emilyjuliet Offline

32 Single Female from Berceni       9
HeyMy name is Mary and I am a very fun person.I like to party a lot and hang out with my friends

emilyjuliet changed her profile picture: 12 years ago Report
emilyjuliet added a new image to her gallery My Images 12 years ago Report
anggie m
anggie m: Pending approval
______________? You don't always show it
______________?? but I know that you care
____________???? If I'd ever need you
___________?????? I know you'd be there
__________???????? You my friend
________???????????? I'm glad you're my friend
???????????????????????????? Your smile makes me smile
__????????????????????????? Your pain makes me hurt
____????????????????????? I want you to know
______????????????????? If you need me.I'm there
_______??????????????? to make you happy
_______??????????????? to make you laugh
______????????????????? You My friend
_____?????????_????????? Sometimes you make me mad
____???????_______??????? but I can't stay mad
___??????___________?????? Sometimes I want to get
__???___________________??? away from you
_??_______________________?? And sometimes there's
?___________________________? nothing I want more than
_____________________________Stay happy
______________________________?Stay healthy
You My friend
Just wanted to tell you
I care for u
14 years ago Report Link