Jakk has Mojo Offline

52 Single Male from Virginia Beach       2250
SpookyVibes: *pelvic thrusts*
2 years ago Report
kitten4390: Chubby can be good Jakk
2 years ago Report
riot__: They've had far mannequins in women's stores for a while, men should have some too
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to riot__: Fat
2 years ago Report
Tainted Love__
Tainted Love__: Dad bod is where it's AT.
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
Kelli_s: Who says you are Chubby? lol
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: I didn't think Orcs used the word "Chubby" ? Thought it was more stocky !! Pic made me smile Orc Boy 🌹
2 years ago Report
NHLFAN: That color shirt would look good on you Jak. 🔥
2 years ago Report
CanadianBrat: Are these anatomically correct? If so, do they deliver to Canada? Asking for a friend
2 years ago Report
pinktwnkltoes: I read an article about this and the outrage some stores are getting for it as it's not promoting "health". Being an overweight person myself, it's kind of nice to see a bigger mannequin. But the sociology of it all is interesting...
2 years ago Report
santianno69: WHOOP 🤪
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to pinktwnkltoes: It's because being fat is the most unacceptable thing in the world and fatphobia is always justified by health concerns. We fat people are to be shamed and hidden into skinniness, and how dare we get a better idea of what garments might look like upon our over extended paunches, our too-thick thunder thighs, our busts that are too huge for any brassiere resembling beauty. Shame on us for existing! Shame on the marketing departments of clothing lines for seeing the money that could be made by more accurately presenting their goods to us!
2 years ago Report
rain: far out
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Cupids Ero. Are you for real with "Fatphobia" !?!
I am a HCP of over 20 years experience in A&E , our UK version of your ER in the US . Every single shift of my working life I deal with the effects of Clinical Obesity and Morbid Obesity in an Emergency Healthcare environment.. I can assure you I have no Phobia of Obesity . But what I do see are people's life's blighted by obesity and the corresponding health issues . I also see families bereaved through obesity by family members dying prematurely.
I also work in a National Healthcare system that is cash strapped that has to now spend significant funds on Medical equipment to cope with Obese patients: Hoists, Enlarged Gurneys, Larger Beds, New larger MRI scanners etc. Not to mention the increased danger to HCP professionals own health in trying to treat Obese patients. I have 2 colleagues currently off work ATM with spinal injuries from that very cause.
I do not fat shame or have any Phobia to fat. Any concern I have over Obesity is not in any way shape or form down to visual reasons . It's solely down to medical reasons .
Ultimately it's your body Hun and your choice but don't try to excuse or disguise those choices by using language like "Fatphobia" and deflecting onto others.
2 years ago Report
riot__: Whoa now. I was simply commenting in response to pink's comment about the article where some people are angry about seeing fat mannequins. Regardless of the strains that obesity puts on health care systems, fat people should be just as allowed as average sized people to see their clothing properly modeled on mannequins more realistic to their body type. Obesity being unhealthy and obese people being more humanized by being treated the same way as everyone else when it comes to shopping for clothing are two entirely different things.

Also, as a health care professional I would expect better of you than to call being obese a choice. For many, yes, it is a choice. But as I am sure you must be aware there are several conditions which make it basically impossible to lose all the weight and to keep it off. I'll thank you not to make assumptions about my health and my choices.
2 years ago Report
Lo0p: Oh jackk look what you done again chaos
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Lo0p: Some people can't translate "tongue in cheek"
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: As a highly experienced HCP , I am also aware that conditions that actively cause Obesity are very few , very far between and very rare . I will make reasoned assumptions about you after reading your long post and it's tone . Your choice of the emotive word "Fatphobia" is indicative of the tone.
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: BS @ Tongue in cheek.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: First of all - my initial post was dripping in sarcasm. I'm sorry you didn't read it that way.

Second of all, unless you have my chart or I asked you? My health is none of your business, and you are out of your scope with your assumptions.
2 years ago Report
davidasquires: Fml the drama.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to davidasquires: Sorry, I get a little pissy when people think they know me or my story when they haven't spoken to me at all outside this thread. 🙃
2 years ago Report
CuddlingGirl: Some people are big boned and was made to be a big person so when u say or judge people cause of there weight or looks is wrong in anyway u put it i would druther be a size i am then to be skin and bones thank u and everyone is different cause god made us that way and he didnt put anyone on this earth to judge others
2 years ago Report
Kiana aka kiki
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to CuddlingGirl: I feel like calling skinny or slender people skin and bones is no better than people fat shaming people. We all deserve to be treated as humanely as possible no matter what our size is, and that includes seeing clothes in our size on mannequins who look like we do. No matter what the state of our health is.
