hockey363957 Offline

66 Single Male from Reading       172
hockey363957: In chat this morning was talking to someome who lives in my state. As we where talking about things i broght up the fact that i lived near the airport . You know noise fumes issues. Well 47 years come July 1st 1973 marks a sad day in my life seeing a plane crash into the airport runway killing all but one who later died in December of that year. I was fishing off castle island in south Boston at the time, when the plane was coming in for a landing in some low lying fog. I was 16 yrs old at the time.we didnt think much of it at the time as building on the island obscured our view, then we saw smoke rising and sirens erc all over the place coast guard ships helicopters the works. Still not knowing what happened till we got to the subway station to go home.we thought the boom was a sonic boom which we where used to. Was a sad day. 1981 another plane skidded off the runway nose first killing 2 passengers whos bodies where never found that was in January 1981a month after my oldest daughter was born. Sad day.
3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (5)
olee9491: Things like that really impact you and you can never unsee
3 years ago ReplyReport
hockey363957: Yes they do at that even if your a bunch of young squirts the date was actually July 31 but thats neither here nor there.
3 years ago ReplyReport
olee9491 in reply to hockey363957: I was 11 years old and it was Canada's birthday 100 years we went to see a fireworks display and the man with the punk stick got too close to the pile of fireworks. The whole thing went up and my mother and father and myself got severely burned. To this day I still have PTSD
3 years ago ReplyReport
hockey363957: Sorry to hear that my friend thats an awful thing to have to go thru. I worked with many Vietnam vets who had the same problem. And you never know what or when it can come on. I dated a Lebanese girl in the early 2000's when her country was at war. Fire works thunder lightning would trigger it, sending her for cover under a picnic table or behind a chair. With the veterans it was much worse, hang in there my friend. 🇨🇦 ⚘
3 years ago ReplyReport
olee9491 3 years ago ReplyReport