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OlDoggers Fractured Fairy Tales

In a place a few area codes away, there lived an misanthropic Old Dog who had come to a monastic realization,

“People ARE Overrated!”

From his more gregarious pup-youth of innocent naivete for a humanistic expectation of personal friendship, if not collegial partnership, to this present existence of a Jeremiahic version of the cynic, Diogenes of Sinope.

Where he asked, as was Michael Corleone depicted at the end of Godfather-II,,
‘Where did it ALL go so wrong, so badly?’; with my hopes, with the people and the times??

‘‘The Dream for “The Record” foretold it all

That de facto and incidental disaffection and estrangement of nearly 40 years ago seem synchronistically prescient as the guiding ‘rods and staff’ which led me through these valleys of ethical, if not spiritual death; through the topography of the status and authority of those on high, but very much so with those in the pedestrian crab baskets at the daily ground-zero of mundanity.

Was my present status something other than a random anecdotal result of ultimately favorable choices, OR was I like the sword, ‘Excalibur’, forged through the fires of production from the raw gregariousness of impish-joy for "the joys" of my dangerously smug contentment of being a Jerimaihic Diogenes.

Is this forging a parable and allegory of warning-challenge-’cautionary tale’ for me who’s lived to tell this or for those who’ve been conditioned to the consciousness of the phenomenology of convenience-’What is good is that which doesn’t bother my contentment.’