2 years ago Report
Rice Rice Baby
Rice Rice Baby: Dadbod for the win
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Oh there was some sarcasm in there for sure and as a Brit I am very well acquainted with sarcasm as Jakk knows well.
You are right , your health is none of my business , as I said , it's your body, your choices. Good Luck
2 years ago Report
JanetQ: Tempted to draw and write Buddha on the belly
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Kiana , how is Jen and Juice Hun ??
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: I never brought up MY body, only my body type. You are the one over stepping and trying to get all personal about whatever my choices may or may not be. Which just proves my point that many people, especially health care workers, shit on fat people for being fat when all we are trying to do is buy some clothes.

Next time a fat person wants to talk about a fat topic, maybe keep your mouth shut and don't offer your "medical expertise" about their body unless they ask you for it. Literally nobody asked you.
2 years ago Report
JanetQ: I work in health care and don't do that
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to JanetQ: And bless you for it.
2 years ago Report
Luviissa in reply to riot__: We Healthcare Professionals don't "shit on fat people" . The exact opposite in fact. We actually try and do the opposite in fact via intervention and education or the vast majority do. I also don't stand there with my team for 35 mins trying to resus a patient from full Cardiac Arrest caused by their morbid obesity because we "shit on fat people".
As regards "literally nobody asked you" , if you don't want a response from people, don't write such bullshit as "Fatphobia" . Your comment " many people , especially health care workers shit on fat people" says all I need to know Hun.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: Keep assuming. Keep inserting opinions that have literally nothing to do with the original topic. Dumb cunt.
2 years ago Report
Lo0p: Geesus chill ppl
2 years ago Report
Luviissa in reply to riot__: "Dumb Cunt" . Well this "dumb Cunt" merely quoted your own words back at you. I won't go down to your level sweetie and swear at you.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: Hey, if I see a dumb cunt, I call it like I see it. Or maybe I'm just making assumptions.
2 years ago Report
Luviissa in reply to riot__: Oh the old "call it like I see it " defense . I have found in life that those who profess that attitude are the ones that get most bent out of shape if people dare to do it back .
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: Actually I'm just finished actually trying to communicate with you (see: your dumb cuntyness) and will keep up this mudslinging til I either find something else to do or you shut the fuck up, it's really simple.
2 years ago Report
Lo0p: Some do most don’t
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Curious dichotomy there Cupids Hun . On the one hand your are exhibiting a very sweary and frankly quite ignorant persona ie "dumb Cunt" , "dumb cuntyness" , "you shut the fuck up" , and on the other hand this began because you were whining about "Fatphobia" . The irony is somewhat overwhelming.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: I am completely aware of it, and please stop with the pet names, we aren't friends, and it just makes you look like a bigger idiot. If you wanna troll each other a while I'm down for it because you aren't actually going to illicit an honest, well thought out response from me because you've shown me you aren't worth that energy. I will, however, cat and mouse troll you til I get bored. The choice is yours.
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 3 months ago)
Luviissa: Sweetie, you are not aware of it one iota . You don't grasp the irony of you whining about people being phobic over an issue and you being foul mouthed. 💋
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Soon a Full Moon Para 😁
2 years ago Report
riot__: At a certain point I stopped getting you to understand me and engaged my troll mode, there is absolutely no rhyme or reason from me to you from this point forward. You can keep trying to figure it out, that's part of the fun for me.
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Pmsl @ "troll mode" .
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Luviissa: Yup! You activate it when you cease to make me give a shit about anything you feel is important to say! It's a great prize!
2 years ago Report
wickedevilsmile: You both have points. Arguing isn't going to get either of you to agree. How about talking it out in pm.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to wickedevilsmile: Nah.
2 years ago Report
tstarr8481: He's modeling one of those shirts.....
