only kind of forever we can temporarily experience in this temporary world are feelings and memories - those things can last a lifetime; lastly, your life is your temple - as you age, your priorities become aligned with the love you are made of, and nothing (natural or artificial) can destroy it. It's there to protect you, build you, and encourage you (despite the difficulties at times).
8 years ago ReplyReport Link