A long time student of astrology,esoterics,metaphysics and spirituality. One day my life my changed
When I stumbled on the Ageless wisdom. A branch of teachings handed down to humanity from the beginning. I have dedicated my life since to share what I have learned and continue as a follower of Christ as best I can. This profile is written by a christian man living in a christian country.

Knowledge is the result of an accumulation of facts;and its tendency is ,through specializing, to isolate subjects one from another.
Wisdom is the deduction from these facts of useful laws; a process which can only take place by comparing the facts in one compartment, with those in all the others;thus giving a vision of the whole.

coolbreeze4957 changed his profile picture: 7 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957 added a new image to his gallery Profile Pictures 8 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957: love in its broadest sense is the desire for union with the divine spirit of the creator who permeates all life. love is the magnet which holds all life together, its attraction is so strong that nothing can resist it.love produces an understanding of all that exists in nature. anything you can love,you can understand. if you put limiations to love,you limit life;this is what most of us do;we confine our love to one or two people and our possessions and close ourselves from the rest of life.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: The mind must be trained, just like a muscle,to cope with certain conceptions,and this very training enlarges and expands the capacity to understand stil more.After a period of such training one
can explain to an intelligent person something which he would have been quite incapable of visualizing at the beginning of it.
It would have been impossible to talk of the wireless, the internet or atomic energy to a man living 300 yrs ago; neither his brain nor language was equal to it-He was living in the Dark Age.
But to one of the wise priests living in Egypt more that 10,000 yrs ago one could have talked of these inventions and probably obtained a few suggestions, such as to not split the grosser atoms
as our scientists do today.
To understand the fundemental truths of life is to understand all!! Those were the truths which Christ said would "make us free"
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: A true understanding of the commandment"remember the sabbath and keep it holy"

Everything in nature repeats itself in greater or smaller measure.The day which belongs to this earth and its little passage around our sun is a tiny facsimile of a greater day,which goes to make up a greater year,completing
The passage which our solar system makes around a vaster sun than ours.
This is repeated on a still grander scale,until the ultimate day of the ultimate
Year of the ultimate revolution of this universe is reached-and this is a day of inconceivable length to us.
It was of such great days that we are told:
In six days the Lord made heaven and earth,the sea,and all that in them is;
And rested the seventh day: wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day,
And hallowed it.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: love in its broadest sense is the desire for union with the divine spirit of the creator who permeates all life. love is the magnet which holds all life together, its attraction is so strong that nothing can resist it.love produces an understanding of all that exists in nature. anything you can love,you can understand. if you put limiations to love,you limit life;this is what most of us do;we confine our love to one or two people and our possessions and close ourselves from the rest of life.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: The Secret Knowledge.

The Great Laws can best be named for us in English as follows:

(1) Repetition: The Microcosm and the Macrocosm.

The principle of the first of these great Laws is: 'As in the Microcosm (man) so in the Macrocosm (the universe).

It asserts that the the same system of form, time, and motion runs through the whole universe, so that if we properly study an atom
Or a cell we will obtain the key to the workings of a man, a planet, or a constellation. In that way , through a knowledge of periodicity
Or the regular periods of time which occur on a small scale in nature--the ancient mathematicians were able to calculate the stars,
Their movements,and therby the evolutionary stages in history on a large scale, and to prophesy conditions and influences thousands
Of years ahead.

This great Law of Repetition declares that there is an ordered arrangement within universe, with certain periods of time and patterns of
Form repeated up the scale and governing the tiniest to the greatest. It asserts that the little things are a mirror of the larger ones, and
Everything is not only a replica, intimately connected with everything else. For instance, if want you want to study a solar system you
Can study an atom. And if want to study animal ,plant, mineral or even solar life you will find it all represented in the body of man himself.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: The Rays

The average human being is apt to think of unseen entities in terms of his own form,or of other forms of which he is familiar.To his God he has always given
a human form, or else the shape of some familiar animal. It is natural that this should be so ,especially when for instance, man has been told that he is made in the image of God. Having a physically focused consciousness, he promptly thinks of his own PHYSICAL form in this connection, and visualises God in this
But man's physical form is only the final densest, crystallised little stratum of himself.It is not his permanent or intrinsic-self--it is his instrument.
8 years ago Report Link
Time changes not,
but all things change in time.
For time is the force
that holds events separate,
each in its own proper place.
Time is not in motion,
but ye move through time
as your consciousness
moves from one event to another.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: love in its broadest sense is the desire for union with the divine spirit of the creator who permeates all life. love is the magnet which holds all life together, its attraction is so strong that nothing can resist it.love produces an understanding of all that exists in nature. anything you can love,you can understand. if you put limiations to love,you limit life;this is what most of us do;we confine our love to one or two people and our possessions and close ourselves from the rest of life.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: The Secret Knowledge.

