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please don't live on the past
forgive me
i only tried to make you laugh
if if i had only no
that you would take me for serious
i would have not took it that far
so please
i beg forgiveness
help me get rid of this guilt
that shatters me
an destorys me
you no who you are

what goes around comes back around

i'm sorry for the things that ive done
i'm sorry for the things i will do
but you don't know me
you don't walk in my shoe

so do not judge
cus it will all come come back to you
all the hate you hav for me
wiss shun back out of the blue

so don't worry my dear
be stronge
for all i know is
what goes up always comes down

so keep in mind
all the wronge acusions,out of ignorance
will hit you very hard
jus like a bullet from a gun

so be well
your time will come
an you will see what i went through
only diffrence, this time it will be my fun


As i stepped into the clustered house, shivers ran up my spine, the creaking of the halfway broken windows gave me goosebumps. I felt nervous, for the first time in my life, i was actually afraid. I slowly yet softly stepped further into the house reaching the steps without missing a thing then BANG!! the door slammed shot, my skeleton almost jumped out of my skin out or fear. I quickly ran to the door which was stuck, trying to pry my way out i felt something i regretted feeling a cold damped skinny motionless hand on my shoulder. Slowly turning around i saw something i knew i will remember for the rest of my life, it made me wish for death with it's dark baseless eyes, it's burnt out face those......those few yellow teeth and the worms and fungus printed in the skull of of this hedious creature. Glaring at me, letting out a scream almost ear busting and said with a deep daring voice to me
"let me help you with that"
i was like "what the f%^w"
"the door isn't it stuck"
he then stretched out and opened the door an i ran the f@*& away screaming "mame mame "

yea i was getting sleepy an jus had to finish it


down the stream we go
trickling in the moonlight show
dancing upon of sticks an stones
swaying myself safely
further and further
way into the deep
providing life
for Gods greatest gift

now this is where the fun starts
up an down, side to side
movein like the speed of lightnen
i muster my courage
an put my best foot froward
to take this plunge
down the water fall
i scream intensely
thinkin to myself
thank God i'm me

as i hit surface
i sink in the bellows
popin myself up as a hero
cus i know to myself
that being water
is so much fun
cus you never hav to die
never will you float
but best of all
never will you sink
meaning, being hurt


I will survive
I'm so blessed
I'm so blessed
I'm so blessed
I'm so blessed

I will survive
I'm so blessed
I'm so blessed
They wa me stress



I HATE MY LIFE AN ALSO MYSELF WHAT THE HELL TO DO?????????????????????????//