2 years ago Report
(Post deleted by Amylynn20nc 2 years ago)
Lovee_: So basically I should start my Keto diet this week
2 years ago Report
Coloradogirly: I e been a CNA for years and I treat all people equally .i love being a health care worker and love my job. I see people of all sizes as the same . I just see their heart and it doesn’t matter what they look like, their size or what they wear. But calling one another a cu$$ is just wrong . Anyway have a good day all
2 years ago Report
Coloradogirly: I’ve
2 years ago Report
Inej: I'm curious what your exact title is, as a HCP. As a healthcare worker myself, with a specialty in mental health, obesity is a symptom of many, many medical conditions. Fatphobic is also a real and accepted condition, with racial origins. The fact that you came on a wire post spewing nonsense pseudoscience while implying an educated, professional opinion is scary. Stay in your professional scope.
2 years ago Report
Alluring Eagle
2 years ago Report
mermaid: Jakk why are you friends with so many very easily triggered karens 🤭
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Sorry Inej , I had hidden this thread and a friend told me of your reply .
In answer to you , I am a Senior Nurse Practitioner in A&E , our UK version of your ER in the US. As such I have a BSc in General Nursing and an MSc in Emergency Medicine.and 21 years experience as a nurse. I am also Senior Shift Nurse within my dept so on my shift today for example, I am Head Nurse of a rostered team of 31 Nurses though that will be reduced due to Covid related absences..
I won't react to your "spewing nonsense pseudoscience" nor your "stay in your professional scope" comments.
Maybe you could think about the fact we are employed within completely different Healthcare Frameworks. You are in the US I think , whereas I work within the NHS which provides Universal Free Healthcare.
Stay safe
2 years ago Report
Troublinn: Wow, who knew a dad bod could cause so much drama! Fightin instead of pfffft
2 years ago Report
EmmEffinPrincess: Why are we even worried about the opinions of a so-called health worker that cannot properly communicate in English? If she can't pluralize life into lives, and types life's, and doesn't know how to properly punctuate nor proper capitalization...yet claims to be this educated person...just laugh in her fucking face. Simple as that. There is absolutely no way she is more than a trained ass-wiper. No actual nurse, doctor, or other person with 4 years college, plus medical school, would be this grammatically ignorant. Her opinions on fat phobia are as trash as her grasp on the rules of English.
2 years ago Report
wickedevilsmile: No Healthcare is free. Its all paid for in one way or another. The taxes paid in the UK pay for it and thise are paid by the people that use the FREE care.
2 years ago Report
ChiefTain619: Will yall stfu up and give me a donut ffs….oh and a hot chocolate pretty pls☺️
2 years ago Report
Troublinn: I just wanna rub………..

The dad bod tummy!
2 years ago Report
TheJackPot_ in reply to Troublinn: I’ll be there shortly.
2 years ago Report
Troublinn: Oh, Mr. Nipple, its not your tummy i wanna rub
2 years ago Report
2 years ago Report
PureDarkness: Usually I don’t comment but I want to make it known that a “trained ass wiper” is the back bone of the medical field. You may think all we are good for is wiping ass but let’s make it known we are the first ones to notice a change in the resident, we are the first one there holding a hand as they take the journey to death, we are the ones that sit with them and talk to them and listen to stories and fears. Us ass wipers become family to many that have no family. One day you will see that ass wipers so a hell of a lot more then wipe ass.
2 years ago Report
Marianetta: Ero, you’re fat - insulting a medical professional who has decades of experience and medical fact backing up her statements does not take the pounds or the societal stigma or the medical worry off of you. Imagine that. I’m ugly so I’m going to insult and bash Vogue cover models. Just stupid. Grow up and stop making excuses for yourself and attacking strangers on the internet - especially when that stranger has been battling and fighting on the frontlines long before the pandemic started - and stood with it despite the past few years when people took joy in blaming and hating nurses because they’re the ones they interact with and they can’t wave a magical wand to take the “morbid” off your obesity. If you well and truly want to normalize your body type then get an acceptable body. Yeah, I said it. Stop making unhealthy bs the norm and socially acceptable, you can join a gym, eat healthy, get a therapist, and get all your medical needs in check. The only thing holding you back from being healthy and, from the appearance of your childish replies, on the other side of the argument is that you are too lazy and ignorant to make a change. Don’t like it? Prove me wrong and try to fit into a single airplane seat by the end of this year.
Emm, you can learn a thing or two. Or three or four. Maybe just go back to school, eh? If you think a senior nurse in an ER room is the one that’s wiping your ass, then you just haven’t a clue how the medical system works. You want to hate and bash, but your critical thinking skills look worse than any writing errors. And lose some weight while you’re at it.
