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Shot in the head by masked assassins of the Pakistani Taliban on the 9th of October 2012 because of her brave opposition to oppression and her support of Socialism and the empowerment of Women, Comrade Malala Yousafzai does not stand alone in her historic struggle.

These cowardly child-murdering terrorists are the very same Taliban the Western media referred to as 'freedom fighters' when U.S. Imperialism trained, armed and financed them to engage the former Soviet Union. They were terrorists then and they are terrorists now, waging a war against Pakistani civilians who resist their domination. Mercilessly slaughtering any expression of dissent.

But the villagers of Pakistan's tribal regions are rejecting religious fanaticism, conscious that it creates only division and oppression. Instead the ideas of Marxism are thriving; particularly amongst young people. The 2012 National Youth Marxist School held in Swat has attracted interest from people of every age and from every region of Pakistan, both urban and rural. The bravest activists and most forward thinking students are stepping up, like Masala, to lead the struggle for Socialism in Pakistan; against both Taliban repressive barbarism and corrupt state brutality.

Only Marxism offers a new order, and liberation from these manifestations of primitive Capitalism. Only Marxism can deliver the enfranchisement of labour with production thus ending corruption. Only Marxism will deliver international unity and peace in a World which is ablaze in Capitalism's many wars.

Comrade Adam Pal's concluding remarks to the July 2012 National Youth Marxist School held in Swat:
10 years ago Report