Imagitale Offline

21 Female from Pahoa       39


Im able to control others, create, and alot of stuff! I have whole array of weapons! I'm kind of a outlaw just because the world is old timey, ya know, the whole, "technology is an outrage! We must not bend our ways to their insolence!". Oh, forget to tell ya, there are other Techs too! I'm just the best of the best!
- "Techigi"(Imagi)
This girl is an insolence and a threat to our ways. This....."Tech" thinks that WE are the wrong ones! This girl, along with her lackies, should be executed!
-Main Order
This outlaw is known as, "Techigi" by her associates. She has two forms, one that is normal.... And the other, her battle form. Keep an eye out for her and make sure she is brought to use.
- Police
Paeri: I wanna hug it 0°0
7 years ago Report