Jesss011195 Offline

28 Single Female    1009
RIP, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

So many years of devoted service to the Queen and Great Britain.

Very sad day.
3 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (4)
Sir Loin
Sir Loin: Sad for the queen but Prince Philip was not a nice man. He was arrogant, irritable and very racist. Nobody in NZ will miss him much.
3 years ago ReplyReport
Jesss011195 in reply to Sir Loin: I hope you will not be offended as I respectfully disagree

He did a lot of great stuff such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award that helped loads of youngsters like me
3 years ago ReplyReport
Sir Loin
Sir Loin in reply to Jesss011195: I'd say the DE Awards were started by one of his brighter staff members. Philip wouldn't have cared a bit about youngsters if they were commoners
3 years ago ReplyReport
Jesss011195 in reply to Sir Loin: watching the youngsters on the BBC pay tribute to The Duke of Edinburgh and his work with the award scheme and that it helped over 7 million youngsters is very strong evidence. Many youngsters are saying how it helped them, when they got the award, how the Duke put them at ease and spent a lot of time with them. So I take that actual evidence over your thoughts and perception. I would just suggest that you may be do some homework and re-appraise your position.
3 years ago ReplyReport