Sean Levan (djseanbeats) Offline

42 Single Male from Nashville       0
I tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. I am supercritical about how I appear to others.I have a quick, bright and agile mind, but an extremely short attention span. My feelings are very intense, never superficial. I tend to be either very angry or very sad or completely and totally happy.My emotions tend to rule my thought processes. I have difficulty seeing life objectively. I have an excellent memory, especially about things to which I have formed an emotional bond.My energies get turned on quickly whenever anything interests me. But I have a very short attention span and it is difficult for me to complete tasks because something else more interesting always seems to be beckoning.I am generally good at balancing opinions and judging issues, but I tend to be indecisive when it comes to making up my own mind.Although I take quite a while to make decisions, I usually consider all sides to a question, all the pros and cons, and the solution I come up with is very often the correct one. I prefer to take the leadership role when it comes to dealing with others. I enjoy administering and organizing group activities. In other words im your usual complicated Gemini

djseanbeats changed his profile picture: 12 years ago Report
djseanbeats added new images to his gallery Studio Pics 12 years ago Report
djseanbeats added new images to his gallery Tattoo Pics
10 New Pictures added to Tattoo Pics
12 years ago Report
djseanbeats added new images to his gallery Pics of Me 12 years ago Report
djseanbeats added new images to his gallery Cool pics
9 New Pictures added to Cool pics
12 years ago Report
djseanbeats changed his profile picture: 12 years ago Report