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73 Male from Hampton       47

[Jan 6th] Nancy: Mitch, Where do we go from 'HERE'?

[Jan 6th] Nancy: Mitch, Where do we go from 'HERE'? Mitch: We gotta get that son-of-a-bitch? Nancy: Is there time to impeach him? Mitch: Impeach, yes. Convict, No. You know my caucus. I want that sonsofabitch in jail as much as you want him out of the Presidency. Nancy: We can't let this go, and let him think he got away with this! Mitch: What do you propose? Nancy: I get the House to impeach him for what he did today, then I bring it to you and the Senate. Mitch: Knowing there's not enough time to gather evidence for the impeachment, do you expect me to navigate it to a conviction.? Nancy: No. You portray YOU. Mitch: Ohhhh. Be the bad guy, ehh? Nancy: You can send out what signals you need for yourself. We just need a pro forma exhibition to make a civil and moral point, for the Nation's sake, as well as democracy's and our own political standing. Mitch: So I take the impeachment and steer it to whatever end, expected or not, to put down the rhetorical marker of opposition to what's happened today. Nancy: FOR ALL TIME. Not just today. We're going to get out of here and finish this certification, even if it goes into tomorrow. Mitch: Gotcha! We may not get him in the short run, but we'll dig up enough dirt for whoever Biden has as the Attorney General for him to have the legal and moral imperative to finish the pursuit started in the House. Nancy: Let's get out of her and do what we do: 'Play our roles' for this tee-up for Biden's Justice Department.