elizabethaydelott8 Offline

27 Female from Grand Haven       157
elizabethaydelott8: if you could read my mind you could not look at me the same. if you could read my mind you would be in tears. If you could read my mind you would not even be standing here if you could read my mind you would be avoiding me more in the halls. If you could read my mind i would not still be your number one. everyone wants a super power but please do not get the one that kills me do not see threw my lies when i say i am fine those three words the biggest lies those three words the smallest thing to u but the biggest to me
6 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (3)
stevereacher: Your always number one
6 years ago ReplyReport
steven3015: you are and always be a special person
6 years ago ReplyReport
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