2 years ago Report
Cali_Cazz in reply to PureDarkness: 👍
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Giggling here at "so-called health worker" .
2 years ago Report
Homeslice: I’m still fatter than this mannequin so I’m offended.
2 years ago Report
EmmEffinPrincess: Mari, I won't be taking your medical advice, considering you not only don't know me nor my medical status but you also literally don't know my weight, size, nor physical condition. It's really cute to just tell someone to lose weight. Lemme tell you a bit about that. Nov 11 I had to have endoscopy and colonoscopy because I've dropped 40 pounds without effort. I'm severely malnourished as we sit here and type. I vomit off and on from Thursday until Tuesday due to vitamin overdoses to try to correct severe deficiencies caused by autoimmune disease. Make sure you know what the fuck you're talking about before you open that big fat cock trap you call a mouth. My use of the phrase trained ass-wiper was in no way a stab at CNAs, nor medical assistants, considering before autoimmune immune I was a hospice worker for a decade, followed by doing medical assisting for a reproductive endocrinologist for 5. I've not only wiped asses, I've ushered out more Parkinson's patients than anyone before or since at the service I worked at, pulling 12 hour days 7 days a week from the time my patients were assigned until their departure. It was a statement on how someone claiming to have all those degrees would be capable of speaking coherent and proper English, complete with proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar. If any of you wanna take it personally, well....you don't have to attend every argument you feel invited to. It's not about you.
2 years ago Report
Cali_Cazz: I love how mannequins started all this
2 years ago Report
Marianetta in reply to EmmEffinPrincess: I stopped reading at "you dont know my weight" nah but I know if you making this big a deal about this you're fat and can take some advice
2 years ago Report
EmmEffinPrincess in reply to Marianetta: Your mom
2 years ago Report
Basic Bish
Basic Bish: 😩
2 years ago Report
Inej: Thats all well and good, and what I said still stands. Telling someone that medical conditions resulting in obesity are rare shows that you actually are not trained in diagnosing, but in treating physical health provided a guideline by a doctor. There are quite a few medical disorders/conditions that result in weight struggles, and people suffering mental health conditions are actually three times as likely to struggle with obesity. Obesity is not a lack of will power, as all current science will say, and shouldnt be treated as such. Spreading this information while implying you are trained in it, is wrong and harmful to healthcare and progress being made for a complete approach to human health. Stay safe.
2 years ago Report
Smashing_Gal81: Jakk, your posts always generate popcorn-worthy rants 🍿😍
2 years ago Report
riot__: Oh look, someone else totally missed my original point. cOoL sToRy BrO
2 years ago Report
P0LyN3ZiAN WuMoN: 👁👁 🍿🍿🍿
2 years ago Report
Marianetta: I don't work in healthcare, but I work in mental health, so I'm on the other side of the dice on that. Yes, people's weight can be affected by natures outside of their own control. My brother has hyperthyroidism and struggled with his weight for 10 years because he was turning into skin and bone. My best friend has hypothyroidism and I watch this woman hit the gym daily for hours on end and I'm the one she leans on when she's upset. But she's upset because she knows her physical efforts aren't reflected in her physical appearance - which would preferably be skinny because she understands this is the societal and medical expectation for health. Both of these people had legitimate medical excuses, but they all understood their conditions and made efforts to remedy their weight and size. If they'd not done a thing then my brother would very likely be dead and my best friend would have to hitch a ride with a tow truck to see me. I'll give a pass for undiagnosed illnesses, but at a certain point it's laziness when you refuse to go to the doctor and seek medical attention. Or follow the doctor's advice or seek counseling.
2 years ago Report
riot__ in reply to Marianetta: I never detailed anything about my health or what I've done or haven't done about it - simply that I am fat, and it's nice to see mannequins existing to show what plus size clothing looks like on a bigger body. It's very telling that with only this information people have decided to tell me my own worth along with the actions they feel I have or haven't done. Tell me again how fatphobia doesn't exist, though. And no, I am not detailing my experiences with being fat or what I may or may have not done to combat it. I will not be detailing my medical specifics. Because it's nobody's goddamn business.

It's also extremely telling that all this hullabaloo resulted from remarking how easily people will hurry to shit all over people who are fat - only to see those of us admitting to our fatness getting assumptions made about, belittled and attempts made to make us feel less than. Really, really interesting social experiment this has been.