The Great Laws can best be named for us in English as follows:

(1) Repetition: The Microcosm and the Macrocosm.

The principle of the first of these great Laws is: 'As in the Microcosm (man) so in the Macrocosm (the universe).

It asserts that the the same system of form, time, and motion runs through the whole universe, so that if we properly study an atom
Or a cell we will obtain the key to the workings of a man, a planet, or a constellation. In that way , through a knowledge of periodicity
Or the regular periods of time which occur on a small scale in nature--the ancient mathematicians were able to calculate the stars,
Their movements,and therby the evolutionary stages in history on a large scale, and to prophesy conditions and influences thousands
Of years ahead.

This great Law of Repetition declares that there is an ordered arrangement within universe, with certain periods of time and patterns of
Form repeated up the scale and governing the tiniest to the greatest. It asserts that the little things are a mirror of the larger ones, and
Everything is not only a replica, intimately connected with everything else. For instance, if want you want to study a solar system you
Can study an atom. And if want to study animal ,plant, mineral or even solar life you will find it all represented in the body of man himself.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957 got the Birthday badge 8 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957 has a new blog post: The Rays 8 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957 changed his profile picture: 8 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957: The mind must be trained, just like a muscle,to cope with certain conceptions,and this very training enlarges and expands the capacity to understand stil more.After a period of such training one
can explain to an intelligent person something which he would have been quite incapable of visualizing at the beginning of it.
It would have been impossible to talk of the wireless, the internet or atomic energy to a man living 300 yrs ago; neither his brain nor language was equal to it-He was living in the Dark Age.
But to one of the wise priests living in Egypt more that 10,000 yrs ago one could have talked of these inventions and probably obtained a few suggestions, such as to not split the grosser atoms
as our scientists do today.
To understand the fundemental truths of life is to understand all!! Those were the truths which Christ said would "make us free"
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: A selfish person is short-circuited;nothing from outside can flow through.
Some people are not selfish,however,but self-centered,which is just as inhibiting.They are kind,generous and vivacious at times, but their thoughts revolve round their own kindness
and all their little personal affairs unceasingly, how they feel and felt,wht others think of them,what they know,how they love,what they must do,how they must help.They are complete
prisioners inside their own little personality. It is this 'I' 'I' attitude which is so very difficult to get over, and which is such a subtle handicap to many.
8 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957 changed his profile picture: 9 years ago Report
coolbreeze4957: Wisdom gives humility, peace,poise, and strength; its owner ceases to be afraid, to be rushed, sickly, worried, ambitious, emotional, sentimental or changeable. His voice is resonant, neither shrill
nor grating, and his presence is never exausting.
A truly wise one wil be sparing of words, nor will he loosely speak of initiations, Masters, visions, guides, or his own powers.People who talk of these things are childish-they have not felt the awe and reverence which first hand knowledge brings.
9 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: Thoughts are things, and when we unloose an ugly or harmful thing into the world we shall be obliged to remove it.Thoughts persist in the ethereal regions,and our connected with the one who
made them until they are disintegrated through his effort.
9 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: No man becomes perfect or attains his goal so long as there is a single feeling of enmity between him and another,or until a score has been settled and wiped out by service and friendship.
This is what Christ meant when he gave us that difficult injunction to 'turn the other cheek' and to 'offer thy cloak also to him who shall take thy coat'. If we 'love our neighbor as ourselves'
we cannot mind to whom the coat belongs!
9 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: Truth can only be understood by one in a state of attention.Therefore Truth is not available to those in a slack condition of mind-they could not take it in.Truth is only to be found `at the bottom of a well`;it must be struggled for and sought after and come upon through earnest effort,through the stimulation brought about by suffering or striving, whereby the mind is prepared to recognized
9 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: love in its broadest sense is the desire for union with the divine spirit of the creator who permeates all life. love is the magnet which holds all life together, its attraction is so strong that nothing can resist it.love produces an understanding of all that exists in nature. anything you can love,you can understand. if you put limiations to love,you limit life;this is what most of us do;we confine our love to one or two people and our possessions and close ourselves from the rest of life.
9 years ago Report Link
coolbreeze4957: sometimes good teaching comes from very faulty people,this fact is a means of stimulating students into accepting TRUTH for itself,as apart from a personality.
9 years ago Report Link