2 years ago Report
Rice Rice Baby
Rice Rice Baby: For someone that have so little in education and work in kitchen, I support the dadbod
2 years ago Report
Homeslice: “This is WIRE! Bum ba-dum bum bum bum"
2 years ago Report
Luviissa: Cupid, the interesting aspect has been seeing how those who are seemingly thin skinned and extremely sensitive on certain issues that are obviously personal to them, are those who resort to swearing , foul language and personal denigration when others' opinions are not congruent with their own.
To try to importune sensitivity in others on an issue whilst simultaneously swearing at others is not only deeply ironic , but downright hypocritical.
All I know as a HCP of over 20 years experience in the NHS here in the UK, is that before the onset of Covid, the single biggest challenge facing the provision of Healthcare within the framework of our NHS here is the obesity crisis we have now in the UK. As I said in my original post, it is a reality I see on every shift I work within the extremely large city hospital I work in here in Yorkshire.
Be safe all.
2 years ago Report
Jukesy Momma
Jukesy Momma: I can't believe I read all this....
2 years ago Report
Luviissa in reply to Jukesy Momma: It's getting to War and Peace length 😁
2 years ago Report
ChiefTain619: I thought men have ego 🤣🤣 look at all these women. Over a plus sized mannequin? Y’all are fcking dumb🤣
2 years ago Report
riot__: I start swearing and insulting when people clearly stop trying to understand my original point and act high and mighty based off of limited information, you lost all my respect at that point and I stopped even pretending to give a shit about what you had to say because your opinion of me and my health was baseless - if you're going to shit on me I might as well give you something worthy of shitting on, because what you were trying to do had zero merit. But I'm super glad you think you're better than me because I got irritated and started to troll you, shows that awesome super compassionate nurse heart of yours.
2 years ago Report
Basic Bish
Basic Bish: Yeah, this thread is definitely going to reach 500 posts and Wire will make Jakk delete it like in the past. 🤣
2 years ago Report
Alluring Eagle
Alluring Eagle: Stupidest argument ever! To each their own... It's a joke... Laugh or don't and move on... 🤦‍♀️
2 years ago Report
wickedevilsmile in reply to Alluring Eagle: There are way to many people here that can't deal with jokes.
2 years ago Report
kimber_pool: Jakk... I'm not sure how your friends always manage to cause a war over a funny post. I thought it was cute and dad bods are sexy.
*picks up the mic people keep tossing around* As the president of a dog rescue and years of experience with dog cuddles(pats my own back)...I'm telling you to have a good day and hug your dog for me.
2 years ago Report
EmmEffinPrincess in reply to kimber_pool: So I ran and hunted down both of my dogs. The 11 year old weenie licked my eyeball, so that's for you. My 9 year old Jack russ/shih tzu borked extra loud right in my ear so I guess that was for me. Did you want me to do the cats next? Shit I'm really glad you mentioned dog rescue at all, you jogged my brain. Today is flea pill day. Guess the eyeball licker and ear borker get a treat now
2 years ago Report
JanetQ: Imagine arguing in someone's 11 day old thread over a mannequin that was meant to be fun
2 years ago Report
D C A in reply to JanetQ: Exactly
2 years ago Report
kimber_pool in reply to EmmEffinPrincess: You're welcome for the eye lick Thanks for making me laugh! You're awesome.
2 years ago Report
Smashing_Gal81: Whoa, is this still going?! *grabs more popcorn* 🍿👀
2 years ago Report
sarah_spirit in reply to kimber_pool: Hugging Odin now .. tbh I hug him a lot have a fabulous day beautiful Kimber xx
2 years ago Report
kimber_pool in reply to sarah_spirit: Thank you Hope you have a great day too! xxx
2 years ago Report
Troublinn: #103......500 or bust.....please make your donation to the dad bod mannequin thread today! We need your help! Every day innocent dad bod mannequins are abused, neglected and subjected to encyclopedic threads! There's a dad bod mmannequin that needs you! Won't you please help?
2 years ago Report
Smashing_Gal81: *sniffles and hands over $5* 😭😭
2 years ago Report
flamingred: LOL this has to be the most entertaining, educational and interesting mud slinging forum subject i have ever read, and I have been here for three years, thank you very much for the colorful and educational half hour of communication ,
2 years ago Report
flamingred: Yeah sugar cookie and Ulvvine
2 years ago Report
Smashing_Gal81 in reply to flamingred: Yeah, it got next-level at times 👀
2 years ago Report